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Showing posts with label The Church of Almighty God. Show all posts
Showing posts with label The Church of Almighty God. Show all posts


Gospel Movie Clip "Song of Victory" (3) - How Do the Overcomers Come Into Being?


Do you know the background behind the creation of the 144,000 overcomers prophesied by the Book of Revelation? Do you understand the significance of God allowing the Chinese Communist Party to carry out its frantic oppression, suppression, and persecution of God's chosen people? Almighty God says, "Those who God refers to as overcomers are those who are still able to stand witness, maintain their confidence, and their devotion to God when under the influence of Satan and under siege by Satan, that is, when within the forces of darkness. If you are still able to maintain a heart of purity and your genuine love for God no matter what, you stand witness in front of God, and this is what God refers to as being an overcomer" (The Word Appears in the Flesh). It is through the frantic oppression and cruel persecution of the Chinese Communist Party that God makes complete and perfects these overcomers with His word. They are also the group of people who suffer with Christ in His kingdom.


The judgment work of Almighty God in the last days has reverberated throughout every sect and group. Following the spreading of the kingdom gospel, Almighty God's words are accepted and spread by more and more people, true believers in God who thirst for Him to appear have been returning one by one before God's throne. In the meantime, the Chinese government and religious pastors and elders have ceaselessly repressed and persecuted the Church of Almighty God from start to finish. The heroine of this movie, Zheng Xinjie, is a member of the Church of Almighty God who spreads the gospel. She has faced the deranged oppression and attacks from the Chinese Communist government and religious leaders. Together with her brothers and sisters, relying on God, how will she triumph over these dark, satanic forces to sing a song of victory? …


The One Who Holds Sovereignty Over Everything Screenings Inspire Audience to Ponder Life’s Mysteries

In May 2018, The Church of Almighty God released a large-scale choral documentary, The One Who Holds Sovereignty Over Everything, a classic work of testimony to the Creator’s almightiness and sovereignty. It incorporates grand and powerful special effects and lovely, moving choral music, laying out before viewers’ eyes the facts of God’s grasp over the entire universe and world, His rule over mankind’s fates, and how He has propelled human history.




When the Lord Jesus came to do His work, He preached the gospel of the heavenly kingdom everywhere on a grand scale, and it reverberated throughout the entire religious world and the Jewish nation. On the day that the Lord Jesus returns to do His work, it has shaken people from every sect and group, and caused a sensation across the entire world. Have you noticed the signs of the Lord's second coming? Have you welcomed His return?


 Gospel Movie Clip "Song of Victory" (5) - Why Does the Lord Come Back to Do the Judgment Work in the Last Days


Those who believe in the Lord have already had their sins forgiven and attained salvation, so why doesn't the Lord come to take the believers directly to the heavenly kingdom? Why does He still need to judge and purify them? Is God's judgment of mankind during the last days the purification and salvation, or condemnation and destruction of mankind? This clip will reveal the mysteries to you.


Gospel Movie "Song of Victory" (7) - God's Judgment in the Last Days Makes the Over comers


The brothers and sisters of the Church of Almighty God endure the severe obstruction and persecution from the Chinese Communist Party and the religious world. Why do they continue to refuse to surrender, continuing to preach the gospel and testify for God? How does Almighty God lead them to undergo God's judgment and tribulations to attain purification and become over comers? Watch this video!


The Word of God | "The Savior Has Already Returned Upon a 'White Cloud'"

Almighty God says, "Since Jesus departed, the disciples who followed Him, and all of the saints who were saved thanks to His name, have been desperately pining for Him and awaiting Him. All those who were saved by the grace of Jesus Christ during the Age of Grace have been longing for that joyful day during the last days, when Jesus the Savior arrives on a white cloud and appears among man.…Yet Jesus the Savior did not do this; He did the opposite of what man conceived. He did not arrive among those who had yearned for His return, and did not appear to all men while riding upon the white cloud. He has already arrived, but man does not know Him, and remains ignorant of His arrival. Man is only aimlessly awaiting Him, unaware that He has already descended upon a white cloud (the cloud which is His Spirit, His words, and His entire disposition and all that He is), and is now among a group of overcomers that He will make during the last days."


Singing and Dancing Videos from the Church of Almighty God: festively singing and dancing to praise the incarnated Lord Jesus in the end time - Almighty God.


The Word of God | “The Two Incarnations Complete the Significance of the Incarnation” 

Almighty God says, “From the creation of the world down to the present, the Spirit of God has set this great work in motion, and has moreover done different work in different ages and in different nations. The people of each age see a different disposition of His, which is naturally revealed through the different work that He does. He is God, filled with mercy and lovingkindness; He is the sin offering for man and man’s shepherd; but He is also man’s judgment, chastisement, and curse. He could lead man to live on earth for two thousand years, and He could also redeem the corrupted mankind from sin. Today, He is also able to conquer mankind, who do not know Him, and prostrate them under His dominion, so that all submit to Him fully. In the end, He will burn away all that is unclean and unrighteous within men throughout the universe, to show them that He is not only a merciful and loving God, not only a God of wisdom and wonders, not only a holy God, but, even more, a God who judges man.
Singing and Dancing Videos from the Church of Almighty God: festively singing and dancing to praise the incarnated Lord Jesus in the end time - Almighty God.


The Church of Almighty God, Eastern Lightning, God's Word

The Awakening of a Deceived Spirit

By Yuan zhi, Brazil 

I was born in a small city in Northern China. In 2010, I followed my relatives to Brazil. In Brazil, I got acquainted with a Christian friend. He brought me to church to listen to sermons. But though I went three times, I never absorbed it. Afterward, because my job was keeping me busy, I didn’t go to church again until one day in June, 2015, when my friend brought me to church once more. This time, through what brothers and sisters shared, I had some understanding that the Lord Jesus is the Redeemer. Especially, when I first read Genesis, I understood that man was actually created by God and that God had created all things, and I felt that the Creator is truly wondrous. In school, the textbooks had taught me that man evolved from apes and monkeys and all the things in the world were formed naturally. Suddenly, I felt that, for more than twenty years, I had been deceived. Only after reading the Bible did I completely awaken. From that point on, I believed in the Lord Jesus.


Pictures of the Church of Almighty God , Reading God's Words.

Listen! Who Is This Who Speaks?

Feb 25, 2018

Zhou Li, China

As a church preacher, the greatest affliction is no more than spiritual dryness and having nothing to preach. I felt helpless seeing fewer and fewer brothers and sisters coming to meetings and I came before the Lord many times to pray earnestly and ask the Lord to strengthen brothers and sisters’ faith. But the desolation of the church had not improved at all and even I lived in weakness and negativity …

I was working in the house one day when Brother Wang and Brother Lin suddenly appeared. I happily let them in. After exchanging pleasantries, Brother Wang said, “Sister Zhou, how is your spiritual condition at present?” I sighed and said, “Don’t mention it. I am weak in spirit now and having nothing to speak of in my sermons! Brothers and sisters are all negative and weak too. There is hardly anyone in the church.” Brother Lin asked, “Sister Zhou, do you know why you have nothing to speak about in sermons and there is hardly anyone in the church?” As soon as he had spoken, I thought: This is exactly what I want to know. Could they really know why? I hurriedly asked, “Why?” Brother Wang said, “Because the Lord has already returned. God is incarnated again and has uttered words and done new work. Many brothers and sisters have already accepted God’s work in the Age of Kingdom and live in the Holy Spirit’s current work stream. Their conditions are getting better and better. Those who have not kept pace with God’s new work have lost the Holy Spirit’s work and thus do not have words to preach and are negative and weak. We must make haste to keep up with God’s footsteps!” Hearing this, I suddenly remembered the words of my senior co-worker: “If someone says that God has come to do new work and that He has uttered new words, that is deviating from the Bible and deviating from the Bible is not believing in the Lord; it is apostasy.” Thinking of this, I very seriously said: “Do senior co-workers not often tell us that to deviate from the Bible is to not believe in the Lord? You should all know this that deviating from the Bible is deviating from the Lord’s way. You are too bold daring to pass this on to me.” I angrily stood up as I said this. Brother Lin said, “Sister Zhou, don’t get worked up. We know that you sincerely believe in God and are usually very much in pursuit and that is why we are telling you about God’s new work. We have believed in the Lord for so many years. Have we not always looked forward to the Lord’s return? Now the Lord has returned and done the judgment work of the last days. This is great news. We must seek and investigate diligently and not miss the opportunity to welcome the Lord!” Without waiting for Brother Lin to finish, I put up my hand and stopped him loudly, “Stop, stop, stop! Don’t say it. I will not believe in that which deviates from the Bible. You do not abide by the Lord’s way, but I must.” They saw that I really was not listening and so had no choice but to leave. Later, they came back a few more times, but I never acknowledged them.

Later on, Brother Wang and Brother Lin came to my house with two sisters to preach the gospel to me. That day, I was picking beans inside my house and my husband was outside working and saw them coming and let them into the house. As soon as I saw them, my heart thudded: Why had they come back again and brought two reinforcements with them? The four of them came into the house and said hello to me and then communed with my husband. I felt even more anxious and thought to myself: “What they are preaching deviates from the Bible so I have to watch my husband and not let him hear it!” I wanted to drive them away but I was worried that my husband would not be happy. There was nothing I could do but not make a sound, although I didn’t listen to a word they said. But my husband listened and nodded his head and could not help himself saying: “Yeah! That’s right! Yes! That’s how it is. You speak well!” Seeing my husband so won over, I suddenly felt furious and poked my husband and snapped: “What is right? How much have you read the Bible? How long have you believed in God? Have you prayed to the Lord? You say, ‘Right, right, right,’ but how much do you understand?” With me making such a racket, the room suddenly fell silent and they looked at each other. My husband hastily said to me: “Don’t shout. Listen first. It’s good for us. If you do not listen how can you know whether it’s right or wrong?” Seeing that I couldn’t stop him from listening to them, I angrily pushed the beans back and forth with both hands, deliberately making loud noises, and thought, “Want to listen? I won’t let you hear anything. It’s best if I disturb you!” But my doing so did not stop my husband from listening to their fellowship. On the contrary, he talked and laughed with the four of them and their fellowship was most harmonious. After a while, my husband said to me happily: “Oh, Li! The Lord has really returned. The words of this book are the personal utterances of God! It’s so great! Li, you go and cook.” I gave him a look and did not respond. Later, Brother Lin left some tapes, a book of hymn and a copy of The Word Appears in the Flesh with my husband and then left. I honestly couldn’t help myself from saying to my husband, “How many times have senior co-workers told us that to believe in God we cannot deviate from the Bible and that deviating from the Bible is not believing in God. Have you forgotten? Why do you not have any standards?” My husband said without hesitation: “What they are saying is not deviating from the Bible, but elevating the Bible. Moreover, God’s new work that they are spreading fulfills the word of the Lord and the prophecies of the Book of Revelation. After listening to their fellowship, I understand and am enlightened about many of the things in the Bible that I did not understand before. The gospel of Almighty God that they testify is the true way. Open your eyes and look. There are only a few people left in our church. The church has become desolate. Yet you still do not give up on the words of senior co-workers. Isn’t this too foolish? Make haste in looking into this.” Hearing these words, I angrily said, “What do you know? To deviate from the Bible is to betray the Lord. If you do not abide by the Bible, I will!”

After this, every day as soon as my husband had time, he read the book that Brother Lin had left, The Word Appears in the Flesh. One day, my husband got up before dawn to read that book. In a daze I heard my husband reading: “Could it be that you have forgotten…? Have you really forgotten…?” (“How Peter Came to Know Jesus” in The Word Appears in the Flesh). Hearing him reading out loud, I felt a little angry and thought: so early in the morning and not letting people sleep! After a while, I faintly heard: “Because before Jesus was crucified He had said to him: ‘I am not of this world, and you too are not of this world.’” Strange! Why is the Lord Jesus mentioned in this book? Could I have heard wrong? Then I clearly heard: “Could it be that you have forgotten…? Have you really forgotten…?” When I heard this, I felt a little stirred and could no longer sleep. I said to myself: Who said these words? God! Are You asking me? These words are just like You are talking to me. They are so gentle! I have to quickly get up and make breakfast. After breakfast I will see what is said in that book after all, whether or not it actually deviates from the Bible and whether or not these are the words of God.

After breakfast, my husband went to read the book again. I thought to myself: Why did he not ask me to read it with him? I stood at the door for a long time, but my husband kept his head buried in the book and did not notice me. So I walked around in the kitchen. I felt very worried. I really wanted to read what was written in the book. So I poked my head in the room and saw that my husband still had his head buried in the book. I wanted to go and read it too, but when I thought of the many times the brothers and sisters had come to preach to me and how I had always refused, I wondered what my husband would rebuke me if I took the initiative to go and read it. If he rebuked me, how could I show my face? Thinking of this, I retreated. As I paced back and forth in the living room, I remembered the words my husband had read out loud in the morning and felt even more anxious. I thought: This won’t do. I have to go in and see what that book is all about. But I backed away again when I got to the door. Like a cat on hot bricks, I didn’t know what to do. Finally I made my mind up: Oh! He spoke, so speak! Who told me to speak so absolutely and not listen to my husband’s advice? So I summoned up the courage to walk into the room and plucked up the courage to awkwardly say: “May I read it together with you?” He glanced up at me and looked very surprised, then delightedly said, “Come, come! Let’s read together.” At this moment, I was extremely moved. My husband hadn’t rebuked me as I had imagined! My anxious heart finally settled and I happily read the book with my husband. However, the words I read in the book were not what I had heard in the early hours of the morning! Just at this moment, my husband left. I hurriedly flicked through the pages of the book and at once I saw it and happily read it out loud: “Peter was greatly encouraged by Jesus’ words, because before Jesus was crucified He had said to him: ‘I am not of this world, and you too are not of this world.’ Later, when Peter reached a point of great pain, Jesus reminded him: ‘Peter, have you forgotten? I am not of the world, and it was only for My work that I departed earlier. You too are not of the world, have you forgotten? I have told you twice, do you not remember?’ Peter heard Him and said: ‘I have not forgotten!’ Jesus then said: ‘You once spent a happy time gathered with Me in heaven and a period of time by My side. You miss Me, and I miss you. Although the creatures are not worth mentioning in My eyes, how can I not love one who is innocent and lovable? Have you forgotten My promise? You must accept My commission on earth; you must fulfill the task that I entrusted you with. One day I will certainly lead you to be by My side’” (“How Peter Came to Know Jesus” in The Word Appears in the Flesh). I read it several times and the more I read it the more I felt that these words did not deviate from the Bible! They were just clearer and more transparent than the Bible. But my senior co-workers said, “Whoever spreads the message of God coming to do new work and God uttering new words is deviating from the Bible and deviation from the Bible is deviation from the way of the Lord.” This does not adhere to the truth. I prayed in my heart: “God! Why is this? May You enlighten and guide me, so that I can understand Your intention …”

Later I saw that the words of Almighty God said: “For many years, people’s traditional means of belief (that of Christianity, one of the world’s three major religions) has been to read the Bible; departure from the Bible is not the belief in the Lord, departure from the Bible is an evil cult, and heresy, and even when people read other books, the foundation of these books must be the explanation of the Bible. Which is to say, if you say you believe in the Lord, then you must read the Bible, you must eat and drink the Bible, and outside the Bible you must not worship any book that does not involve the Bible. If you do, then you are betraying God. From the time when there was the Bible, people’s belief in the Lord has been the belief in the Bible. Instead of saying people believe in the Lord, it is better to say they believe in the Bible; rather than saying they have begun reading the Bible, it is better to say they have begun believing in the Bible; and rather than saying they have returned before the Lord, it would be better to say they have returned before the Bible. In this way, people worship the Bible as if it were God, as if it were their lifeblood and losing it would be the same as losing their life. People see the Bible as being as high as God, and there are even those who see it as higher than God” (“Concerning the Bible (1)” in The Word Appears in the Flesh). God’s words really touched my heart. Was this not actually speaking of me? Thinking back to when I started believing in the Lord, this was how I upheld my belief. I treated the Bible as my lifeblood. I had to put it up high after every time I read it, for fear of the children touching it. I upheld the Bible above all else and even thought that deviating from the Bible was a betrayal of the Lord. Was I wrong in doing so? With a seeking heart, I continued reading, from “Concerning the Bible (1)” up to “Concerning the Bible (4).” The more I read, the more enlightened I felt. The words of Almighty God made me fully understand. It turns out the Bible was just a historical record of God’s work and a testimony of the first two steps of God’s work. Just as the Old Testament records the work done by Jehovah God from the creation of the world to the end of the Age of Law, the New Testament records the work of the Lord Jesus in the Age of Grace. God’s work is always new, not old and always moves forward. Now God has done new work outside of the Bible—the work of the Age of Kingdom. This stage of work is the last stage of work of God’s salvation for mankind. From the Age of Law, to the Age of Grace and then to the Age of Kingdom in the last days, the three stages are all done by one God. It opened my eyes and was a feast for the eyes to read the words of Almighty God! Yes, God is so omnipotent and wise, how could He only do the limited work recorded in the Bible? And from the words of Almighty God, I truly saw that God’s last days’ words and work did not repudiate the Bible. Instead, they elevated and deepened the work of the Age of Law and the Age of Grace as recorded in the Bible. What is done is more in line with people’s present need. One passage of God’s words says: “You must understand why, today, you are asked not to read the Bible, why there is another work that is separate from the Bible, why God does not look for newer, more detailed practice in the Bible, why there is instead mightier work outside of the Bible. This is all what you should understand. You must know the difference between the old and new work, and even though you do not read the Bible, you must be able to dissect it; if not, you will still worship the Bible, and it will be difficult for you to enter into the new work and undergo new changes. Since there is a higher way, why study that low, outdated way? Since there are newer utterances, and newer work, why live amid old historical records? The new utterances can provide for you, which proves that this is the new work; the old records can’t sate you, or satisfy your current needs, which proves that they are history, and not the work of the here and now. The highest way is the newest work, and with the new work, no matter how high the way of the past, it is still the history of people’s reflections, and no matter its value as reference, it is still the old way. Even though it is recorded in the ‘holy book,’ the old way is history; even though there is no record of it in the ‘holy book,’ the new way is of the here and now. This way can save you, and this way can change you, for this is the work of the Holy Spirit” (“Concerning the Bible (1)” in The Word Appears in the Flesh). At this moment, I suddenly realized: Why I had always upheld the Bible yet my spiritual situation had become increasingly negative and I had even run out of things to preach; why brothers and sisters were also getting weaker and did not even attend meetings, yet those brothers and sisters who had accepted the gospel of the kingdom of Almighty God were full of faith and no matter how I treated them, they were never negative or discouraged and still repeatedly came to preach the gospel to me. The reason why is that what I upheld was God’s past work. It was the old way. It had long since lost the work of the Holy Spirit. Yet the brothers and sisters of The Church of Almighty God had accepted the leadership of God’s new work and had received the supply of God’s present words and obtained the work of the Holy Spirit. This is the difference between the new way and the old way! This is the reason why the religious world is declining and The Church of Almighty God is becoming more and more prosperous! Lord, now I finally understand that You have really come back and You have given us a new way, a new supply of life. I thank You!

At this time, my emotions were torn between happiness and feeling bad. I was happy that God had not abandoned me, despite me being so rebellious and disobedient and that He had used this special way of my husband reading out God’s words to make me hear God’s voice. This really was God’s love for me and His salvation to me! I felt bad because I had looked forward to the Lord’s return for many years but I had not thought that I would reject the Lord when He returned and knocked on my door. Those brothers and sisters repeatedly came all the way to spread the gospel to me, yet I did not acknowledge them. They communed with my husband and yet I mocked them and deliberately disturbed them…. Thinking of this, my heart felt pained and tears could not stop flowing from my eyes. I knelt before God and prayed to Him: “Almighty God! I was wrong. For so many years I have always upheld the Bible and thought that deviating from the Bible was not believing in God. I treated the Bible as God and rejected Your new work again and again and rejected Your coming. I was so blind! Now I am willing to put aside the Bible, follow Your new work, listen to Your words of the new age. I will never be hostile to You again and I am not willing to let my entire life go to wrack and ruin over my notions and imagination. God! I am willing to resolve myself to cooperate with You and to bring those in the church who truly believe in You back to Your home to make up what I owe You. Thank You God! May all glory be attributed to Almighty God!”


Pictures of the Church of Almighty God ,Christians

Almighty God’s Work Has Caused Us to Walk the Same Path as 

Husband and Wife

Jan 11, 2018

Liu Xue, Henan Province

In 1991, since we were enduring the hardships of family conflict, my husband and I believed in the Lord Jesus together. From then on, we no longer quarreled. We read the Bible and attended gatherings together very zealously. Not long afterward, my husband left the Three-Self Church and switched over to the Stream of Recovery. In regards to the matter of my husband switching denominations, I did not mind. I believed that as long as we believed in one God, it did not matter which denomination we belonged to.


"God Himself, the Unique IX God Is the Source of Life for All 

Things (III)" (Part Three)

"God Himself, the Unique IX God Is the Source of Life for All Things (III)" (Part Three) Almighty God says, "When God created all things, He used all sorts of methods and ways to balance them, to balance the living conditions for the mountains and lakes, to balance the living conditions for the plants and all kinds of animals, birds, insects—His goal was to allow all kinds of living beings to live and multiply within the laws that He had established. All beings cannot go outside of these laws and they cannot be broken. Only within this type of basic environment can humans safely survive and multiply, generation after generation."



God's words in this video are from The Word Appears in the Flesh.

The content of this video:

(I) An Overview of God's Authority, God's Righteous Disposition, and God's 

Recommendation: The tenets of The Church of Almighty God originate from 

the Bible and from The Word Appears in the Flesh.

Is the Eastern Lightning the manifestation of the Lord and His work?


Pictures of the Church of Almighty God ,Church life

Breaking Free From Shackles and Returning to the Presence of God

Feb 26, 2018

By Yongyuan, USA

In November of 1982, our whole family emigrated to the USA. Because our family had been faithful to the Lord since the generation of my grandfather, we quickly found a Chinese church in Chinatown, New York where we could attend mass after we arrived in the United States. We never missed a single mass since we started attending, and my mother and elder sister were especially good about reading the scriptures whenever they had time to seek the Lord’s blessing. At that time, the priest would often say: “When the Lord comes, He will judge people publicly and divide people into categories: Those who truly repent and confess, and who are of good faith in Him, will be able to go to heaven; those who commit sins but not grave ones will suffer the torment of purgatory but are still able to be saved and ascend to heaven; those who do not believe in the Lord or commit sins that are too grave will suffer the punishment of hell.” These words left an impression on my heart as if they had been branded there. They caused me to believe in the Lord with enthusiasm, and even if I was busy with work, I never stopped going to mass.


A Hymn of God's Words

The Significance

of God's Managing Mankind

God's management is to gain
mankind who worships
and obeys Him.
Though corrupted by Satan,
they call it father no more, no more.
God's management is to gain
mankind who worships
and obeys Him.
Though corrupted by Satan,
they call it father no more, no more;
they know Satan's ugliness,
and so reject it, so reject it.
They come before God,
accept chastisement and judgment.
They know that which is ugly,
and that which is holy, holy.
And they know the greatness of God,
and evil of Satan.
A human race such as this
will labor for Satan no more,
will worship it no more,
will worship it no more,
and make offerings to it no more.
Because these are the people
who've truly been gained by God,
people who God has obtained.
This is why God manages man.
Because these are the people
who've truly been gained by God,
people who God has obtained.
This is why God manages man.
In God's management of this time,
man is the target
of Satan's corruption,
he is the object of God's salvation
and what God and Satan fight for.
Over the course of God's work,
He recovers man step by step
from the clutches of Satan.
Then man gets ever closer to God…
Because these are the people
who've truly been gained by God,
people who God has obtained.
This is why God manages man.
Because these are the people
who've truly been gained by God,
people who God has obtained.
This is why God manages man.
This is why God manages man.
This is why God manages man.

from "Man Can Only Be Saved Amidst the Management of God"

Recommended :

The tenets of The Church of Almighty God originate from all of the truths expressed by God in His three stages of work.


Pictures of the Church of Almighty God , God's word

Who Is the Obstacle on the Road to the Heavenly 

Kingdom  (Part 2)

February 26, 2018

Bearing this question in mind, I went to find the brothers and sisters of The Church of Almighty God. Sister Lin fellowshiped to me, saying: “As for why it is that the elder and the pastor did not seek or investigate Almighty God’s work in the last days, but instead frantically accused and resisted Him, Almighty God has already made clear the essence and origin of this problem. Almighty God says: ‘Do you wish to know the root of why the Pharisees opposed Jesus? Do you wish to know the substance of the Pharisees? They were full of fantasies about the Messiah. What’s more, they believed only that the Messiah would come, yet did not seek the truth of life. And so, even today they still await the Messiah, for they have no knowledge of the way of life, and do not know what the way of truth is. How, say you, could such foolish, stubborn and ignorant people gain God’s blessing? How could they behold the Messiah? They opposed Jesus because they did not know the direction of the Holy Spirit’s work, because they did not know the way of truth spoken by Jesus, and, furthermore, because they did not understand the Messiah. And since they had never seen the Messiah, and had never been in the company of the Messiah, they made the mistake of paying empty tribute to the name of the Messiah while opposing the substance of the Messiah by any means. These Pharisees in substance were stubborn, arrogant, and did not obey the truth. The principle of their belief in God is: No matter how profound Your preaching, no matter how high Your authority, You are not Christ unless You are called the Messiah. Are these views not preposterous and ridiculous?’ (‘When You Behold the Spiritual Body of Jesus Will Be When God Has Made Anew Heaven and Earth’ in The Word Appears in the Flesh). ‘Look at the leaders of every denomination. They are all arrogant and self-right, and they interpret the Bible out of context and according to their own imagination. They all rely on gifts and erudition to do their work. If they were incapable of preaching anything, would those people follow them? They do, after all, possess some learning, and can speak a little of doctrine, or know how to win over others and how to use some artifices, through which they have brought people before themselves and have deceived them. Nominally, those people believe in God—but in reality they follow their leaders. If they encounter those who preach the true way, some of them would say, “We have to consult our leader about our belief in God.” They require someone’s consent to believe in God; is that not a problem? What have those leaders become, then? Have they not become Pharisees, false shepherds, antichrists, and stumbling blocks to people’s acceptance of the true way?’ (‘Only the Pursuit of the Truth Is the True Belief in God’ in Records of Christ’s Talks). When the Lord Jesus had first come to do His work, He was beset by the frantic accusations and resistance of the Jewish leaders—the chief priests, scribes, and Pharisees. In the end, they crucified the Lord Jesus. The ancestors of the Pharisees believed in God and were expert in the law. So why would they resist and accuse the Lord Jesus, and nail Him to the cross? We can see from the word of God that this was brought about by their satanic nature of being obstinate, arrogant, and not submitting to the truth. The Lord Jesus expressed so much truth, and they did not seek after or investigate it, but rather adhered to their own viewpoints. Their belief in God relied only on their own notions and imaginations, and they interpreted the Bible by taking verses out of context. This caused them to be blind, and not to obtain enlightenment from God. They did not know the work of the Holy Spirit, and did not understand the truth, nor could they understand God’s voice. This truly caused the words of the Bible to come true: ‘By hearing you shall hear, and shall not understand; and seeing you shall see, and shall not perceive: For this people’s heart is waxed gross, and their ears are dull of hearing, and their eyes they have closed’ (Mat 13:14–15). The pastors and elders in religious circles in the last days are the same as the Pharisees of that time, as what they place importance on is knowledge of the Bible and theoretical study of theology. They rely on their own thinking and imaginings to interpret the word of the Lord, and to delimit the way the Lord will return. They stubbornly cling to their own notions and imagination, and they do not seek the truth whatsoever. Not only do they not investigate the work of God in the last days, but they blindly resist and accuse Him, exposing their satanic nature of stubbornness, arrogance, and hostility to the truth. They study theology, equipping themselves with knowledge of the Bible, but that does not mean that they have any love for the truth, nor does it mean that they are able to accept and obey the truth. They explain Bible knowledge and theological theory, their only goal being to increase their own renown and reputation. They do so to safeguard their own status, and make believers look up to them reverently, adore them, and follow them. They see that the words which Almighty God expresses are the truth, and that they are able to conquer and save people, and that many people who have a love for the truth and who yearn for God’s appearance have read the word of Almighty God and have turned to Almighty God. They believe that the work of Almighty God is a threat to their status and livelihood, and so they fight back frantically and do their utmost to accuse and resist Almighty God. They take whatever means necessary to obstruct and disrupt believers from turning to Almighty God in an attempt to dominate God’s chosen people for all time. This is the root of why elders and preachers do not seek or investigate the work of Almighty God and why they frantically resist and accuse Almighty God. It can be seen in the evil deeds of the preachers and elders who resist God that they are the Pharisees of our time, and that they are the obstacle preventing believers from accepting the truth and being raised up into the heavenly kingdom. They are the antichrists, who resist God and make God their enemy, and have been revealed by God’s work in the last days.”

After hearing the word of Almighty God and what the sisters fellowshiped, I compared it to what the pastor and elder had said and done. I saw that the word of Almighty God was spoken in a very practical way and that, even though the pastor and elder can read and interpret the Bible over and over again, it still does not mean that they are the people who have knowledge of God. They rely on natural talent and knowledge in their work to elevate themselves so that others will worship them and follow them. On the surface they seem to be serving God, but in reality what they are serving are their own notions and imagination, their own status and livelihood. Through the pastor and elder repeatedly harassing and obstructing me, I was able to see through to who they truly are. They are antichrists who believe in God but do not seek the truth and who serve God but resist Him. Even though the pastor and elder have still not given up harassing me to this day, I have already seen clearly their true antichrist nature of hostility for the truth and resistance to God. I will no longer allow myself to be harassed or controlled by them, and I am completely determined that the work of Almighty God in the last days is true. I wish to follow Almighty God to the very end, and never change! Amen!


Western Scholars Gather in Seoul for The Church of Almighty 

God’s Premiering Photo Exhibit

Dec 21, 2018

October 24, 2018, The Church of Almighty God held its first photo exhibition in Seoul, South Korea with the theme of “The birth and development of The Church of Almighty God,” drawing eleven experts and scholars from seven countries including the USA, Canada, England, France, and Italy to attend and explore the exhibit. Massimo Introvigne, who is an Italian sociologist and the founder and managing director of the Center for Studies on New Religions (CESNUR), France’s Bernadette Rigal-Cellard, professor of North American Studies at the University of Bordeaux Montaigne, Canadian sociologist and author Susan Jean Palmer, and others raised questions on Almighty God’s work of the last days, and several Christians who accepted Almighty God’s work of the last days in its early period provided detailed answers to each one of them. They also shared their feelings and understandings from undergoing Almighty God’s work and words with the guests.


  • A Hymn of God's Words

    You Should Be SomeoneWho Accepts the Truth

  • I
  • Oh.  Choose your own path,  don't reject the truth  or blaspheme against the Holy Spirit.  Don't be ignorant, don't be arrogant.  Obey the guidance of the Holy Spirit.  Jesus' return is a great salvation  for all those capable  of accepting the truth.  Jesus' return's a condemnation  for those incapable  of accepting the truth.  Oh.
    Long for the truth and seek the truth.  It's the only way you will benefit.  Those who've heard the truth  yet turn their nose up at it  are all so foolish and so ignorant.  Jesus' return is a great salvation  for all those capable  of accepting the truth.  Jesus' return's a condemnation  for those incapable  of accepting the truth,  oh. accepting the truth,  oh. accepting the truth.
    Tread lightly the path of belief in God.  Do not jump to hasty conclusions.  Don't be casual,  carefree in your belief in God.  Those who believe in Him  should be reverential and humble.
    Those who've heard the truth  yet jump to conclusions  or condemn what's true  are full of arrogance.  Jesus' return is a great salvation  for all those capable  of accepting the truth.  Jesus' return's a condemnation  for those incapable  of accepting the truth. Oh, oh.
    No one who believes in Jesus  is qualified to curse or condemn.  (Oh, accepting the truth.)  You should be rational  and accept the truth.  Jesus' return is a great salvation  for all those capable  of accepting the truth.


Eastern Lightning ,the Church of Almighty God, Reding God's Words

August 18, 2017

Max, United States

In 1994, I was born in the United States. My parents are both Chinese. My mother was the classic example of a successful career woman. She is able to think for herself and is very competent. I love my mother very much. When I was in Grade 2, my parents brought me back to China to study so that I would be able to learn Chinese. It was also at that time that I started to get acquainted with the Lord Jesus. I remember one day in 2004, after I got home from school, there was a guest at our house. My mother introduced her and told me that she was a pastor from the United States. I was very happy because that was when I found out that my mother had believed in the Lord Jesus for some time. Before, she did not believe. Every Chinese New Year, she would burn incense and worship Buddha. However, after my mother started to believe in the Lord Jesus, I no longer had to smell the whiff of burnt Joss paper and incense. That day, the American pastor told me a story about the Lord Jesus. Soon after, I was brought to the bathroom and before I could react, “plop,” the pastor had dunked my head into the bathtub and after a moment, pulled my head out. All I heard was my mother and the pastor telling me, “Welcome to the embrace of the Lord Jesus. We are all lost sheep.” In this way, I started a new life journey before I knew it. However, because the Lord was with me, my heart was very happy. Afterward, each Sunday, I would go to church to worship and listen to the pastor talk about Bible stories and read from the scriptures. I was very happy all along. My heart was steadfast and I felt that believing in the Lord Jesus was truly a good thing.


Eastern Lightning ,the Church of Almighty God, Christians

Back From the Brink

February 27, 2018

By Zhao Guangming, China

At the beginning of the 1980s, I was in my 30s and was working for an architectural design company. I considered myself to be young and fit, treated people with loyalty and respect, and did my work responsibly. My architect skills were also top-notch, and I was sure that I was going places in the company and that once my career really took off I would be living like a prince. This was my goal and so I stayed with the company and worked hard for many years. But despite my impeccable caliber, in both character and professional skills, my efforts never seemed to be recognized by the company, which is something I never understood. The top salary grade in our company was grade 6, but my salary never got above grade 3. I watched a number of colleagues, who had neither my skills nor my time served in the company, get pay raises, but it never happened to me. I was puzzled and resentful about why they got raises and I didn’t. Finally, one of the colleagues who I got along with quite well gave me a tip: “In this company, the most important thing is to butter up the manager by giving him gifts at Chinese New Year and other festivals.” On hearing this, I finally understood the real reason why I had been overlooked by the company, and the injustice of it made me furious. But although I hated those ass kissers in the company, and had even less time for the colleagues who did little work but still got ahead by using underhand methods, I needed to firm up my standing and so I had to adapt to these unwritten rules. So the next time Chinese New Year came along I “expressed my heartfelt good wishes” to the manager and was immediately promoted to team leader.