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Showing posts with label Christians. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Christians. Show all posts


Christian Crosstalk "There Is Only One God" | Is the Theory of Trinity in Line With the Lord's Word?

For 2,000 years, the theological theory of the Trinity has been seen as a basic tenet of the Christian faith. But, is God truly a Trinity? What, exactly, is the relationship between the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit? One day, Brother Zhang posts a question in his church's online discussion group: Does the Trinity really exist? This question begins an intense debate among the believers, after which Zheng Xun and Li Rui discuss and fellowship on this question. What is their conclusion? Please enjoy the crosstalk There Is Only One God.


Is the Lord Jesus the Son of God?
What exactly is the true belief in God? How should one believe in God in order to obtain His praise?


Brother Li is a believer who attends a house church. While he and his brothers and sisters are investigating the true way, their pastor says "God's words and works are all in the Bible, and anything outside the Bible is heresy" and "any who preach the Lord's return as incarnate flesh are false" to obstruct and prevent believers from seeking and investigating the true way. The Lord Jesus clearly said, "I have yet many things to say to you, but you cannot bear them now. However, when He, the Spirit of truth, is come, He will guide you into all truth: for He shall not speak of Himself; but whatever He shall hear, that shall He speak: and He will show you things to come" (John 16:12-13). The Book of Revelation also prophesied, "He that has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches" (Revelation 2:7). The Lord will return in the last days, and people must attentively listen for the Lord's voice to be able to keep up with the Lord's footsteps, so why do their pastor openly deny the Lord's words and strive to prevent believers from receiving the Lord? Watch the crosstalk An Antichrist in the Church for the answers.

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Xiang Yang works at a house church, and just like many religious believers, he thinks that God's words and work are all in the Bible, that believing in the Lord means believing in the Bible, that the Bible represents the Lord, and that if he abides by the Bible, he will enter the kingdom of heaven and gain eternal life. Brother Zhang Yi, who has just accepted God's work of the last days, has doubts about this view. The two engage in a humorous debate: Are all of God's words and work really in the Bible? Does the Bible really represent the Lord? By keeping to the Bible, can we enter the kingdom of heaven (know more about "Kingdom of God") and gain eternal life? To find out the answers, please watch the crosstalk Going Outside the Bible.


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Signs of the End Times


Spiritual Warfare-English Christian Video "Electronic Eyes All Over the City" (2018 Crosstalk)

In the name of public safety, the Chinese Communist Party installs electronic eyes everywhere, the true purpose of which is to use high-tech methods to attack dissent and persecute religious believers. Christians face serious challenges trying to survive under such intense surveillance. The crosstalk Electronic Eyes All Over the City uses a humorous and vivid two-person performance to reveal the evil truth of how the CCP uses its electronic eyes to control Christians, as well as the dark inner secrets of the CCP's persecution of religion …

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NGOs’ Appeal at Xi Jinping’s Visit to EU: Economics Shouldn’t Override Human Rights

Apr 30, 2019

Since Xi Jinping came to power, the human rights situation in China has significantly deteriorated; the persecution of religious practitioners, ethnic minorities, and dissidents is now comparable to that in the Cultural Revolution. The United States’ Country Reports on Human Rights Practices for 2018 stated that China is the country with the most serious human rights violations, and it also mentioned the systematic persecution suffered by Uyghurs, Falun Gong practitioners, and members of The Church of Almighty God (CAG) in China. Many Christians have been forced to flee the country because of the CCP’s brutal suppression and persecution of religious beliefs. However, the CCP employs political and diplomatic tactics as well as economic pressure in an effort to force democratic countries to return all Chinese Christian refugees to China where the persecution will continue. The CCP’s criminal acts of violating and trampling on human rights have drawn attention and condemnation from the international community. During Xi Jinping’s recent visit to Europe, some human rights organizations and persecuted groups organized protests calling on the governments of Western countries to focus on the human rights situation in China while conducting business dealings with the country.



How to Resolve a Spiritual Drought: The Answer Lies Within Her Experience (Part 1)

Apr 28, 201939

By Yangwang, South Korea

    I was born into a family of Christians—I’m the third generation of believers. I’ve gone to church to worship the Lord with my family ever since I was little, and after growing up I took on positions of service in the church like deacon, exhorter, and accountant. Throughout my entire 70-year journey, I have always looked to the Lord.

Eastern Lightning,the Church of Almighty God, Christians,
Pictures of the Church of Almighty God
In 2013, I realized that the church was becoming more and more desolate. The pastors and elders were always speaking in platitudes in their sermons; there was no new light, and listening to them wasn’t resolving any practical difficulties for us. When we encountered issues, we still couldn’t find a path to take. They frequently spoke of their personal experiences that brought them to work for the Lord, about how much they’d suffered and what a great price they’d paid. I got sick of hearing it. Plus other brothers and sisters were all spiritually weak and their faith had become tepid. Even though the pastors and elders tried some things to revive the church, like organizing outings for believers and summer camps, it was just a moment of fun and after the fact, everyone’s spiritual condition went right back to where it had been—negative and weak. I also noticed that at every service, when those who served the church as elders and exhorters offered up prayers on others’ behalf, they always prayed according to templates that had already been written out. I felt that true prayer should be speaking with the Lord from the heart, even if it was just a few words. That’s because the Lord said, “God is a Spirit: and they that worship Him must worship Him in spirit and in truth” (John 4:24). Their prayers, just reciting prayers that had already been written, were not true prayers and they certainly couldn’t bring the Lord joy. When the church leaders were filling the deacon positions, they didn’t select people who were of good behavior, vigilant, faithful in all things, and not greedy as is required in the Scripture (see 1 Timothy 3:1–11). Instead, they appointed people who contributed more in offerings and displayed enthusiasm. The church leaders’ behavior ran contrary to the Lord’s teachings at every turn; they led the congregation entirely according to their own personal doctrine. I saw no leadership from the Lord within that kind of church, I could not feel the work of the Holy Spirit, and I couldn’t gain any true sustenance in my life. I felt really despondent, and that nothing could be gained by worshiping God within a church like that. I ended up parting ways with that church in May 2013.
After leaving I found that, since my life had been entirely revolving around the church, I had lost my footing for life in the outside world. I didn’t know where to go or what to do—I felt lost and helpless. In an effort to find a place that was in line with the Lord’s teachings and could give me sustenance in life, I started going online to listen to famous pastors’ sermons, both from South Korea and abroad. I passed three months this way. I also got in touch with a missionary from my previous church who had started her own church after graduating from divinity school, but after a period of time that church had become so desolate that she was its only remaining member. At the time, I was listening to online sermons and having gatherings with her, but whether it was that pastor who had graduated from divinity school or the famous pastors from across the world, I couldn’t find any enjoyment in their sermons. My spiritual life remained devoid of sustenance, so I kept on searching for a church with the Holy Spirit’s work.
Three months later I made contact with another church. All of their pastors were leading upright lives of poverty and the church members seemed to have faith. I felt that their teachings were in line with the Bible, so I started to attend a number of their activities and took on the position of accountant for one of their small groups. But after a period of time I discovered that at the beginning and end of every service, they’d always pray in tongues, and they considered speaking in tongues to be the only evidence of having the work of the Holy Spirit and having been saved. But I didn’t agree at all, because it says in the Bible, in Galatians 5:22–23, “But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, long-suffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, Meekness, temperance.” My understanding of the Scripture was that understanding God’s words and yielding the nine fruits of the Holy Spirit in your life was pure faith, and only that was evidence of having the work of the Holy Spirit. And in services, the pastors were always preaching over and over about really old things without any kind of new light. Most of the people in the congregation would nod off during service. They were just going through the motions. I couldn’t see any of the joy that people should have in worshiping the Lord, and most people were in a negative, downcast state. Seeing these services conducted in such a sloppy manner, I thought to myself, “Could the Lord rejoice seeing people just go through the motions in service? Would He be happy? In service, is the Lord really still with us?” That then brought to mind this from the Book of Revelation: “And to the angel of the church of the Laodiceans write; … I know your works, that you are neither cold nor hot: I would you were cold or hot. So then because you are lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spew you out of My mouth. Because you say, I am rich, and increased with goods, and have need of nothing; and know not that you are wretched, and miserable, and poor, and blind, and naked” (Revelation 3:14, 15–17). Wasn’t the condition of that church just like the church of the Laodiceans? The pastors always preached about the same old things, the Lord’s presence and blessings were absent from gatherings, but they were full of rituals and rules. The brothers and sisters were neither cold nor hot, so wouldn’t they be spit out of the Lord’s mouth just like lukewarm water? Wouldn’t that mean we’d be discarded by the Lord? I realized that that church couldn’t meet my spiritual needs either; this left me feeling empty and helpless. Looking back on it, I saw that every single one of the churches I had passed through had been the same. Everyone was keeping up appearances, going to services, but they completely lacked the work and the guidance of the Holy Spirit. I was really in pain. My only hope at that time was that the Lord would return soon so that I could gain some life sustenance. I also frequently prayed to the Lord: “Oh Lord! When will You return?”
I became more anxious after that, constantly looking around online. Every chance I got I’d search for terms like “God’s voice” and “God’s footsteps” that refer to God’s appearance. I hoped to find something about the Lord’s return, to find a church that could help me find sustenance in my life. Then the morning of January 27, 2016, I didn’t know what I had searched for, but when I played a video, I heard these astonishing words: “My kingdom is coming into shape above the whole universe, and My throne holds sway in the hearts of hundreds of millions of people. With the angels’ assistance, My great accomplishment will soon be brought to fruition. All My sons and My people await My return with bated breath, longing for Me to reunite with them, never to be separated again. How could the multitudinous populace of My kingdom not race toward one another in joyful celebration because of My being together with them? Can this be a reunion for which no price need be paid? I am honorable in all men’s eyes, I am proclaimed in the words of all. When I return, I will conquer all enemy forces even more” (“Chapter 27” of God’s Words to the Entire Universe in The Word Appears in the Flesh). Even though I couldn’t understand everything in it, it said that God’s kingdom would take form across the entire universe, that God’s people would return before Him, and that the forces of Satan would be conquered by God. I really felt that all of this contained the authority and power of God Himself, and that these weren’t words that any human could utter. I pricked up my ears and listened attentively. It was pretty cold, so at first I was lying down with a blanket over me, but as I went on listening I just automatically rose up and kneeled to hear the rest. I then heard this in the video: “The time has come! I will put My work in motion, I will reign as King among men! I am on the point of return! And I am about to depart! This is what everyone is hoping for, it is what they wish. I shall let the whole of humanity see the arrival of My day, and let them welcome the coming of My day with joy!” (“Chapter 27” of God’s Words to the Entire Universe in The Word Appears in the Flesh) The more I heard, the more I felt how authoritative these words were, and I urgently wondered, “Where on earth did these words come from?” At the end of the video I saw this text: “from The Word Appears in the Flesh.” I immediately called two Christian bookstores to see if they had that book, but both said they didn’t. Just as I was feeling disappointed, I saw that below the video there was a contact number, which I immediately called. A sister answered the phone, and through our conversation I learned that it’s not a book that can be bought with money. I felt that the words I had heard were incredibly valuable, so I told her that I absolutely wanted a copy of the book. We then set up a time to meet.


Why Does the CCP Monitor and Oppress Christians So Much?

Feb 25, 2018126

Ma Zhijun (Vice-captain of the National Security Brigade): Level with me, what is your role in The Church of Almighty God? Are you a big leader? Who are your leaders?

Lang Xin (Captain of the National Security Brigade): Don’t think that we won’t know if you don’t talk! Tell you the truth, Jiang Xinyi. We have been investigating and monitoring you for three months. We are on top of your situation. You used to be a reporter for a provincial newspaper, and you’re now a big leader of The Church of Almighty God. Is that correct?

     Jiang Xinyi (A Christian): Whatever job I hold in the world and whatever duty I do in the church, is it against the law? Isn’t the freedom of religion explicitly stipulated in the national Constitution? My belief is proper and lawful. What authority do you have to monitor and investigate me? Who authorized you to arrest believers of God?

Lang Xin: What authority? Listen well. In China, believing in God is a criminal offense already! You should understand well that in China, the open Constitution does not represent the CCP’s policy. Your belief in God may be consistent with the Constitution, but it violates CCP policy. So it is an offense. The Communist Party’s policy is the real law! You mean to tell me you didn’t see that? Humph! The Communist Party is an atheistic party. Atheism and theism are inherently against each other. Can the incumbent Communist Party allow people to believe in God?

Jiang Xinyi: Man is created by God, so is everything in the universe. God rules over everything including human. It is just and proper for man to believe in God. What authority does the CCP have to deprive the religious freedom of the Chinese people? Who authorized it to deprive the right to life of those with a religious belief? Why are believers of God not allowed to live in the land of China?

Lang Xin: Jiang Xinyi, I advise you to understand the situation. You have to know what the CCP hates the most is God’s appearance and work and believers of God like you all, particularly the truth in the Bible, and The Word Appears in the Flesh. These are the two books that the CCP detests the most. Without these two books, believers of God will no longer exist. The ordinary people will be following the CCP. That’s why the CCP is irreconcilable with you believers! In China, believing in God is a dead end, especially you people of The Church of Almighty God who are more formidable than believers in Jesus in proclaiming and witnessing for God. For that alone, the Communist Party needs to deal with you severely! When you secretly congregate at home, the CCP will arrange for sub-district offices, village committees and the surrounding neighbors to monitor you, and stand by to arrest you. To people among you that are particularly influential, we assign dedicated personnel to track and report real-time intelligence on you, and round you up when you are meeting or congregating! When you flee from home in exile, the CCP will issue warrants and offer bounty for your arrest. You will be captured sooner or later. Even when you have fled overseas, the government can also use diplomatic means to extradite you back at all costs for torture and imprisonment. Why is the CCP willing to spend so much manpower, time and money on suppressing religious beliefs? Its goal is to thoroughly ban and eliminate all religions, exterminating and eradicating all you believers of God! “Troops won’t be withdrawn until the ban is done!” Completely abolishing the work of God and the church of God, and constructing an atheist domain out of China is the Communist Party’s religious policy! Humph! Putting it this way, do you still dare to talk about reason and law with the CCP? Now that I have told you clearly about the Communist Party’s policy, how do you feel about it? Is there anything else you don’t understand and discern?

Jiang Xinyi: From what you said, I finally understand. After all, the CCP’s insane suppression, apprehension and persecution of Christians are meant to totally abolish religious beliefs and construct an atheist domain out of China. Do you think this is possible? Have you seen any country become an atheist domain? None in the whole world. No existing power in the world can abolish people’s religious beliefs. In countries where communist parties are in power, they have always wanted to ban religious beliefs. Did they succeed? Not only did they fail, there are more and more believers of God. What is this all about? This proves that God is the Master of all. It is the Spirit of God at work! Is man able to ban it? Almighty God says, “Of everything that occurs in the universe, there is nothing that I do not have the final say in. What exists that is not in My hands? All that I say goes, and among men, who is there who can change My mind? … Nothing can hinder My plan” (The Word Appears in the Flesh). If the ruling party keeps acting against God, isn’t it going against Heaven and the natural order?

Eastern Lightning,the Church of Almighty God, Christians,
Pictures of the Church of Almighty God

Ma Zhijun: That’s enough! We are interrogating you now, and you want to turn the table around to interrogate us? Going by what you are saying, you are definitely a leader of the church, and a big leader as well! You had better start telling us everything if you don’t want to be tortured!

Lang Xin: I warn you, today we let you account for who your leaders are and where the church money is. This is your chance to make up for your mistakes. If you don’t appreciate the privilege and refuse to give us an honest account, don’t expect to walk out from here alive!

A young policeman enters and gives a paper file to Lang Xin, who is standing in front of the interrogation table.

Police: Captain Lang. (Lang Xin opens the file, takes out a sheaf of photos, and leafs through them. Ma Zhijun stands aside looking at the photos, too.)

Lang Xin: Look at these photos.(With the photos put before her eyes, Jiang Xinyi knits her brows. Lang Xin snorts a laugh, picks out a photo where Jiang Xinyi was talking with a sister in the park, and shows it to her.) Who is she? What’s her name? Is she your leader?

Jiang Xinyi: She is my friend. Is it a crime to chat with a friend in the park?

Lang Xin: Say it! Is the person in the picture the one you called “sister” on the phone? Didn’t you ask her for 2,000 books of God’s word?

Ma Zhijun: You thought by furtively contacting each other and talking in codes on the phone, then you can get away with it. You underestimated the police! The surveilling and eavesdropping devices we used are imported from the United States, the most advanced equipment in the world. No matter how you talk on the phone, we can always recognize your voices and spot that you are talking in codes. We have even mastered the codes you often use. You still want to escape from our eyes? Not a chance! Now we let you take the initiative to explain, this is an opportunity for leniency with frankness. If you stubbornly oppose, don’t blame us for the brutality. Our instruments of torture are no vegetarian stuff. In our hands, the tightest lips and stiffest spines will loosen up and play along with us.

Jiang Xinyi: Your monitoring equipment is indeed too advanced, but you are misusing it in blocking and banning God’s work and arresting Christians. What law have the believers of God violated? What is God’s incarnation to save mankind guilty of? Why do you always want to ban God’s work of salvation for man? In which country do the police monitor believers of God like you do? You spent so much money on buying the most sophisticated surveilling equipment in the world to monitor, track and arrest Christians, is it all legal? If the Communist Party rules the country by law and respects human rights, will believers of God need to talk in codes on the phone? Isn’t all this being forced by the Chinese Communist government? The Chinese Communist government wantonly violates the citizens’ right for religious beliefs and deprives right to life of believers of God, then it turns around to convict them for violating the law and disturbing social order. Isn’t this turning black and white on its head and the thief crying “Stop thief!”? Explain it to me, is it you or we who violate the law?

Lang Xin: From what you say, you still don’t understand the Communist Party. Why is the CCP most against God and God’s work? It is because Christians like you only believe in God’s word but not the CCP’s. In the eyes of the CCP, you are the enemies! You violate the CCP’s policy, it is more serious than committing a crime! Going by the past notion, it should be treated as counter-revolutionary matters, despite notions of counter-revolution have been abolished. However, since you violate the CCP’s policy, you are the target of CCP revolution. The CCP will have you completely banned and eliminated. Am I being clear in what I say?

Jiang Xinyi: What you said clarified everything and let me understand the CCP. The CCP is determined to be the sworn enemy of God and fight against God to the end. I just don’t understand. What good does it do for the CCP to be the enemy of God like that? By resisting God like that, can it make the country more prosperous and the people happier? In the Age of Law, God proclaimed to mankind: “Visiting the iniquity of the fathers on the children to the third and fourth generation of them that hate me; And showing mercy to thousands of them that love me, and keep my commandments” (Exodus 20:5-6). From ancient times to the present, all those who acted against God have met with no good ending. The persecution we endure for believing in God is only temporary. The punishment for resisting God is eternal. God’s righteous disposition is unoffendable.

Ma Zhijun: Dammit, you are still trying to spread the gospel and witness for God to us here! Don’t you know what we are? We are devils committed to fight against God! We don’t accept what you stand for. We are the disciples of Karl Marx, a Satanist. We are atheists! Even if God were real, I wouldn’t recognize Him. I would rather perish in hell than accept God! And you still want to preach the gospel and witness God to us. I see that you are courting death!

Ma Bo (A policeman): You dare to talk heavenly justice!

Lang Xin: All right. Today I’ll let you see clearly who is the master of your fate, whether it is God or us. Hang her up!

Ma Bo: How do you like it? Does it feel good? You are going to get the full treatment if you don’t tell us everything.

Lang Xin: Let me tell you, we have ways to fix “godized people” like you. Didn’t you want to bear witness for God and pledge allegiance to God? Didn’t you want to bear a resounding witness? I’ll let you be Judas and a disgrace to God. I’m going to post your pictures online. I’ll say you have sold out your church and become Judas. I’ll ruin your name. I’ll let everyone in your church forsake you! By then, you won’t be able to clear your name even if you have a thousand voices. Let’s see how you’re going to face the people of your church.

Jiang Xinyi: I know you are capable of any devious deed. Framing and setting people up, creating rumors and smearing others are your usual tricks. But God is righteous. God examines everything. God knows whether I am Judas or not. What you say doesn’t count!

from the movie script of The Exchange: Account of an Interrogation

Recommended: If the Eastern Lightning is the true way, why has the CCP government consistently engaged in frantic oppression, arrests, and persecution against the Eastern Lightning?


The Church of Almighty God, Eastern Lightning, faith in God

By Yingying, Malaysia
    A pilgrim’s path is perilous. A Christian’s road of following God on the right path is full of difficulties and obstacles—all sorts of Satan’s tests emerge one after another. Aside from having faith in God, Christians must also learn discernment. This is the only way to see through Satan’s trickery and stand witness when Satan’s test befalls you. Now, I’d like to share my own personal story with everyone.

Wonderful News—The Lord Has Returned!

    In early September 2017, one of my Facebook friends bore witness to me of Almighty God’s work of the last days. She fellowshiped on God’s three stages of work, the significance of His names, His management plan for saving mankind, and the mysteries of the Bible. This helped me understand that in the work performed by God in the Age of Law, the Age of Grace, and the Age of Kingdom, although the names and the works of Jehovah, the Lord Jesus, and Almighty God have all been different, they are all from the same source. It is all one God working, speaking, and saving us. Almighty God appearing and working in the last days fulfills what the Lord Jesus prophesied: “For as the lightning comes out of the east, and shines even to the west; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be” (Matthew 24:27). “And if any man hear My words, and believe not, I judge him not: for I came not to judge the world, but to save the world. He that rejects Me, and receives not My words, has one that judges him: the word that I have spoken, the same shall judge him in the last day” (John 12:47–48). I realized that Almighty God is the return of the Lord Jesus. After that, I attended gatherings with brothers and sisters from The Church of Almighty God, and through gatherings and fellowship I came to understand more and more truths. Each day was happier than the last; I felt fulfilled within my soul.
    Some time later, a brother from my previous church learned that I had been in contact with members of The Church of Almighty God and angrily questioned me, “Why are you in contact with them?” He also told me I should turn my back on them. I replied: “They’re all believers; we’re all one family. Why would I turn my back on them? Besides, they’ve shared many truths with me in fellowship so that I have a better understanding of God!” At the time, I was thinking to myself: “Through gatherings and fellowship on God’s words with these brothers and sisters with The Church of Almighty God, I’ve understood a number of truths that I had never gotten before when reading the Bible. I’ve understood that the truth Almighty God expresses to judge and cleanse us is so that we may attain salvation and enter into God’s kingdom. You haven’t bothered to look into it, but are just arbitrarily condemning and rejecting it. That’s really arrogant.” So, I didn’t listen to him and continued to contact those brothers and sisters online.

The Pastor Spreads Lies and I See the Truth Behind Them

    One day when I went to the church to worship, Pastor Li was on the podium saying all sorts of things opposing, condemning, and blaspheming Almighty God. He even played a video by the Chinese Communist Party condemning The Church of Almighty God that said that those spreading the gospelof Almighty God don’t care about their families. Hearing them say that I was somewhat concerned, thinking: “They don’t care about their families? What can they do if they can’t go home because they’re spreading the gospel?” I turned this question over and over in my head, and I felt really downcast.
    After going home I sought out a sister to talk over my worries and concerns. This is what she said to me in fellowship: “Sister, if it weren’t for the persecution of the CCP, how is it possible that our brothers and sisters would have homes they couldn’t go back to? The CCP is an atheistic government that doesn’t allow its people to believe in or follow God. It particularly doesn’t allow people to spread the gospel or bear witness to God. They do everything to arrest and persecute people of faith. So many brothers and sisters have been arrested and persecuted by the CCP—some have been sentenced to prison time and have suffered brutal torture; some have even been harmed to the point of death. There have also been many who have been terrorized to the point that they cannot return to their homes. These are all facts that are plain to see. But the CCP fabricates rumors and slander, saying that these Christians don’t care about their families. Isn’t this distorting the facts, upending right and wrong?”
    “The Lord Jesus said, ‘Go you into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature’ (Mark 16:15). God’s commission for us is to spread the gospel and bear witness to God. It is also the bounden duty of all Christians. For generations, there have been so many saints and missionaries who have given up their own families to spread the gospel of the Lord Jesus, crossing oceans to bring the gospel to every corner of the world. It’s only because of this that we have received the grace of the Lord’s salvation. Could we really claim that spreading the gospel is wrong? God Himself has now become flesh and come to earth, doing the work of judging and cleansing mankind to thoroughly save us from Satan’s influence. Our brothers and sisters have understood God’s urgent will to save humanity and they are completely willing to give up everything to share the gospel of God’s salvation for mankind with more people who long for God to appear. This is an upright thing. But the CCP’s atheistic government is on the wrong side of history; it will not allow people to spread the gospel and bear witness to God. It does everything in its power to condemn and persecute Christians, fabricating rumors and slander, saying that Christians believe in God but don’t care about their families. This is nothing more than Satan’s tricks to disrupt God’s work. We must learn to have discernment! Give it some careful thought—in Malaysia and other democratic countries, we all have freedom of belief and there are a lot of believers, but no one has abandoned their family because of their faith. We cannot be deceived by the CCP’s rumors and lies.”
    Through this sister’s fellowship I understood that under the CCP regime, the true reason for brothers and sisters having homes they weren’t returning to was because of the CCP’s oppression, but it was flipping the truth on its head and fabricating rumors to deceive others. I had nearly been taken in by its tricks. On top of that, as Christians, spreading the gospel and bearing witness to God are our mission and responsibility, so brothers and sisters giving up everything to share testimony of God and bring more people who long for the Lord’s appearance before God so they may attain salvation is an act of righteousness. Only then did I awaken and see into the truth behind those lies—it put my heart at ease.
    She then went on to say: “When the Lord Jesus came to work He performed a number of miracles. Many people saw that His work and words possessed authority and power, and more and more people followed Him. Seeing this, hatred sprung up in the hearts of the chief priests, scribes, and Pharisees; they became afraid that the believers in Judaism would all follow the Lord Jesus. This is why they did everything they could to slander and condemn the Lord Jesus in order to protect their own status and their living. Ultimately, they colluded with the Roman government in the crucifixion of the Lord Jesus. In the last days, Almighty God is expressing truths to do the work of judgment and purification. God’s words are all the truth and they hold authority and power; those who love the truth can tell that they are the voice of God and are turning toward God one after another. However, some of the pastors and elders of the religious world have seen that more and more brothers and sisters are accepting Almighty God’s work of the last days and are no longer following them, so in an effort to protect their own status and living, they are not allowing these brothers and sisters to read Almighty God’s words. They are also going along with the atheistic CCP government in viciously slandering, judging, opposing, and condemning Almighty God. They are doing their utmost to disrupt and block Christians from investigating the true way. Just as the Lord Jesus said: ‘But woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for you shut up the kingdom of heaven against men: for you neither go in yourselves, neither suffer you them that are entering to go in’ (Matthew 23:13). If we are not capable of discernment, we will be easily misled and controlled by them, and then it will be very difficult for us to welcome the Lord’s return.”
    Hearing my sister’s fellowship was a great awakening for me. Almighty God’s work of the last days is already expanding across the entire world, but when Pastor Li heard about it, not only did he not look into it, but instead madly opposed and condemned it. He even used the CCP’s rumors and lies to deceive Christians and hinder us investigating the true way. That really is another manifestation of the Pharisees. I give thanks to God for helping me gain discernment through this sister’s fellowship so that I will never again be confused by Pastor Li.

Loved Ones Stand in the Way But I See Through Satan’s Tricks

    When that brother from my church later saw that I was still in contact online with brothers and sisters with The Church of Almighty God, he tried to push me into deleting my Facebook account. When I wouldn’t listen to him, he got some sisters with the church, my older sister, and my niece and nephew to all get together to try to persuade me. They were all chiming in, repeating over and over the lies spread by the pastor so that I wouldn’t believe in Almighty God anymore and would return to the church with them.
    One day my niece and nephew who I love so dearly came back from a youth group meeting at the church and said to me with a dark look: “Our youth group has been looking into you. They say that you believe in a false way that deceives people. Don’t believe in that stuff anymore.” After that, they totally snubbed me and were constantly giving me looks. They spoke to me aggressively and were constantly nitpicking, intentionally cold and rejecting. I was very hurt by this; I thought of how I had helped raise them through thick and thin, how I had poured out immeasurable effort and energy for them, how I had put my heart and soul into caring for them as if they were my own children. How could they treat me like that? I was very aggrieved, but at the same time, I was concerned that more people from the church would come to harass me. The more I thought about it, the more pained and tormented I was. My spirit was in darkness. I couldn’t read God’s words and I didn’t have anything to say in prayer.
    I slowly became weaker and weaker and found all sorts of excuses to avoid gatherings. I didn’t acknowledge the messages sent to me by brothers and sisters from The Church of Almighty God, and even uninstalled Facebook. But after doing that I felt incredibly distressed—I couldn’t help but experience suffering. I thought of the fact that I was completely aware that the Lord has already returned and realized that my family member hindering me was Satan’s disruption, yet I couldn’t overcome the restrictions of familial feelings. Something that sister had said to me occurred to me then, that any difficulties should be brought before God in prayer and seeking, that only God’s words can save us from Satan’s harm. I immediately reinstalled Facebook.
    ven though I had just reinstalled Facebook, I felt really guilty and reproached myself. I thought of how the brothers and sisters with The Church of Almighty God had always been so caring toward me but I still treated them that way—I thought they certainly wouldn’t like me anymore, and there was no way that God would want me. But contrary to my expectations, God had not abandoned me—He arranged for a sister to seek me out and give me a call. Answering that phone call was a very moving moment for me. I shared all of my worries and concerns with her. She fellowshiped with me that facing that kind of environment is a spiritual battle to see which side we stand on. If we don’t understand God’s will we will live within misunderstandings and complaints, be weak and negative, or even abandon God.
    After that, brothers and sisters showed me a wonderful clip from the film Perilous Is the Road to the Heavenly Kingdom, called How Does God Use Satan to Do Service? There was this passage from God’s words in that clip: “In My plan, Satan has ever snapped at the heels of every step, and, as the foil of My wisdom, has always tried to find ways and means to disrupt My original plan. But could I succumb to its deceitful schemes? All in heaven and on earth serves Me—could the deceitful schemes of Satan be any different? This is precisely the intersection of My wisdom, it is precisely that which is wondrous about My deeds, and it is the principle by which My entire management plan is carried out. During the time of the building of the kingdom, still I do not avoid the deceitful schemes of Satan, but continue to do the work I must do. Among all things in the universe, I have chosen the deeds of Satan as My foil. Is this not My wisdom? Is this not precisely that which is wondrous about My work?” I understood through Almighty God’s words and the fellowship of my brothers and sisters that Satan is hot on the heels of every new stage of God’s work, attempting to sabotage His work and harass those who follow Him, but God’s wisdom is exercised based on Satan’s trickery. The CCP government and the religious pastors and elders madly condemn, blaspheme, and resist God, fabricating rumors and lies about God’s work of the last days—all of this is just doing service for God’s chosen people. God uses their opposition to allow us to see through Satan’s evil essence of being an enemy of God so that we can gain discernment over them; it is also to increase our faith in following God. It’s just like when I accepted God’s new work and Satan couldn’t accept it, it did everything it could to disrupt and hinder me through the loved ones around me. My sister, my niece, and my nephew became tools in Satan’s hands; they urged me to give up the true way and snubbed me, intentionally giving me the cold shoulder. They blocked me time after time with the aim of getting me to give up the true way and lose God’s salvation. I also understood that when facing that kind of environment, on the outside it looks like a bad thing, but God’s benevolence is within it. God wants to allow me to gain discernment over Satan’s evil essence and to have me clearly see my own true stature, to know how paltry my faith in God is. The moment I was disrupted by Satan I became negative and weak and even cut off contact with brothers and sisters. This fired up my resolve to seek the truth even more and made me willing to, in the future, really pursue the truth and stand witness.
    That sister read a passage of God’s words for me: “What God wants to see is that man’s heart can be revived. These ways that He uses to work on man are to continually awaken the heart of man, awaken man’s spirit, letting man know where they came from, who is guiding them, supporting them, providing for them, and who has allowed man to live up till now; they are to let man know who is the Creator, whom they should worship, what kind of road they should walk, and in what way man should come before God; they are used to gradually revive the heart of man, so man knows God’s heart, understands God’s heart, and comprehends the great care and thought behind His work to save man.” Then she said in fellowship: “The truth is that God has always been by our sides, but it’s just through this kind of environment that He awakens our numb hearts. It’s through the disruption and hindering of pastors, other believers, and our families that we realize what is positive and what is negative, what is righteous and what is evil, as well as how to follow and bear witness to God. It’s this way that we understand God’s earnest intention to save mankind. This is the only way our hearts can be awakened as soon as possible and we will no longer be toyed with by Satan.”
    Thanks be to God! Through God’s words and fellowship from this sister, I understood that God uses these environments to awaken our hearts. Even though the brothers and sisters from the church as well as my niece and nephew were hindering me, it allowed me to see through Satan’s tricks and understand God’s hard work and kindness in saving mankind. It inspired my faith to follow God that much more.

Restoring Our Old Warmth and Harmony

    After that, I no longer felt restrained by my niece and nephew. I went back to God’s house and back to gatherings with brothers and sisters, enjoying the watering and nourishment of God’s words. At first, every time I attended a gathering I would pray to God and put everything in His hands, quieting my heart before Him so that I wouldn’t be subject to the disruption or constrains of any person, thing, or event. Incredibly, my niece and nephew started to feel that the pastor’s sermons were lacking in illumination; they gradually became less willing to go to church and no longer opposed my faith. In our daily lives I also frequently bore witness to them to God’s deeds, and they also realized that I still had the utmost consideration for the family and cared for them as I always had, that I wasn’t like what the rumors said. After that, they wouldn’t interrupt me when they saw I was in a gathering, and the warmth and harmony we had always had was restored in our home.
    Undergoing one disturbance after another allowed me to understand some truths, gain some discernment, and see God’s kind intentions of saving mankind. I also deeply experienced Satan’s harmfulness to mankind. In the future, no matter how Satan disrupts or hinders me, I will certainly stand witness. Thank Almighty God. All the glory be to God!

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