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Almighty God, brimming with glory, has quietly arrived among a group of people He will save, and personally carries out the work of the Age of Kingdom. In order to save man from the domain of Satan completely, God has expressed millions of words to supply the life of man, judge man’s rebellion and chastise man’s unrighteousness, and show man ways of practice. God’s love for man is not possessed by any created being. Gradually, under the guidance of God’s word, all men know His identity and status, completely reject Satan and submit before God. From this we can see that God has fully defeated Satan, and God’s work is about to be concluded with great glory.

1. The Holy Spiritual Body of Almighty God Has Appeared
The Holy Spiritual Body of Almighty God Has Appeared
Almighty God! He has publicly revealed, publicly revealed His glorious body.
The holy spiritual body has appeared. He is completely God Himself!
The world and the flesh have all changed.
The transfigured One on the mountain is God’s person.
He has a golden crown on His head, is clothed with a white garment,
and is girt about the breasts with a golden girdle, with a golden girdle.
All things in the world are His footstool.
His eyes are as a flame of fire;
in His mouth is a sharp two edged sword,
and in His right hand He holds seven stars.
The path of the kingdom is bright and even more infinite.
The glory rises and shines;
mountains are rejoicing and waters are laughing.
The sun, the moon, and stars,
the sun, the moon, and stars all revolve and line up,
welcoming the only true God
who has accomplished the six-thousand-year management plan
to return triumphant!
All are dancing and leaping for joy! Shout for joy!
Almighty God, Almighty God has been seated on the glorious throne! Sing!
The banner of triumph of the Almighty
has risen high on the whole majestic and magnificent Mount Zion!
All the nations are shouting for joy. All peoples are singing, are singing.
Mount Zion is rejoicing. God’s glory has appeared!
Little did I dream of meeting God. Today I have seen Him.
I’m face to face with Him every day, speaking to Him and communing with Him.
He supplies bountifully the things for eating and drinking.
His glory is shining upon my life, speech, behavior, mind, and thought.
He guides me at every step.
If my heart is disobedient, the judgment comes upon me at once, at once.
Eating, staying, and living with God;
being, walking, enjoying, receiving glory, and receiving blessings with Him;
reigning with Him; being in the kingdom with Him.
How enjoyable! How sweet!
Being face to face every day, speaking every day,
and conversing every moment;
having new enlightenment every day,
and having new seeing, new seeing every day.
Our spiritual eyes opened, we have seen everything,
and the mysteries in the spirit have been revealed to us.
The holy life is really free. Run quickly and don’t stop.
Keep on going forward, going forward. A more wonderful life is ahead.
When having tasted the sweetness, don’t be content; run all the way into God,
who is all-inclusive and so bountiful, and has whatever we lack.
Cooperate actively and initiatively;
enter into Him and everything will be changed.
from “The Fifteenth Utterance” in The Word Appears in the Flesh

2. God’s Work Cannot Be Done by Anyone in His Stead
God’s own work has to be done by God Himself.
He is the One who starts the work and who ends the work.
He is the One who plans the work and who manages the work,
and even more the One who accomplishes the work,
even more the One who accomplishes the work.
Just as the Bible says,
“God is the Beginning and the End. He is the One who sows and who reaps.”
All these works that have to do with His management
have to be done by Himself, by Himself.
“God is the Beginning and the End.
He is the One who sows and who reaps, the One who reaps.”
All these works that have to do with His management
have to be done by Himself.
God is the Ruler of the six-thousand-year management plan.
No man can do His work in His stead, and no man can end His work,
because He controls everything, because He controls everything.
Since He created the world, He will lead the entire world to live in His light,
and He will surely end the entire age to accomplish all His plans!
Since He created the world, He will lead the entire world to live in His light,
and He will surely end the entire age to accomplish all His plans,
accomplish all His plans!
from “The Mystery of the Incarnation (1)” in The Word Appears in the Flesh

3. God Has Brought His Glory to the East
God gave His glory to Israel then moved it away from there,
bringing the Israelites to the East, and bringing all men to the East.
God has led them all to the “light”
so that they may be reunited and have association with it,
and no longer have to search for it, no longer have to search for it.
God will let all who are in search see the light again
and see the glory He had in Israel;
God will let them see that He has come down upon a white cloud among men,
and see the countless clouds of white and clusters of fruit,
and moreover, Jehovah God of Israel.
God will let them see the “Master” of the Jews,
the longed-for Messiah,
and the full appearance of Him
who has been persecuted by kings throughout the ages.
God will do the work of the entire universe and perform great works,
revealing all His glory and all His deeds to man in the last days.
God shall show His full countenance of glory
to those who have awaited Him for many years,
to those who have longed for Him to come upon a white cloud,
to Israel that has longed for Him to once again appear,
and to all mankind who persecute Him,
so that all will know that
God has long ago taken away His glory and brought it to the East.
It is not in Judea, for the last days have already come!
from “The Seven Thunders Peal—Prophesying That the Kingdom Gospel Shall Spread Throughout the Universe” in The Word Appears in the Flesh

4. The Mark of God’s Triumph
All mankind will have recovered their original likeness
and can perform their own duty, keep their own place,
and obey God’s every arrangement.
Thus, God will have gained a group of men on earth who worship Him
and will have established a kingdom on earth that worships Him,
will have established a kingdom on earth that worships Him.
He will triumph forever, triumph forever on earth,
and those who are hostile to Him will perish forever.
Then He will have recovered His original intention in creating man,
recovered His intention in creating all things, His intention in creating all things,
and recovered His authority on earth, His authority among all things,
and His authority among His enemies.
This will be a mark that He has completely triumphed, triumphed.
From then on, mankind will enter into rest
and into the human life on the right track, on the right track.
The filthiness and disobedience on earth will disappear,
and the wailing on earth will disappear, disappear.
All those who are hostile to God on earth will exist no more.
Only God and those who have been saved by Him will remain,
and only all things, all things, all things created by Him
will remain, remain, remain.
from “God and Man Will Enter Into Rest Together” in The Word Appears in the Flesh

5. God Quietly Arrives Among Men
God looks upon all lands, and commands all things,
and beholds all the words and deeds of man.
His management is conducted in steps and according to His plan.
It proceeds silently, without dramatic effect,
yet His footsteps advance ever closer, ever closer to mankind,
and His judgment seat is deployed in the universe at the speed of lightning,
immediately followed by the descent of His throne among us.
What a majestic scene that is, what a stately and solemn tableau.
Like a dove, and like a roaring lion, the Spirit arrives among us all.
He is wise, He is righteous and majestic,
He quietly arrives among us, arrives among us, arrives among us
possessed of authority and filled with love and compassion.
from “Beholding the Appearance of God in His Judgment and Chastisement” in The Word Appears in the Flesh

6. God’s Love Is Not Possessed by Any Created Being
God’s words carry life power, and show us the way we should walk,
and allow us to understand what the truth is.
We start to be drawn to His words,
we begin to focus on the tone and manner of His speaking,
and subconsciously begin to take an interest in
the heart’s voice of this unremarkable person.
God makes painstaking efforts for us, loses sleep and appetite for us,
weeps for us, sighs for us, groans in sickness for us,
suffers humiliation for the sake of our destination and salvation,
and His heart bleeds and sheds tears for our numbness and rebelliousness.
Such being and possessions of His are beyond an ordinary person,
and cannot be possessed or attained by any of the corrupted.
He has tolerance and patience
possessed by no, possessed by no ordinary person,
and His love is not possessed by any created being.
from “Beholding the Appearance of God in His Judgment and Chastisement” in The Word Appears in the Flesh

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