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Han Lu is a leader of the Church of Almighty God in mainland China. She is brave and tough, loves the truth, has wisdom, and has true faith in God. In order to completely ban all the house churches, the CCP government issued secret documents one after another, dispatching heavy police forces to frenziedly arrest and persecute Christians of the Church of Almighty God. In one of the arrests, the CCP police arrested Han Lu and many other Christians. In order to obtain the money of the church, arrest more church leaders, and destroy the Church of Almighty God, the CCP police brutally tortured Han Lu, brainwashed and re-educated her. They also used various base means, such as coercion and bribery and influencing Han Lu by her family affection, attempting to disrupt her psychological line of defense…. In pain and weakness, Han Lu relied on God and prayed to God. Under the guidance of God's word, she saw through every scheme of Satan, overcame repeated exertion of confession by torture, and forcefully refuted all sorts of rumors and fallacies from the CCP. She bore beautiful and resounding testimonies for God in the suffering environment caused by the CCP's persecution….
Recommendation: Eastern Lightning

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