My name is Brett Jones. I live in Alpine, Utah. And this is a testimony of how I came to recognize and to accept the current work of Almighty God in my life. I hope that this testimony will be of inspiration to you.
My search for truth began about ten years ago when I realized that the entire banking system of the United States is fraudulent and corrupt. After reading a book entitled “The Creature From Jekyll Island” about the Federal Reserve banking system I was grieved to discover that almost all of humanity was being enslaved by the deceptive lending methods of central banks. I learned that all of the money being issued into circulation was also being issued as a loan that must be repaid with interest. And that the banks are monopolizing the money supply so that there is never enough in circulation for all people to pay their principal plus the interest on their loans. I realized then that humanity was caught in a cycle of perpetual debt bondage to crooked bankers who had deceived us all through such usury.
I was deeply depressed when I first came to understand the true wickedness of the money systems we all have been depending upon for our survival. This satanic enslavement has become so great and vast that it has shackled almost the entire mass of humanity with its chains of fraudulent debt deception. I had many thoughts of great anger. And even thoughts that could be considered suicidal. I cried out to God many times saying, “God, this is a great injustice! Why do you allow this great wickedness to continue? I don’t think I can take it anymore! I would rather die than be a slave to such a wicked system of debt bondage!”
My thoughts of despair eventually led me to read the Bible in my search for answers. After reading the Bible, I came to accept Jesus into my life. I was humbled and ashamed to see my own sinful nature in comparison to the lofty stature of Jesus. I wanted to do something to repay Jesus for the sacrifice He made for us all. I wanted to be like Jesus and also to focus my efforts on overturning the tables on the wicked money changers of this modern world, just as Jesus overturned the tables of the money changers in the temple during His ministry. So I dedicated my life to becoming a monetary reform activist. At first I started by handing out DVD’s and printed information about the fraudulent nature of the banking system. I marched with other people who were discouraged about the money system at government buildings. I distributed information far and wide, even unto many persons working within the government and the banking system. But such efforts never seemed to produce any true change for the better.
So I decided to increase my efforts as an activist. I decided to focus my energy on making alternatives to the money system of the usurious central banks. This focus eventually led me into helping several communities to develop their own unique forms of local exchange that are known as ‘time trading’ or ‘time sharing.’ Through such practice of ‘time sharing,’ without participating with the practice of usury, I began to witness some positive results.
But something was still lacking.
So I decided to increase my efforts as an activist even more. In addition to helping to design and promote several localized forms of usury free ‘time sharing’ money, I also decided to employ my abilities as a mural painter in hopes of inspiring other people to ‘realize their own human potential.’
After painting many murals, and continuing to preach against usury, and against the wickedness of the central banking system, and against the governments it finances, something was still in error about my efforts.
From my experience engaging in ‘time sharing’ with other people, and in sharing my skills as a mural painter with others, I still often found myself in some very negative situations. I still had anger in my heart. And I still also noticed that people were still trying to take unfair advantage of one another, even when using a form of monetary exchange that was designed to be more fair than the usurious money printed by the central banks. I thought that my best efforts to help create monetary solutions for people would be the ultimate answer to all of our problems in life. But I was wrong. Even with a more honest form of money to use, I was still not able to overcome my own personal arrogance. Nor was I truly able to help others to overcome their own inner struggles. I began to notice pride in all the people around me, even the people who were joining in my efforts to renounce the wicked economic practice of usury. And I also began to realize that the pride I was seeing in others was a reflection of my very own sinful pride.
I became very confused when seeing my own pride. And ashamed. I prayed to Jesus and asked Him to forgive me. Many times. Yet my feelings of shame and pride still remained.
I was ready to give up all my efforts and to retreat from society completely to seek answers from God. But then, something incredible happened in my life. God arranged for His current work to become known to me. At the very moment I was willing to give up, God spared me from having to.
I was ready to walk away from society completely. I wanted nothing more to do with this wicked culture. If my own best efforts to make this world a better place were not good enough, then I decided that I had reached the end of my desire to even try anymore. That had become my attitude. But, as I was removing all of my personal content from the internet in preparation to renounce society, I visited my facebook page to find several ‘friend requests’ from a group of brothers and sisters from China. I looked at the things they were sharing on the internet, and they appeared to be such well mannered Christians. And I was curious to learn more about them. So I decided to remain on facebook for a time so that I could get to know my newfound friends.
A few of these sisters from China wanted to share their testimony with me. They wrote to me concerning their stories of persecution from the CCP in China, and of how Almighty God had saved them. These newfound friends sent me several gospel videos to watch, and also some selections of scripture to read. So I watched some of the videos and I was most inspired by the ability of these believers to withstand such brutal persecution. And even under such persecution they had stood firm in their faith and gave witness to God. I had never before seen any gospel films that had inspired me so much with a true sense of hope. I wanted to learn more about how this group of Chinese Christians were able to maintain such humble and well mannered stature, even after experiencing such grave injustice.
This is the first gospel film I watched from The Church of Almighty God. I have included this film in my testimony because I very much hope that you will watch it and ponder the message it contains. It is a wonderful film and a true testimony of the people who God is perfecting through His chastisements and His words. This film clearly explains the great importance of the truth that we truly cannot serve both God and mammon.
So I started to investigate the teachings of the church that these brothers and sisters were from. This church is called “The Church of Almighty God.” I entered the name of this church into Google, and I discovered several negative rumors from persons who had labelled this church as a ‘cult.’ Over my years as an activist it has come to my attention that the governments of this world are hell bent on desires for control, power, and money. And often, in a government’s attempt to divert positive attention from its political or religious opponents, such a government might engage in a ‘false flag operation’ against its opponent. (note* A ‘false flag operation’ is when a government orchestrates criminal activities that are intended to point the finger of blame upon the group that the wicked government opposes. This is done by ‘waving the flag’ of the group who has been targeted by the government, while such government is actually behind the orchestration of the actual crimes.) And being that the CCP government and also the BBC media were the sources of most of the propaganda against this church, my curiosity was heightened to learn exactly why a government, in conjunction with a media outlet, would deem such a group of humble Christians to be a threat to their power monopoly. I became convinced that this church had become the target of such a government orchestrated ‘false flag operation’ in order to spread negative propaganda to the public about them.
So I decided to visit the website of “The Church of Almighty God” and what I discovered there was most astonishing. This church was claiming that it was formed by Almighty God and that He had indeed already returned in the flesh, and that He had uttered thousands upon thousands of words to chastise humanity and to prepare all those who seek truth to be overcomers during these end times. At first this claim seemed a bit too promising to be true. But the words of the returned Christ were(and still are) indeed available, in their entirety, translated from Chinese into English, and free for any person to read, at the official church website. So I did what I could not resist doing. I started reading the words of the returned Christ. And I quickly discovered that these were not the ordinary words of an ordinary person. These words were causing me to ponder every aspect of my life very deeply. These words were answering many of my questions that all my years of Bible reading still left me feeling perplexed about. These words were also making me see myself in a way that I have never seen myself. These words were helping me to see how God sees me. And what I saw concerning myself was not exactly as flattering an image of myself as I might have hoped for.
There are many many words from God now available to read and to learn from. And they are revealing many more things to me than I have time to express in just this testimony. But, I hope that all people will take the time to read some of the words of Almighty God. I would like to share just several selections of these words with you, some of the selections that first inspired me to follow God, and to forsake my own proud attitude of self-reliance and self-idolatry. I would also like to share some brief explanations of what I have come to understand just from these several selections of God’s words. I am convinced that His words also have the ability to change the disposition of any person, anywhere on earth, who is willing to read them and to sincerely contemplate them.
To all my activist friends, to everyone I have ever met who is discouraged with the corruption found in government and in the banking system, to any soul who is so tired of seeing all the wickedness in this world, to any person who feels that all of their efforts are helpless: There is VERY good news for those who shall seek it. Almighty God’s words contain the answers to the darkness we face! Without His words humanity can only wander around in blindness, no matter how hard we might struggle. But He has come! And His words can chastise us and guide us into living a true life with true humanity!
Almighty God says, “Humans, it would seem, are living in a terrorist world of darkness, which none among them seeks to transcend, and none among them thinks of moving on to an ideal world; rather, they are content with their lot in life,[1] to spend their days bearing and raising children, striving, sweating, going about their chores, dreaming of a comfortable and happy family, of conjugal affection, of filial children, of joy in their twilight years as they peacefully live out their lives…. For tens, thousands, tens of thousands of years until now, people have been squandering their time in this way, with no one creating a perfect life, all intent only on mutual slaughter in this dark world, on the race for fame and fortune, and on intriguing against one another. Who has ever sought after God’s will?” (from A Selection From the Ten Passages of God’s Word on “Work and Entry”)
Almighty God says, “Man, in and of himself, has no authority, no autonomy, and no ability to transcend the self, just a substance that submits in a cowardly manner to manipulation by any person, occurrence, or thing.” (from It Is Very Important To Understand God’s Disposition)
After pondering these words I came to realize that there was a deeper problem that underlies our captivity to a usurious monetary system. Of course, usury is not a decent practice. But all of my efforts as a usury-free monetary reform activist and mural painter could only address the surface of the problem. All I could do is help people to develop more sound monetary alternatives and paint fancy pictures for them. But I was completely unable to do anything to change the inner disposition of people. I could not even fully understand, nor change, my own inner disposition! But the words of God, just in these two selections, cut right to the root of the problems I was facing. Including the problem of usury. God’s words are truth. It is indeed our own scrambling for fame and gain, and our own intriguing against one another that underlies our dire situations. And this also made me question myself: was I attempting to preach to others that they could assume authority over their own lives rather than fully trusting in the arrangements of God? Was I practicing self-idolatry and also misleading others to make idols of themselves in this way?(Yes, I think I was) Thank God His words have correctly identified these problems! Only God has the ability to change our inner disposition. And I am convinced, that if we will follow His words of guidance and chastisement, that this is actually the only way that humanity can arrive at a future destination that is free from usury, and also from theft and of murder and all other manners of perversion!
After reading these selections, I decided to continue searching God’s words in hopes to find some words of praise for the efforts of humans. I was hoping to find something to justify my own ideology that ‘the answer to all things can be found within the efforts of humans.’ The selections that I discovered made my delusions concerning this matter very clear to me. With all of my own efforts as an activist, I was actually directly opposing the will of God. Even though, in my own mind, my intentions were good. Because I was trying to elevate people’s notions about themselves. I was misleading others to trust in their own talents and abilities rather than to trust in the Almighty God who gave them all the talents or abilities they might have. I was hoping to demonstrate to others, through my own efforts, that ‘the positive energy comes from within you.’ But when reading God’s words, I have discovered that His way is vastly different than my way. God’s words did not elevate my notions about myself, nor about humanity. Rather, God’s words brought my notions back down to reality concerning human effort. God’s words revealed to me that it is actually the corrupt disposition of Satan that comes from within us, not ‘positive energy!’ Truly, humans are not qualified for authority. Only God is qualified for authority. All that is positive comes from God. Not from our own human pride.
Here are some more selections of what I discovered in God’s words:
Almighty God says, “God is forever laboring for the existence of mankind, yet man never contributes anything to the light or righteousness. Even if man labors for a time, it is weak and cannot withstand the slightest blow, for the labor of man is always for himself and not for others. Man is always selfish, while God is forever selfless. God is the source of all that is just, good, and beautiful, while man is the successor and expresser of all all ugliness and evil. God will never alter His substance of righteousness and beauty, yet man can, at any time, betray righteousness and stray far from God.” (from It Is Very Important To Understand God’s Disposition)
“For truly mankind is an adjunct to My management, but more accurately, mankind is none other than My enemy. Mankind is the evil one that resists and disobeys Me. Mankind is none other than the progeny of the evil one accursed by Me. Mankind is none other than the descendant of the archangel that betrayed Me.”(from What A Real Man Means)
“Mankind, trampled under Satan’s feet long ago, has been acting in Satan’s image - even being its embodiment. They are the evidence of being Satan’s “witness, loud and clear.” (from What A Real Man Means)
After pondering these selections, I came to realize that this was indeed true. Humanity, myself included, has been trying to play God rather than seeking to obey God. But I still had hopes that perhaps God was only speaking about other people. And perhaps, because of my many efforts, I was an exception. But God’s words corrected me in this matter as well.
Almighty God says, “All believers in God have resisted and deceived God at some points along their path.” (from Three Admonitions)
“All the actions and deeds of Satan are shown through man. Now all the actions and deeds of man are an expression of Satan and hence cannot represent God. Man is the embodiment of Satan, and the disposition of man does not represent the disposition of God. Some men are of good character; God may do some work through them and their work is governed by the Holy Spirit, yet their disposition cannot represent God. . . Be it prophets from ages past or men used by God, none can directly represent Him. All men come to love God only under compulsion from their surroundings, and not one subjectively strives to cooperate.” (from Corrupt Man Cannot Represent God)

These words of God made it perfectly clear that all of us have been corrupted in some way, and that nobody was exempt from His chastisements. Including myself! These words also made it clear to me that even the greatest among men, even the prophets and servants of God, were not qualified to directly represent God! The chastisement of His words helped me to realize that my own efforts, no matter how great, simply could not replace the disposition changing work that can only be done by Almighty God. I do not mean to discourage the honest efforts of my fellow activists by sharing this testimony. But I feel that I must share this testimony because all of our efforts go in vain without God. All of our efforts become nothing more than outward rituals without God’s judgement to change the inner cause of all our troubles. I used to always focus my efforts on exposing the wickedness of other people. I would teach people about how the banking system is corrupt. And about how the governments of this world are corrupt. I erroneously thought that if only people could identify the source of the wickedness outside of themselves, then the fate of humanity would change for the better. I was wrong. For even if millions of people were to unite together in rebellion against an external tyrant, such tyrant would remain in power over our lives unless Almighty God arranged otherwise. Thus, I have concluded that the wickedness I must resist is not only the wickedness of the tyrants around me, but also the wickedness of self-idolatry that is within me. The many books I have read, and the many videos I have watched about government and banking corruption could only reveal to me what other people were doing wrong. But God’s words reveal to me what I was previously unable to see. His words reveal my own faults and my own corruption.
The true battle is the battle to overcome our own Satanic disposition. And the only true weapon to help us win this battle and to be counted among those who are overcomers is the word of Almighty God!
Now I could understand why God had to come into the flesh to guide and chastise humankind with His words!
Almighty God says, “God must become flesh to do His work precisely because man is of the flesh, and incapable of overcoming sin or divesting himself of the flesh.” (from Corrupt Mankind Is More In Need Of The Salvation Of God Become Flesh)
I used to think that God expected me to pursue the path of being some sort of ‘super hero’ that could expose all of other people’s wickedness in this world. But now I realize that God wants me to focus on overcoming my own errors so that I can live a practical life of normal humanity.
Almighty God says, “Today, what is spoken of is entry into reality. There is no talk of ascending to heaven, or ruling as kings; all that is spoken of is the pursuit of entry into reality. There is no more practical pursuit than this, and to talk of ruling as kings is not practical.” (from All Is Achieved By The Word Of God)
So now I am at a new beginning. God has given me new guidance and has led me to have true fellowship with other believers and to pursue the duty of accepting His work of chastisement. The work of God has shifted my attitude from one of being passive concerning my own condition and my own duty, to one of being active in recognizing His sovereignty and learning how to obey Him. I now have become more able to see that obedience to God, each of us doing whatever duty He gives to us, is the true way to a future without debt bondage or suffering.
Almighty God says, “If a person’s attitude toward fate is passive, it proves that he or she is resisting everything that God has arranged for him or her, that he or she does not have a submissive attitude. If one’s attitude toward God’s sovereignty over human fate is active, then one looks back upon one’s journey, when one truly comes to grips with God’s sovereignty, one will more earnestly desire to submit to everything that God has arranged, will have more determination and confidence to let God orchestrate one’s fate, to stop rebelling against God. For one sees that when one does not comprehend fate, when one does not understand God’s sovereignty, when one gropes forward willfully, staggering and tottering, through the fog, the journey is too difficult, too heart-breaking. So when people recognize God’s sovereignty over human fate, the smart ones choose to know it and accept it, to bid farewell to the painful days when they tried to build a good life with their own two hands, instead of continuing to struggle against fate and pursue their so-called life goals in their own manner. When one has no God, when one cannot see Him, when one cannot clearly recognize God’s sovereignty, every day is meaningless, worthless, miserable. Wherever one is, whatever one’s job is, one’s means of living and the pursuit of one’s goals bring one nothing but endless heartbreak and irrelievable suffering, such that one cannot bear to look back. Only when one accepts the Creator’s sovereignty, submits to His orchestrations and arrangements, and seeks true human life, will one gradually break free from all heart-break and suffering, and shake off all the emptiness of life.” (from God Himself, The Unique III)
These words made me ashamed. Because they revealed to me that all of my self-reliant ‘activism’ was actually passivism against God’s will because I was not being active based upon submission to His sovereignty. Rather I was only being ‘active’ based upon my own will and self-idolatrous determination.
I hope this testimony might inspire you to seek the guidance and chastisement of Almighty God’s words. I am convinced that His words can reveal His will to any person who honestly seeks truth.
If you would like to search for truth in God’s words, and to accept His sovereignty over all things, and to break free from heart-break, you can begin reading His words for yourself at: Know more of the Church of Almighty God
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