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Showing posts sorted by date for query lord-Jesus. Sort by relevance Show all posts


Christian Crosstalk "There Is Only One God" | Is the Theory of Trinity in Line With the Lord's Word?

For 2,000 years, the theological theory of the Trinity has been seen as a basic tenet of the Christian faith. But, is God truly a Trinity? What, exactly, is the relationship between the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit? One day, Brother Zhang posts a question in his church's online discussion group: Does the Trinity really exist? This question begins an intense debate among the believers, after which Zheng Xun and Li Rui discuss and fellowship on this question. What is their conclusion? Please enjoy the crosstalk There Is Only One God.


Is the Lord Jesus the Son of God?
What exactly is the true belief in God? How should one believe in God in order to obtain His praise?


How to Rely on God and Stand Testimony When Tempted by Satan (Part 2)

By Hu Yang

The CCP’s Lies Are Revealed and I Steadfastly Follow the Path of Belief in God

Through reading God’s words and listening to Sister Feng’s fellowship, I came to have some discernment about the deceitful schemes of Satan that lurked behind my husband’s attempts to stop me from believing in God. Sister Feng then said to me, “Sister, although your husband has promised not to try to force you to give up your belief anymore, this does not mean that he won’t oppose your belief in God again in the future. Because he has no discernment of the essence of these lies, you must help him with love to discern them, make him see the malicious intent behind the CCP’s lies and enable him to see through Satan’s deceitful schemes!”

After some deep thought, I nodded, and said, “Sister, I’m so worried about this now! I know that it is only because God protected me this time that I was not deceived by the CCP’s lies and was not constrained by my husband. But I only know that what the CCP says, that ‘When someone starts believing in Almighty God, they then go out to preach the gospel, and they abandon their family’ is a lie, and I don’t know what truths to use to discern and refute this lie. Sister, can you give me fellowship about this lie and break it down for me?”

Sister Feng then said, “We are able to recognize that the statement, ‘When someone starts believing in Almighty God, they then go out to preach the gospel, and they abandon their family,’ is a lie spread by the CCP about The Church of Almighty God, and it is God who leads us and guides us to this understanding! Thanks be to God! At the same time, it is very important that we seek the truth so that we can see through these lies and understand thoroughly the motives and purposes behind the CCP fabricating these lies about The Church of Almighty God. For if we don’t understand the truth and cannot discern lies, we will be easily deceived, and may even lose our chance to attain God’s true salvation! So, if we want to understand this issue thoroughly, we must first understand that to spread the gospel and to bear testimony for God in our faith is a heavenly law and an earthly principle, and by doing these things we are accomplishing God’s commissions, and they are the most righteous things mankind can do.

“As we all know, in the Age of Grace, the Lord Jesus enjoined His disciples, saying: ‘Go you into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature’ (Mark 16:15). ‘So likewise, whoever he be of you that forsakes not all that he has, he cannot be My disciple’ (Luke 14:33). Christ of the last days, Almighty God also said, ‘As members of the human race and devout Christians, it is the responsibility and obligation of us all to offer up our mind and body for the fulfillment of God’s commission, for our entire being came from God, and it exists thanks to the sovereignty of God. If our minds and bodies are not for God’s commission and not for the righteous cause of mankind, then our souls will be unworthy of those who were martyred for God’s commission, much more unworthy of God, who has provided us with everything’ (‘God Presides Over the Fate of All Mankind’ in The Word Appears in the Flesh). From God’s words, we can see that God created the heavens and earth and all things, and that He created mankind. Even more so, He provides us with everything we need to live, and to believe in God and worship God is a heavenly law and an earthly principle. By spreading and testifying to God’s gospel, we lead more people before God to accept God’s salvation. This is our God-given commission, our bounden duty, the greatest act of goodness and righteousness, and it is most in line with God’s will. Take the disciples and apostles of the Lord Jesus, for example. In order to carry out God’s will, they spread the Lord Jesus’ gospel, they were willing to give up their families, marriages and physical pleasures, endure the slander and mockery of worldly people, and some even became martyrs for this end. But nobody vilified them or condemned them. On the contrary, they were praised and taken as examples to be emulated, and people said that what they did was the most righteous undertaking mankind could perform. Now, the Lord Jesus whom we have longed for for so long has finally returned as the incarnated Almighty God. In order to save us once and for all from the bonds of sin, Almighty God expresses His words and performs the work of judgment beginning in God’s house. He does all this to change and purify our corrupt dispositions, and ultimately to lead mankind into His kingdom. From God’s words, brothers and sisters can understand God’s urgent intention to save man, and we become willing to abandon physical pleasures, to face the danger of being caught and persecuted by the CCP, and to do our utmost to spread and testify to God’s kingdom gospel, so that even more people can accept God’s salvation of the last days and finally attain God’s true salvation and be left over. This is a righteous undertaking, and it is God’s will that is being carried out! The CCP, however, knows the difference between good and evil and yet they still do evil, and they stubbornly insist that Christians who spread the gospel and bear witness to God leave their homes and abandon their families. This is clearly a false account and a distortion of the facts, and it is the CCP spreading deceptive heresies and fallacies!”

As I listened to the sister’s fellowship, I pondered, and I thought of the foreign missionaries of the past. They left their families and gave up physical pleasures in order to preach the Lord Jesus’ gospel to us. If they hadn’t left their homes to preach the gospel in China, how else would we have been able to hear the Lord Jesus’ gospel? I then understood that, as a Christian, to be able to give everything up and to be willing to suffer to preach the gospel is a good deed—it is carrying out of God’s will, and it is something which both accords with God’s will and earns God’s blessing.

Just then, Sister Feng went on with her fellowship, saying, “Preaching the gospel has always been something praised and remembered by God, and it is the greatest act of goodness and righteousness one can do. And yet it incurs the condemnation and slander of the CCP. Why is that? As everyone knows, the CCP is an atheist revolutionary party, and it is a satanic regime that most hates and resists God. So how could it possibly allow the Chinese people to believe in God and follow the right way? Since the CCP took power, it has openly labeled Christianity and Catholicism as cults, it has called the Bible a cultist book, and has misappropriated many copies of the Bible and burned them. It has also labeled many house churches as cult organizations and has persecuted, suppressed and banned them. It has driven many foreign missionaries out of China, and it has wantonly arrested, imprisoned, forcibly reformed and harmed countless Christians and Catholics.

“Since Christ of the last days—Almighty God—appeared and began to perform His work in China in 1991, The Church of Almighty God has grown rapidly. Not only has The Church of Almighty God become established in every province in China, but Almighty God’s kingdom gospel has also spread rapidly overseas. More and more people who yearn for the appearance of God are investigating God’s work of the last days, and The Church of Almighty God is becoming established in many foreign countries, one nation at a time. The CCP, therefore, frantically suppresses and persecutes The Church of Almighty God. If any brother or sister on the Chinese mainland believes in God or preaches the gospel, then they are in danger of being arrested, persecuted and cruelly tortured by the CCP. To this end, many brothers and sisters in mainland China have been forced to flee their homes. Some who are arrested by the CCP are subjected to cruel tortures, some are sentenced and imprisoned, and some have even been crippled or killed as a result of their beatings. Tens of thousands of Christians cannot return home, and their families are scattered and brought to ruin. Not only that, but the CCP also recklessly fabricates rumors to foment discord between Christians and their families. The CCP even threatens and intimidates Christians’ family members and denies them their right to live in order to make them persecute the Christians in their families, and thus many families are destroyed. These facts show that the CCP is the evil ringleader that causes the destruction of Christians’ families!

“The CCP not only arrests and persecutes Christians, but it also uses the internet and media to spread all manner of lies to slander, vilify and besmirch The Church of Almighty God. And what is its aim and its intention for doing this? The CCP wishes to deceive the people of the world, to cheat and fool all who do not understand the truth into resisting, fearing and guarding against The Church of Almighty God in an attempt to stop people from investigating and accepting the true way, and so that people lose their chance to attain God’s true salvation! Moreover, the CCP knows that The Word Appears in the Flesh, expressed by Christ of the last days—Almighty God—contains the truth, and that if anyone reads the words of Almighty God, they will then come to have discernment of its God-resisting, truth-hating evil essence, and they will denounce and reject the CCP. And if that happens, then its wild ambition, its desire to deceive and fool the people of the world and control the whole world will be left in tatters. All the various evil deeds of the CCP show us that its essence is the very embodiment of Satan, and that it is the arch tyrant that sets itself against God and devours man, which precisely fulfills the prophecy in the Bible that says: ‘And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceives the whole world’ (Revelation 12:9). The Devil has spoken lies since the very beginning in order to deceive man and to make man betray God and follow it instead. We must have discernment of the CCP’s essence, for only then will we not be deceived by it!”

The sister’s fellowship allowed me to suddenly see the light. Christians don’t abandon their families after all. Instead, it is the CCP government’s frantic arrests and persecution of Christians that forces them to flee their homes, unable to return. It is the CCP that is the evil ringleader that destroys families, and yet it twists things around and says that it is the Christians who abandon their families. The CCP truly is so devious and evil! I also came to understand that the CCP not only obstructs and persecutes the brothers and sisters on the Chinese mainland for their belief in God and following of God, but it also uses the internet to wantonly disseminate rumors and all kinds of heresies and fallacies so that people in all nations across the world will be deceived, for then no one would dare to seek or investigate the true way. Family members who don’t understand the truth are also incited by the CCP to obstruct Christians from believing in God, and the CCP does this in an attempt to make them shun and betray God and lose their chance to attain God’s true salvation. Only then did I understand that the CCP is the stumbling block and the obstacle on our path of faith in God! I thought of the more than ten years of love and affection between my husband and me, and yet now, because he had been fooled by the CCP’s lies, he had tried to force me to give up my belief in God and had brought strife into our family. If I hadn’t been able to see through to the essence of those lies, then I would have ended up constrained by my husband and would have completely lost the salvation of God! Just then I made a resolution, that no matter how my husband may try to stop me from believing in God in the future, I would always believe in and follow God!

Temptation Comes Once Again and My Husband Threatens Divorce

Afterward, although my husband did not oppose my belief in Almighty God in any obvious way, every now and then he would rebuke me through insinuation. Whenever he saw me attending gatherings in particular, he would be unhappy with me and would give me the silent treatment. He would also find fault with things in order to quarrel with me, and he said that we were understanding each other less and less, and that we seemed increasingly to be speaking different languages. He even said that if I carried on believing in God, then he would divorce me. When I heard him say this, I became very upset. I thought of how our child was still so young, and how my parents were getting on in age and were not in the best of health. If my husband really did divorce me, how would I look after them all by myself? But if we didn’t divorce, then my husband would keep obstructing me and would not let me believe in God. I felt hemmed in on all sides, and my heart became both conflicted and weak.

I had no alternative but to pray to God once again: “O God! My husband now wants to divorce me because of my belief in You. I am of little faith and I am weak, yet I do not wish to do anything that may cause You grief. I ask that You help me, give me faith and strength, and lead me through this situation.” After praying, I thought of when Job encountered the temptations of Satan. All his family wealth and property was taken by thieves, his children’s lives were taken away, his whole body broke out in painful boils, and even his wife attacked him, saying, “Do you still retain your integrity? curse God, and die” (Job 2:9). When Job encountered the temptations of Satan, not only did he not fall foul of Satan’s deceitful schemes, but he also reprimanded his wife, saying, “You speak as one of the foolish women speaks. What? shall we receive good at the hand of God, and shall we not receive evil?” (Job 2:10). Although Job lost everything, yet he believed that everything was in God’s hands, and no matter how God tested him, he always stood in the place of a created being and extolled the Creator. He did not lose his faith in God, but bore resounding and beautiful witness, thus causing Satan to be utterly shamed and defeated. The situation I was now in was also a temptation of Satan; Satan was using my husband to threaten me with divorce in order to compel me to give up the true way, and I had fallen into negativity and weakness—had I not precisely fallen foul of Satan’s deceitful schemes? Did I have no true faith in God whatsoever? “God is the Creator and I am a created being,” I thought. “To believe in God and worship God is a heavenly law and an earthly principle, and it is the right path in life. I will follow God no matter what happens!” Thinking this, I decided to emulate Job, and I resolved myself to satisfy God. I then thought of how God administers the heavens and earth and all things and how my entire being is in God’s hands, including my marriage. No matter what became of me in the end, I wished to submit to God’s sovereignty and arrangements, to not be duped by Satan, and to stand testimony for God!

I Resolve Myself to Satisfy God and I Witness God’s Deeds

Once I’d understood God’s will, I found the faith and the courage to stand testimony and satisfy God. If my husband was going to force me to choose between my family and my belief in God, then I would rather we divorced and I keep on following God. Later, I said calmly to my husband, “I love this family, but I cannot give up my faith in God. You want me to give it up, but I can’t do it. If you are determined to divorce me, then I consent to it. Although I really don’t want to divorce, you have been deceived by the CCP’s lies and you can’t tell what is true and what isn’t, and you’re using divorce to force my hand, so I have no choice.” After I’d finished speaking, I felt very calm and peaceful.

The next day, I filled in the divorce papers. To my surprise, my husband dropped his inflexible stance and spoke softly to me. “I never expected you to be so persistent in your faith in Almighty God, so now you’ve really convinced me. You can believe in Almighty God if you want, I won’t oppose you again.” Hearing him say this, I knew that this was God’s deed and I thanked God silently in my heart. I saw that, when I became willing to rely on God and stand testimony, Satan was shamed. And so, I once again testified to my husband of God’s intent to save mankind, and I gave him fellowship on the essence of the CCP’s rumormongering and the consequences of believing in such lies. Unexpectedly, this time my husband did not refute what I was saying, but just listened quietly. After that day, my husband never mentioned divorce to me again, and he no longer sought to quarrel with me when he saw me attending church gatherings.

One day, three months later, as my husband and I were discussing a matter of faith, he suddenly said to me, “Ever since you told me that the statement ‘People who believe in Almighty God abandon their families’ was a lie put about by the CCP, I have been observing your church and I’ve secretly been watching your church’s movies, especially the movies about how the CCP persecutes Christians. Only after I’d watched these movies did I finally understand that it’s not that you believers in Almighty God abandon your families, but is rather that the arrests and persecution the CCP inflicts upon you causes many people in your church to flee their homes in order to escape arrest. And in order to conceal its wicked deeds of persecuting religious belief and denying people their human rights, the CCP insists that it is believers in Almighty God who abandon their families. This is rumormongering and slander, pure and simple! I think I now understand that one simply cannot trust what the Chinese Communist Party says, and I’ve decided to go to The Church of Almighty God and investigate it for myself.” In my husband’s words, I once again witnessed the wondrous deeds of God. My heart was moved to such warmth by God’s love, and I had no words to express how wonderful I felt inside. Afterward, through a period of seeking and investigating, my husband also accepted God’s work of the last days, and he began to attend our gatherings.

Later, I read in the word of God: “In My plan, Satan has ever snapped at the heels of every step, and, as the foil of My wisdom, has always tried to find ways and means to disrupt My original plan. But could I succumb to its deceitful schemes? All in heaven and on earth serves Me—could the deceitful schemes of Satan be any different? This is precisely the intersection of My wisdom, it is precisely that which is wondrous about My deeds, and it is the principle by which My entire management plan is carried out. During the time of the building of the kingdom, still I do not avoid the deceitful schemes of Satan, but continue to do the work I must do. Among all things in the universe, I have chosen the deeds of Satan as My foil. Is this not My wisdom? Is this not precisely that which is wondrous about My work?” (“Chapter 8” of God’s Words to the Entire Universe in The Word Appears in the Flesh).

God’s words touched my heart once more, and they enabled me to understand that the wisdom of God is exercised based on the deceitful schemes of Satan. God uses Satan as a foil, and through the disruption caused by Satan, God enables us to develop discernment, as well as grow in our lives. Thinking back on that time, when my husband tried to stop me from believing in God because he had been deceived by the CCP’s lies, although I had suffered a little through that situation and had experienced weakness and negativity, through fellowshiping on God’s words with my sisters, I came to understand exactly the essence of the CCP; it is a stumbling block on the path we tread as we turn back to God, and even more so it is the fuse wire that ignites family strife, and I cannot help but feel hatred toward it. Throughout this spiritual battle, whenever I felt negative and weak, it was only by calling on God and by the enlightenment and guidance of God’s words that I was able to overcome the temptations of Satan and stand testimony for God. Having survived this battle, I came to appreciate the faithfulness of God, and I truly feel that God is by our side and is our support and backup at need. As long as we rely on and look to God in earnest, then God will be with us. My faith to follow God has thereby grown even greater, and I am even more willing to spend whatever time I have left in life pursuing the truth and following God to the very end! Thanks be to God!

from The Church of Almighty God

How to Rely on God and Stand Testimony When Tempted by Satan (Part 1)

By Hu Yang

In late May 2018, I was fortunate enough to hear the last days gospel of Almighty God. By reading Almighty God’s words and listening to fellowships given by the brothers and sisters, I became aware of the factual truth of mankind’s corruption by Satan, God’s six-thousand-year management plan to save mankind and the aim of God’s three stages of work. I also came to understand how one can enter into the heavenly kingdom and the future destination and end for mankind, as well as other truths. After a period of seeking and investigating, I became absolutely certain that Almighty God is the Lord Jesus returned, after which I actively attended our church gatherings. As I read more and more of God’s words, I came to some understanding of the painstaking efforts God goes to to save mankind, and I wanted to spread the gospel to my husband so that he too could soon receive God’s salvation of the last days. Unexpectedly, on the afternoon on which I had arranged with my church sisters to preach the gospel to my husband, something happened which I could never have foreseen …

My Husband Is Deceived by Lies and He Tries to Stop Me From Believing in God

On that afternoon, my husband was sitting on the couch watching a video on his phone as he usually did, when he suddenly came across a rumor that was being put about by the Chinese Communist government about The Church of Almighty God: “When someone starts believing in Almighty God, they then go out to preach the gospel, and they abandon their family….” Instantly, my husband became furious, and said that he wouldn’t allow me to believe in Almighty God any longer. I spoke patiently to him, saying, “These are just lies spread by the CCP. Brothers and sisters who preach the gospel and testify for God don’t abandon their families….” But my husband had already fallen for the lies and he simply wouldn’t listen. He said angrily, “I don’t care! You can believe in Jehovah God if you want, or you can believe in the Lord Jesus, and I’ll support you. So long as you don’t believe in Almighty God, I’ll do whatever you want!” I said patiently, “Although Jehovah God, the Lord Jesus and Almighty God have different names, They are all one God. They are just three different names taken by God in His work at different times. In order to save mankind, God performs three stages of work. The first stage was the work of the Age of Law performed by Jehovah God, the second stage was the work of the Age of Grace performed by the Lord Jesus, and the third stage is the work of the Age of Kingdom performed by Almighty God. After the Lord Jesus accomplished the second stage of work, that of the work of redemption, He prophesied, ‘I come quickly’ (Revelation 22:12). Now the Lord Jesus has returned as Almighty God, Christ of the last days. Almighty God has expressed millions of words and He performs the work of judgment beginning in God’s house in order to purify and change man, to save man utterly from the clutches of Satan and to ultimately lead man into His kingdom. Having been through a period of seeking and investigating, I see that the words expressed by Almighty God are the truth and that they reveal all the mysteries in the Bible. I am certain that Almighty God is the returned Lord Jesus, and my belief in Almighty God allows me to keep pace with the footsteps of the Lamb. You haven’t sought or investigated Almighty God’s work of the last days and you haven’t read the words expressed by Almighty God, so how can you so blindly believe in those lies and oppose my belief in God?”

My husband couldn’t argue with me and, in a rage, he threw his phone down onto the coffee table, stood, and bellowed at me, “Say what you want, but you do not have my permission to believe in Almighty God!” I was stunned to see my husband act this way. We’d been married for ten years and he’d always been good to me. He’d never once opposed anything I’d ever wanted or anything I’d ever wanted to do, much less had he ever been as angry as he was on this day. I never expected him to act so terribly toward me after being deceived by the CCP’s lies or that he would oppose my belief in God so much—I was beside myself. I thought of how my church sisters would soon be arriving at my home to preach the gospel to my husband. Now that my husband was so dead set against my belief in God, I had no choice but to quietly take my phone and message the two sisters, telling them not to come. No sooner had I finished sending the message to my church sisters than my husband suddenly snatched my phone away and deleted The Church of Almighty God app as well as the software I used to contact my church sisters, and he once again warned me not to believe in Almighty God anymore.

Seeing how deeply fooled my husband had been by the CCP’s lies, I felt very anxious. I had no idea what he would do next to try to force me to give up my belief, or whether I would be able to attend gatherings with my brothers and sisters ever again…. I felt so afraid and helpless, and all I could do was call on God over and over in my heart: “O Almighty God! I feel so weak right now and I don’t know what to do for the best. My stature is so small, and I understand too few truths. Please help me and open up a way for me. O God! No matter how my husband treats me, I will always believe in You and follow You. I will not betray You no matter what happens. I ask that You give me faith and strength. I will stand testimony for You. Please enlighten me and guide me so that I may understand Your will. Thank You God!” After praying, I instantly felt much more tranquil inside, and I no longer felt so afraid. I glanced at my husband who didn’t seem as ferocious as he had been before and, to my surprise, he just went off to bed. I knew then that God had heard my prayer. When I was at my most helpless, God had given me faith and courage and He had opened up a way for me. God truly is the real and living Almighty God, and in my heart, I offered up my thanks and praise to Him. My husband slept all that afternoon, but I still felt a little worried, worried that he would get angry at me again when he woke up, and so I prayed to God silently in my heart.

To my surprise, when my husband woke up, he saw that I was still sitting on the couch and, without me saying anything, he took the initiative and said, “I was wrong earlier. I’ve reinstalled that software onto your phone. You can believe in God if you want to. I won’t get in your way anymore.” I was so happy to hear him say this and I knew that all that had happened was by the arrangement of God. Only then did I truly come to appreciate God’s omnipotence and sovereignty, and I thought of God’s words which say: “Man’s heart and spirit are held in the hand of God, everything of his life is beheld in the eyes of God. Regardless of whether or not you believe this, any and all things, whether living or dead, will shift, change, renew, and disappear in accordance with God’s thoughts. Such is the way in which God presides over all things” (“God Is the Source of Man’s Life” in The Word Appears in the Flesh). “Yes,” I thought. “Whether living or dead, all things are held in God’s hands. Our every thought and idea changes under the sovereignty and orchestrations of God. It was God’s deed that transformed my husband’s attitude, and it was God listening to my prayers. God knows that I am of small stature and, when I was at my most helpless, He gave me faith and courage and He opened up a way for me.” I kept thanking Almighty God from the bottom of my heart.

All of This Turns Out to Be a Battle in the Spirit World

At a church gathering the next day, I told my brothers and sisters about what had happened. After listening to me speak, Sister Feng was filled with emotion and said, “Thanks be to God! What happened to you lets us see that God is by our side and that He is our support at need. As long as we call on Him in all sincerity, then He will listen to our prayers and will open up a way for us. At the same time, however, we should understand that when your husband tries to stop you from believing in God, though it may appear as your family member trying to disrupt you, in truth it is actually a spiritual battle that is raging! We can’t see and understand things with our physical eyes, but instead we must learn to see things from the perspective of God’s words and the truth!” I looked at Sister Feng in astonishment. “Spiritual battle?” I thought. “What could that mean?”

Just then, the sister read a passage of God’s words to me: “God works, God cares for a person, looks upon a person, and Satan dogs His every step. Whoever God favors, Satan also watches, trailing along behind. If God wants this person, Satan would do everything in its power to obstruct God, using various evil ways to tempt, harass and wreck the work God does in order to achieve its hidden objective. What is its objective? It does not want God to have anyone; it wants all those that God wants, to occupy them, control them, to take charge of them so they worship it, so they commit evil acts alongside it. Is this not Satan’s sinister motive? … Satan is at war with God, trailing along behind Him. Its objective is to demolish all the work God wants to do, to occupy and control those whom God wants, to completely extinguish those whom God wants. If they are not extinguished, then they come to Satan’s possession to be used by it—this is its objective” (“God Himself, the Unique IV” in The Word Appears in the Flesh).

The sister then gave fellowship, saying, “From God’s words, we are able to see the truth of the battle in the spirit world, and we are able to see Satan’s evil essence. God created mankind, and He hopes that we will be able to hear His words and obey Him. Ever since we were corrupted by Satan, however, we have grown distant from God and we have fallen under the dark influence of Satan; we are bound and enslaved by Satan, and we live lives of unbearable pain. God could not bear to see us ravaged and ruined by Satan, and so He began His six-thousand-year management plan to save mankind in order to take us back from Satan’s clutches, to enable us to cast off once and for all the bonds, the control and the harm of Satan, to attain God’s true salvation, to be led into God’s kingdom and to enjoy God’s blessings and promises. Satan, however, does not want us to attain God’s true salvation, and so it employs all manner of means and does its utmost to deceive and disturb us and to obstruct us from following God and worshiping God. It does all this in an attempt to make us become negative and weak and to make us lose our faith in God to the point where we shun God and betray Him, and we lose God’s salvation of the last days.

“For example, there are some brothers and sisters who, after they accept God’s work of the last days, encounter opposition to their belief in God from their family members because they have seen the rumors spread online by the CCP; when some brothers and sisters attend gatherings and read God’s words, they are half asleep and their hearts are in turmoil, and some brothers and sisters or their family members get sick. These are just a few examples of the despicable methods Satan customarily uses to disturb and tempt people. Hu Yang, you wanted to spread the gospel to your husband so that he too could attain God’s salvation, but just as you were about to do that, Satan used its lies to deceive your husband, to make him oppose God’s work of the last days and to set him on his guard. Not only would he then not seek or investigate the true way, but he also tried to stop you from believing in God. On the surface, it appeared as though your husband was trying to obstruct you, but behind all this, it was actually Satan putting its deceitful schemes into action. Satan uses all manner of lies to deceive those in our families who do not believe in God in order to make them obstruct us and coerce us, in an attempt to make us negative and weak and to make us give up the true way, so that we lose once and for all the salvation of God and end up devoured by Satan. Sister, when our family members try to obstruct us, we should see things from the perspective of the spirit world, for behind our family members’ actions lies hidden the despicable aims of Satan!”

After listening to the sister fellowship in this way, my heart suddenly filled with light. So, all along I’d been facing a battle that was raging in the spirit world! I thought of how my husband had begun to try to force me to give up my belief in God after he’d seen the CCP’s lies, and I knew that this had all been brought about by the deceptions of Satan. Satan truly is so despicable, so hateful!

from The Church of Almighty God


Brother Li is a believer who attends a house church. While he and his brothers and sisters are investigating the true way, their pastor says "God's words and works are all in the Bible, and anything outside the Bible is heresy" and "any who preach the Lord's return as incarnate flesh are false" to obstruct and prevent believers from seeking and investigating the true way. The Lord Jesus clearly said, "I have yet many things to say to you, but you cannot bear them now. However, when He, the Spirit of truth, is come, He will guide you into all truth: for He shall not speak of Himself; but whatever He shall hear, that shall He speak: and He will show you things to come" (John 16:12-13). The Book of Revelation also prophesied, "He that has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches" (Revelation 2:7). The Lord will return in the last days, and people must attentively listen for the Lord's voice to be able to keep up with the Lord's footsteps, so why do their pastor openly deny the Lord's words and strive to prevent believers from receiving the Lord? Watch the crosstalk An Antichrist in the Church for the answers.

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Xiang Yang works at a house church, and just like many religious believers, he thinks that God's words and work are all in the Bible, that believing in the Lord means believing in the Bible, that the Bible represents the Lord, and that if he abides by the Bible, he will enter the kingdom of heaven and gain eternal life. Brother Zhang Yi, who has just accepted God's work of the last days, has doubts about this view. The two engage in a humorous debate: Are all of God's words and work really in the Bible? Does the Bible really represent the Lord? By keeping to the Bible, can we enter the kingdom of heaven (know more about "Kingdom of God") and gain eternal life? To find out the answers, please watch the crosstalk Going Outside the Bible.


When Will Jesus Return?

Signs of the End Times



Christian Testimonies-The Way to Avoid Being a Slave to Sin

By Christopher, Philippines
Eastern Lightning,the Church of Almighty God, Christian Testimonies,
Pictures of the Church of Almighty God
My name is Christopher, and I’m a pastor of a house church in the Philippines. In 1987, I was baptized and returned to the Lord Jesus and then by the Lord’s grace, in 1996 I became a pastor in a local church. At that time, I was not only working and preaching in many places around the Philippines, but I was also preaching in places such as Hong Kong and Malaysia. Through the work and the guidance of the Holy Spirit, I felt that I had inexhaustible energy in my work for the Lord and endless inspiration for my sermons. I would often offer support to brothers and sisters who were feeling negative and weak. Sometimes when their nonbeliever family members were unfriendly toward me, I was still able to be tolerant and patient; I didn’t lose faith in the Lord and believed that the Lord could change them. So, I felt like I had changed a great deal since becoming a believer. However, starting in 2011, I was no longer able to feel the work of the Holy Spirit as strongly as before. I gradually lost new enlightenment for my sermons and lacked the strength to break free from living in sin. I could not help losing my temper with my wife and daughter when I saw them doing things I didn’t like and scolded them out of anger. I knew that this was not in keeping with the will of the Lord, but often I could not help myself. This was particularly distressing for me. In order to free myself from a life of sinning and then confessing, I put more effort into reading the Bible, fasting and praying, and looked everywhere for spiritual pastors so we could seek and explore this together. But all of my efforts came to naught; there was no change to my life of sin and the darkness within my soul.
Then one evening in spring 2016, my wife asked me, “Christopher, I’ve noticed you’ve been really troubled recently. What’s on your mind?” I told her what was troubling me, “I’ve been wondering these last few years why I can’t break free from living in sin despite being a pastor and having believed in the Lord for many years. I’m no longer able to feel the Lord—it’s as if He has forsaken me. Even though I go all over the place to preach, as soon as I have a moment to myself, especially in the dead of night, I always feel a kind of emptiness and anxiety, and this feeling is just growing. I think about how I’ve believed in the Lord all these years, I’ve read the Bible so much, I’ve listened to so many of the Lord’s sermons, and I’ve often resolved to bear the cross and conquer myself, but I’m always bound by sin. I’m capable of telling lies to protect my own interests and face, and I fail to live up to ‘And in their mouth was found no guile’ (Revelation 14:5). When facing hardships and refinement, although I know these happen with the Lord’s consent, I still cannot stop myself from complaining about the Lord and misunderstanding Him. I utterly fail at willing self-renunciation. I’m afraid that, living in sin this way, when the Lord comes, I won’t be able to enter the kingdom of heaven!”
Hearing this, my wife said, “Christopher, how can you think like this? You must have faith; you are a pastor! Although we live in sin and have not broken free from the binds of sin, the Bible says, ‘That if you shall confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus, and shall believe in your heart that God has raised him from the dead, you shall be saved’ (Romans 10:9). ‘For whoever shall call on the name of the Lord shall be saved’ (Romans 10:13). As long as we keep reading the Bible, attending gatherings, praying to the Lord, and we bear the cross, unerringly following Him until the second coming of the Lord, we’ll be able to enter the kingdom of heaven and receive the Lord’s blessing.”
I then said to my wife, “I thought so before, but in 1 Peter 1:16 it says: ‘Because it is written, Be you holy; for I am holy.’ I have believed in the Lord for thirty years, yet I cannot keep to the Lord’s way and, living in sin, I am still capable of often resisting the Lord. I don’t remotely meet the Lord’s requirements. Ugh! How many times have I resolved to obey the teachings of the Lord, yet I haven’t been able to put His words into practice. How could I be worthy of entering the kingdom of heaven this way? The Lord Jesus said: ‘Not every one that said to Me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that does the will of My Father which is in heaven’ (Matthew 7:21). According to the Lord’s words, entering the kingdom of heaven is not as simple as we think. The Lord is holy, so how can people who cannot practice His word and who frequently oppose Him be raptured into the kingdom of heaven? Only those who have transformed and who do God’s will can enter the kingdom of heaven!”
The Way to Avoid Being a Slave to Sin
My wife thought for a moment and said, “What you’re saying makes sense. The Lord is holy and we are still sinful. We are not worthy of entering God’s kingdom. It’s just that … I suddenly remembered … didn’t Pastor Liu invite a Korean Pastor Kim to the church? How about we do some seeking on this issue?” I said: “Yeah, that’s a good idea. The Lord Jesus said: ‘Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and you shall find; knock, and it shall be opened to you’ (Matthew 7:7). As long as we seek, I believe that the Lord will lead us. As a pastor, I have to consider the lives of our brothers and sisters. If I’m cavalier in my faith, I’ll be doing them as well as myself a disservice. Let’s wait until Pastor Kim comes and then seek from him on this issue.”
Since I was planning to seek out Pastor Kim, I wanted to know a little about his background. I went online to search for the Korean church he was with. On the pages that popped up, I saw the website https://www.holyspiritspeaks.org. Opening it, these words drew me in: “Man received much grace, such as the peace and happiness of the flesh, the faith of one member bringing blessing on an entire family, the healing of sickness, and so on. The rest were the good deeds of man and his godly appearance; if man could live on the basis of these, he was considered an acceptable believer. Only believers of this kind could enter heaven after death, which means that they were saved. But, in their lifetime, these people did not understand at all the way of life. All they did was to commit sins and then confess their sins in a constant cycle without making any path toward changing their disposition: Such was the condition of man in the Age of Grace. Has man received complete salvation? No!” (“The Mystery of the Incarnation (4)” in The Word Appears in the Flesh). These were so well put that I absolutely had to keep reading: “Therefore, after that stage of work was finished, there still remained the work of judgment and chastisement. This stage is to make man pure by means of the word and thereby give him a path to follow. This stage would not be fruitful or meaningful if it continued with the casting out of demons, for it would fail to extirpate man’s sinful nature, and man would come to a standstill at the forgiveness of his sins. Through the sin offering, man has been forgiven his sins, for the work of the crucifixion has already come to an end and God has prevailed over Satan. But the corrupt disposition of man still remaining within him, man can still sin and resist God, and God has not gained mankind. That is why in this stage of work God uses the word to expose the corrupt disposition of man, causing him to practice in accordance with the right path. This stage is more meaningful than the previous one, as well as more fruitful, for now it is the word that directly supplies man’s life and enables the disposition of man to be completely renewed; it is a much more thorough stage of work” (“The Mystery of the Incarnation (4)” in The Word Appears in the Flesh). Reading this was incredibly exciting for me. Although I couldn’t entirely understand it and some of it was even puzzling for me, these words allowed me to see some hope. I felt that within this I could find a path to purify and change myself. I thanked God from the bottom of my heart for hearing my prayer. As I went on reading, I felt that these really were wonderful words that watered and shepherded my thirsty soul. I saw this on the website: “If you can’t find the Gospel Hotline in your country or region, please leave us a message and we will contact you as soon as possible.” I took a quick look and didn’t see a hotline for the Philippines, so I immediately left a message, and wrote down my contact number and email address with no hesitation.
After I got home that evening, I told my wife about it and after hearing what I had to say, she was willing to seek as well. I really thank the Lord that they responded to my message the next day and arranged to connect with us online that very same afternoon. That afternoon, we spoke to Sister Liu and Sister Su. From that conversation, I felt that they spoke simply, deftly and with insight. My wife was even more anxious than me and said, “Do you mind if I ask a question?” They enthusiastically said, “Of course.” My wife replied, “On your church’s website it says, ‘God of the last days has done a stage of the work of judgment and chastisement.’ My husband and I know that no unholy person will see the Lord because He is holy, but in Romans it says, ‘That if you shall confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus, and shall believe in your heart that God has raised him from the dead, you shall be saved’ (Romans 10:9). ‘For whoever shall call on the name of the Lord shall be saved’ (Romans 10:13). If we believe in the Lord Jesus then we are already saved and can enter the kingdom of heaven, so why is God of the last days doing a stage of the work of judgment and chastisement? I’m not really clear on this and I hope to hear your thoughts.”
Sister Liu replied, “Thanks be to God! Let’s fellowship together and let God guide us. Let’s first take a look at what ‘being saved’ means here. In the latter period of the Age of Law, people had all grown far from God and no longer had God-fearing hearts. They had become more and more sinful and went so far as to offer up blind, lame and diseased livestock and birds as sacrifices. The people of that time no longer upheld the law and they were all in danger of being condemned to death for violating the law. Given the situation, in order to save those living under the law from certain death, God Himself became flesh and undertook the work of redemption, and was ultimately crucified to redeem the whole of mankind from sin. People could be forgiven of their sins by believing in the Lord Jesus, thus becoming qualified to come before God in prayer and enjoy the blessings of God’s grace. This is the true meaning of ‘being saved’ in the Age of Grace. In other words, ‘being saved’ is nothing more than a person’s sins being forgiven. That is, God doesn’t regard people as being tainted by sin anymore, but that doesn’t mean that they’re not inherently sinful. Therefore, being saved does not mean that we are completely purified and have attained complete salvation. If we want to be purified, we have to accept God’s judgment work of the last days.”



Who Is the Obstacle on the Road to the Heavenly Kingdom?  

By Meng’ai, Malaysia
The year my husband died, I was deep in despair, and on top of that I had the added burden of raising my children. Hardship had suddenly befallen my life, but I had the love of the Lord with me all along and, with the help of my brothers and sisters, I got through this difficult time. To repay the Lord’s love, I continued to make donations and serve the church, and have been doing so for over thirty years. In this time, I have experienced the thriving of the church and seen the glorious event of the spreading of the gospel of the Lord Jesus. I’ve also witnessed desolation and helplessness in the church. I thought back to when the Holy Spirit first began to do the great work in the church, when we experienced enjoyment and gained much from listening to the pastor’s preaching. There was mutual love among the brothers and sisters just as if we were all one family, and everyone was united in spreading the gospel and bearing witness to the Lord. Later, without knowing what had happened, there was no longer any light in what the pastor preached. It was like everything was just the same old story repeated again and again, and the believers simply could not derive any nourishment or supply. Their faith and love gradually waned, and there were fewer and fewer people coming to gatherings. Those of us who participated in service were also just going through the motions. We all acted according to the wishes of the people in the ministry and not at all in the service of God, but rather we just exerted ourselves in front of other people and tried to please them. I knew that this kind of service was not in line with God’s will, and so it was very painful for me. I also felt helpless, with no idea how to walk the path ahead of me. I therefore hoped all the more for the Lord to return as soon as possible, so that all these problems would be solved.
Just when I was feeling at a loss, in 2016 I looked into the work of Almighty God in the last days. I read a great deal of the word of Almighty God and I listened to what the brothers and sisters of The Church of Almighty God fellowshiped and what they bore witness to, and finally I understood that the Lord Jesus had long since incarnated and come into the world to express His words and perform the last days’ work of judgment beginning at the house of God, and He was doing all this to completely purify and save mankind and to bring mankind into the heavenly kingdom. The word of Almighty God made clear to me the mystery of the Lord’s return which I had thought about for so many years. I understood that the Lord’s return was divided into the two forms of the hidden advent and of coming openly. The Lord first becomes incarnate as the Son of man at the hidden advent to express His words and to judge and cleanse man, and to make a group of overcomers before the disasters. When the great disasters descend, He will reward the good and punish the evil, and He will come openly, appearing to all nations and peoples. At that time, the work of God incarnate at the hidden advent will already have ended, and all who resist and condemn God’s work in the last days will meet the disasters with much weeping and gnashing of teeth. The brothers and sisters also fellowshiped to me such truths as the three stages of God’s work to save mankind, the significance of God’s incarnation, and how God will perform the work of judgment in the last days. I then understood why before, in serving the church, we had not had God’s guidance, and why there was no path forward for us in reading the Scripture, prayer, and Bible study. I understood why we had not felt the presence of the Holy Spirit. God had already performed new work, concluded the Age of Grace and brought about the Age of Kingdom. The Holy Spirit was no longer working within the churches of the Age of Grace, so people’s spirits had withered and grown dark, devoid of any joy or contentment, and they could not obtain any sustenance in their spiritual lives. It was thanks to God’s guidance and direction that I was able to recognize God’s voice in the word of Almighty God, and I happily accepted the work of God in the last days. Afterward, the brothers and sisters would frequently share the word of Almighty God with me online. Seeing the movies, videos of choral dances, and music videos produced by The Church of Almighty God provided great sustenance to me, and I thanked God from the bottom of my heart for leading me before His throne. I enjoyed being shepherded and nourished by the word of God, and I entered a blissful life of living face to face with God.
One day, a wife of one of the pastors in the church sent me a message out of the blue, saying: “Why did you like a post by Eastern Lightning? You also allowed it to be posted on your timeline, and it goes against the Lord’s will to do so. If our parishioners see the post about Eastern Lightning, and become interested in the words of Almighty God, they’ll all go read up on Eastern Lightning, and then what will we do? You mustn’t get in touch with the people from Eastern Lightning again. You should delete their contact information right away….” I replied: “The gospel movies, hymns, and music videos of The Church of Almighty God are all quite good, and I’ve gotten a lot out of them. I should give it a like!” I wanted to send more messages to the pastor’s wife, but before I’d even finished my message, she said many things attacking and condemning Almighty God, and slandering The Church of Almighty God. I saw that she had no desire whatsoever to investigate this great matter of the Lord’s return, but just made whatever judgments and condemnatory remarks she saw fit. I didn’t want to talk about this with her anymore, so I just changed the subject.
Who Is the Obstacle on the Road to the Heavenly Kingdom
A few days after this happened, Pastor Yang came looking for me to have a talk. After some pleasantries, Pastor Yang asked me, “Have you looked into any other religious groups online?” I didn’t know why Pastor Yang would ask me such a question, and I said, “My friends on Facebook belong to many different denominations, and if I think the articles they post are correct and good, I always try to understand them and see if there’s any new light in them. Are you saying it’s wrong to do this?” Pastor Yang asked me again, “Did you convert to Eastern Lightning two years ago? Why do you want to investigate Eastern Lightning? Also, do you frequently go looking for so-and-so (a sister who had accepted God’s work in the last days, whose pictures had been posted and who had been condemned and abandoned by the pastor of her original church)? …” Hearing the barrage of questions from Pastor Yang, I started to get annoyed, and said, “The Church of Almighty God is good, and within it there is the truth and the work of the Holy Spirit. I will follow along wherever there is the truth and the work of the Holy Spirit, and this is only proper. There is no new light in our church, and my spirit is darkened and can’t find any sustenance there. I want to find a church that has the work of the Holy Spirit, where my life can receive the nourishment of the truth. The teachings of Eastern Lightning appeal to me, and the words of Almighty God are all the truth. They allow me to obtain sustenance. I wasn’t wrong to investigate Eastern Lightning, and I am free to do so.” Pastor Yang said, “What the people from Eastern Lightning preach oversteps the Bible, and there are no other words of God than those that are within the Bible. If what they preach deviates from the Bible, then it is wrong.” I said, “I once heard a preacher say the same thing, and I used to be of the same viewpoint myself. But after reading the word of Almighty God, and hearing what the brothers and sisters of The Church of Almighty God fellowshiped, I have come to know that this view is just our own notions and imaginings. It is not at all in accord with the truth and it does not tally with the facts. God is all-encompassing, and God is rich in wisdom. How can we delimit God’s words and work to just the Bible? The Bible says: ‘And there are also many other things which Jesus did, the which, if they should be written every one, I suppose that even the world itself could not contain the books that should be written’ (John 21:25). We can see here that the words and work of God recorded in the Bible are too limited in scope. Not all that the Lord Jesus said at the time was written down in the Bible, much less the words spoken by the returned Lord. On top of that, the work of Almighty God is built on the foundation laid by the Lord Jesus. The work of Almighty God and that of the Lord Jesus are the work of one God….” Pastor Yang didn’t listen to a word I said and had no interest whatsoever in seeking and investigating. He just continued to say things resisting and condemning Almighty God and The Church of Almighty God, and he asked me, “How did you learn about the website of The Church of Almighty God? Do you have their books? Have you preached the work of Almighty God to anyone else? Have you preached it to your children? Give me the names of the people in The Church of Almighty God….” He also demanded that I never again attend a gathering with people from The Church of Almighty God. If I didn’t listen to him and continued to be in contact with The Church of Almighty God, then he would expel me from the church, he would never again let me go to any church and would thoroughly smear my reputation. I was shocked by the Pastor Yang I saw right in front of me. How had Pastor Yang, who was always so good-natured and humble, and always spoke such gentle words, transformed into such a barbaric and unreasonable person? I told him, “It is my right to investigate the truth, and no one has any right to interfere with this. As for whether or not the teachings of Eastern Lightning are the true way, you should first of all not judge and condemn it blindly. You can go and investigate for yourself on the website of The Church of Almighty God, where they have a lot of content. There are all kinds of books of God’s words. Go see for yourself whether the word of Almighty God is the voice of the returned Lord Jesus….” Pastor Yang absolutely would not listen to what I was saying, but just kept on resisting and condemning. He threatened me, saying I must leave The Church of Almighty God. The more he spoke, the more Pastor Yang crossed the line. I became extremely indignant and said to him, “The Lord Jesus said: ‘Judge not, that you be not judged. For with what judgment you judge, you shall be judged’ (Matthew 7:1–2). If you have never investigated the words and work of Almighty God, then how can you just make whatever judgments and condemnatory remarks you want? When you act like this, is it in a way that reveres the Lord?” Pastor Yang saw that I wasn’t listening to him and that I had refuted him, and so he didn’t say anything else.
In the following days, Pastor Yang started to keep an eye on me. This filled me with worry, and I lost my freedom of faith as well. In the church, there was only a hallway separating Pastor Yang’s office from my own. He kept popping into my office to see what I was up to, and sometimes he would say he was going to the toilet and then watch me from the corridor. One day, two sisters of The Church of Almighty God came to my office to chat. Once the sisters left, Pastor Yang went to find my assistant. My assistant later told me that Pastor Yang had asked her who these two people were, and why they had come…. Pastor Yang watched me the whole day as if he were keeping an eye on a criminal. It made me feel very oppressed and completely without freedom. One day, I did not go to the church, and was taking part in a gathering online with some brothers and sisters. Just then, as I was earnestly taking the meeting notes in my living room, Pastor Yang suddenly appeared behind me (the door was ajar, and whoever came could enter the room) and said, “What are you doing? What are you writing?” I jumped up in fright at the sudden and unexpected voice. I felt inwardly ill at ease at being disturbed by him in such a way, and whatever I did I could not return to a state of tranquility. I resented him intensely, and thought: “Investigating the true way in one’s belief in God is right and proper, and is a right that a Christian should have.” The Holy Spirit was no longer working within our church, and the parishioners were all negative, weak, and withered in spirit. They were living in an environment that had sunken down into darkness, and I was looking for a church in which the Holy Spirit was at work. How was it wrong to look for the footsteps of God? Why did he want to keep an eye on me? Why wouldn’t he let me be?
Not only was the pastor monitoring and disturbing me, but one elder even called me up to harass me. He told me: “What the people from The Church of Almighty God preach has overstepped the Bible. If you believe in the Lord, you cannot betray the Lord, who has given you so much kindness. You can’t be without a conscience….” I said in retort, “Almighty God and the Lord Jesus are one and the same God, and I have certainly not betrayed the Lord Jesus by believing in Almighty God. I am merely keeping up with the footprints of the Lamb….” However, no matter how I tried to explain it, the elder was just the same as the pastor. Other than saying condemnatory and blasphemous things, and obstructing me from accepting the work of Almighty God in the last days, he didn’t listen to one word of what I fellowshiped or advised. I didn’t want to talk with him anymore, so I just thought of some excuse to hang up. But the elder didn’t let me off the hook. He kept calling to harass me and said that, by my belief in Almighty God, I had forgotten the grace of the Lord and had betrayed Him. I remembered what was said in Revelation: “These are they which follow the Lamb wherever He goes” (Revelation 14:4). On the foundation of the Lord Jesus’ work of redemption, Almighty God is performing the stage of the work of judging and purifying people through words, and my acceptance of Almighty God’s work in the last days clearly showed that I was keeping up with the footprints of the Lamb. How could anyone say I was betraying the Lord Jesus? At first, when the Lord Jesus came to do work, the people who had believed in Jehovah left the law behind and they accepted the gospel of the kingdom of heaven that was being preached by the Lord Jesus. They followed the Lord Jesus, but had they forgotten the salvation of Jehovah? Was this a betrayal of Jehovah? Isn’t this a fallacy? After this took place, the pastor once again sent me some messages online blaspheming, resisting, and condemning Almighty God. Reading such hideous words made me feel disgusted and furious again. Only Satan was capable of uttering such blasphemies, and in their capacity as leaders in the church, how was it that they had no fear whatsoever of God and dared to say all manner of blasphemies? It reminded me of the words of the Lord Jesus: “But whoever speaks against the Holy Spirit, it shall not be forgiven him, neither in this world, neither in the world to come” (Matthew 12:32). Blaspheming against God is a major and terrible sin! I felt a lingering sense of dread on their behalf, but no matter what I said, they just closed their ears and refused to hear anything. They just kept condemning, resisting, and blaspheming. I just could not understand it: The elder and the pastor both had knowledge of the Bible and had studied theology, and the words of Almighty God were spoken with such clarity, so why was it that they would not seek or investigate His words? Why did they absolutely insist on condemning and resisting Almighty God?

from The Church of Almighty God