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  • A Hymn of God's Words

    You Should Be SomeoneWho Accepts the Truth

  • I
  • Oh.  Choose your own path,  don't reject the truth  or blaspheme against the Holy Spirit.  Don't be ignorant, don't be arrogant.  Obey the guidance of the Holy Spirit.  Jesus' return is a great salvation  for all those capable  of accepting the truth.  Jesus' return's a condemnation  for those incapable  of accepting the truth.  Oh.
    Long for the truth and seek the truth.  It's the only way you will benefit.  Those who've heard the truth  yet turn their nose up at it  are all so foolish and so ignorant.  Jesus' return is a great salvation  for all those capable  of accepting the truth.  Jesus' return's a condemnation  for those incapable  of accepting the truth,  oh. accepting the truth,  oh. accepting the truth.
    Tread lightly the path of belief in God.  Do not jump to hasty conclusions.  Don't be casual,  carefree in your belief in God.  Those who believe in Him  should be reverential and humble.
    Those who've heard the truth  yet jump to conclusions  or condemn what's true  are full of arrogance.  Jesus' return is a great salvation  for all those capable  of accepting the truth.  Jesus' return's a condemnation  for those incapable  of accepting the truth. Oh, oh.
    No one who believes in Jesus  is qualified to curse or condemn.  (Oh, accepting the truth.)  You should be rational  and accept the truth.  Jesus' return is a great salvation  for all those capable  of accepting the truth.

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