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Showing posts sorted by date for query Christian Music. Sort by relevance Show all posts


Hallelujah! We praise Almighty God!
Hallelujah! We thank Almighty God!

Christ has appeared in the last days,
His words judge us, chastise us, and cleanse us.
God’s words have changed me,
I enjoy a new life of loving God.
How wonderful it is to understand the truth.
I cast away my corruption and am truly free.
My misunderstandings are all dispelled, and my disobedient disposition changes.
No longer am I lost and in pain.

My spirit has been set free.
God leads me onto life’s bright path.
Enjoying God’s love is the way God lifts me up.
I have tasted God’s love,
and I will love Him forever.
Brothers, sisters join together, without barriers or distance between us.
With like hearts and minds we serve together, singing songs of praise.
Who does not give voice to his love?
Dance and clap!
Forever will we praise and worship God!



Who Is the Obstacle on the Road to the Heavenly Kingdom?  

By Meng’ai, Malaysia
The year my husband died, I was deep in despair, and on top of that I had the added burden of raising my children. Hardship had suddenly befallen my life, but I had the love of the Lord with me all along and, with the help of my brothers and sisters, I got through this difficult time. To repay the Lord’s love, I continued to make donations and serve the church, and have been doing so for over thirty years. In this time, I have experienced the thriving of the church and seen the glorious event of the spreading of the gospel of the Lord Jesus. I’ve also witnessed desolation and helplessness in the church. I thought back to when the Holy Spirit first began to do the great work in the church, when we experienced enjoyment and gained much from listening to the pastor’s preaching. There was mutual love among the brothers and sisters just as if we were all one family, and everyone was united in spreading the gospel and bearing witness to the Lord. Later, without knowing what had happened, there was no longer any light in what the pastor preached. It was like everything was just the same old story repeated again and again, and the believers simply could not derive any nourishment or supply. Their faith and love gradually waned, and there were fewer and fewer people coming to gatherings. Those of us who participated in service were also just going through the motions. We all acted according to the wishes of the people in the ministry and not at all in the service of God, but rather we just exerted ourselves in front of other people and tried to please them. I knew that this kind of service was not in line with God’s will, and so it was very painful for me. I also felt helpless, with no idea how to walk the path ahead of me. I therefore hoped all the more for the Lord to return as soon as possible, so that all these problems would be solved.
Just when I was feeling at a loss, in 2016 I looked into the work of Almighty God in the last days. I read a great deal of the word of Almighty God and I listened to what the brothers and sisters of The Church of Almighty God fellowshiped and what they bore witness to, and finally I understood that the Lord Jesus had long since incarnated and come into the world to express His words and perform the last days’ work of judgment beginning at the house of God, and He was doing all this to completely purify and save mankind and to bring mankind into the heavenly kingdom. The word of Almighty God made clear to me the mystery of the Lord’s return which I had thought about for so many years. I understood that the Lord’s return was divided into the two forms of the hidden advent and of coming openly. The Lord first becomes incarnate as the Son of man at the hidden advent to express His words and to judge and cleanse man, and to make a group of overcomers before the disasters. When the great disasters descend, He will reward the good and punish the evil, and He will come openly, appearing to all nations and peoples. At that time, the work of God incarnate at the hidden advent will already have ended, and all who resist and condemn God’s work in the last days will meet the disasters with much weeping and gnashing of teeth. The brothers and sisters also fellowshiped to me such truths as the three stages of God’s work to save mankind, the significance of God’s incarnation, and how God will perform the work of judgment in the last days. I then understood why before, in serving the church, we had not had God’s guidance, and why there was no path forward for us in reading the Scripture, prayer, and Bible study. I understood why we had not felt the presence of the Holy Spirit. God had already performed new work, concluded the Age of Grace and brought about the Age of Kingdom. The Holy Spirit was no longer working within the churches of the Age of Grace, so people’s spirits had withered and grown dark, devoid of any joy or contentment, and they could not obtain any sustenance in their spiritual lives. It was thanks to God’s guidance and direction that I was able to recognize God’s voice in the word of Almighty God, and I happily accepted the work of God in the last days. Afterward, the brothers and sisters would frequently share the word of Almighty God with me online. Seeing the movies, videos of choral dances, and music videos produced by The Church of Almighty God provided great sustenance to me, and I thanked God from the bottom of my heart for leading me before His throne. I enjoyed being shepherded and nourished by the word of God, and I entered a blissful life of living face to face with God.
One day, a wife of one of the pastors in the church sent me a message out of the blue, saying: “Why did you like a post by Eastern Lightning? You also allowed it to be posted on your timeline, and it goes against the Lord’s will to do so. If our parishioners see the post about Eastern Lightning, and become interested in the words of Almighty God, they’ll all go read up on Eastern Lightning, and then what will we do? You mustn’t get in touch with the people from Eastern Lightning again. You should delete their contact information right away….” I replied: “The gospel movies, hymns, and music videos of The Church of Almighty God are all quite good, and I’ve gotten a lot out of them. I should give it a like!” I wanted to send more messages to the pastor’s wife, but before I’d even finished my message, she said many things attacking and condemning Almighty God, and slandering The Church of Almighty God. I saw that she had no desire whatsoever to investigate this great matter of the Lord’s return, but just made whatever judgments and condemnatory remarks she saw fit. I didn’t want to talk about this with her anymore, so I just changed the subject.
Who Is the Obstacle on the Road to the Heavenly Kingdom
A few days after this happened, Pastor Yang came looking for me to have a talk. After some pleasantries, Pastor Yang asked me, “Have you looked into any other religious groups online?” I didn’t know why Pastor Yang would ask me such a question, and I said, “My friends on Facebook belong to many different denominations, and if I think the articles they post are correct and good, I always try to understand them and see if there’s any new light in them. Are you saying it’s wrong to do this?” Pastor Yang asked me again, “Did you convert to Eastern Lightning two years ago? Why do you want to investigate Eastern Lightning? Also, do you frequently go looking for so-and-so (a sister who had accepted God’s work in the last days, whose pictures had been posted and who had been condemned and abandoned by the pastor of her original church)? …” Hearing the barrage of questions from Pastor Yang, I started to get annoyed, and said, “The Church of Almighty God is good, and within it there is the truth and the work of the Holy Spirit. I will follow along wherever there is the truth and the work of the Holy Spirit, and this is only proper. There is no new light in our church, and my spirit is darkened and can’t find any sustenance there. I want to find a church that has the work of the Holy Spirit, where my life can receive the nourishment of the truth. The teachings of Eastern Lightning appeal to me, and the words of Almighty God are all the truth. They allow me to obtain sustenance. I wasn’t wrong to investigate Eastern Lightning, and I am free to do so.” Pastor Yang said, “What the people from Eastern Lightning preach oversteps the Bible, and there are no other words of God than those that are within the Bible. If what they preach deviates from the Bible, then it is wrong.” I said, “I once heard a preacher say the same thing, and I used to be of the same viewpoint myself. But after reading the word of Almighty God, and hearing what the brothers and sisters of The Church of Almighty God fellowshiped, I have come to know that this view is just our own notions and imaginings. It is not at all in accord with the truth and it does not tally with the facts. God is all-encompassing, and God is rich in wisdom. How can we delimit God’s words and work to just the Bible? The Bible says: ‘And there are also many other things which Jesus did, the which, if they should be written every one, I suppose that even the world itself could not contain the books that should be written’ (John 21:25). We can see here that the words and work of God recorded in the Bible are too limited in scope. Not all that the Lord Jesus said at the time was written down in the Bible, much less the words spoken by the returned Lord. On top of that, the work of Almighty God is built on the foundation laid by the Lord Jesus. The work of Almighty God and that of the Lord Jesus are the work of one God….” Pastor Yang didn’t listen to a word I said and had no interest whatsoever in seeking and investigating. He just continued to say things resisting and condemning Almighty God and The Church of Almighty God, and he asked me, “How did you learn about the website of The Church of Almighty God? Do you have their books? Have you preached the work of Almighty God to anyone else? Have you preached it to your children? Give me the names of the people in The Church of Almighty God….” He also demanded that I never again attend a gathering with people from The Church of Almighty God. If I didn’t listen to him and continued to be in contact with The Church of Almighty God, then he would expel me from the church, he would never again let me go to any church and would thoroughly smear my reputation. I was shocked by the Pastor Yang I saw right in front of me. How had Pastor Yang, who was always so good-natured and humble, and always spoke such gentle words, transformed into such a barbaric and unreasonable person? I told him, “It is my right to investigate the truth, and no one has any right to interfere with this. As for whether or not the teachings of Eastern Lightning are the true way, you should first of all not judge and condemn it blindly. You can go and investigate for yourself on the website of The Church of Almighty God, where they have a lot of content. There are all kinds of books of God’s words. Go see for yourself whether the word of Almighty God is the voice of the returned Lord Jesus….” Pastor Yang absolutely would not listen to what I was saying, but just kept on resisting and condemning. He threatened me, saying I must leave The Church of Almighty God. The more he spoke, the more Pastor Yang crossed the line. I became extremely indignant and said to him, “The Lord Jesus said: ‘Judge not, that you be not judged. For with what judgment you judge, you shall be judged’ (Matthew 7:1–2). If you have never investigated the words and work of Almighty God, then how can you just make whatever judgments and condemnatory remarks you want? When you act like this, is it in a way that reveres the Lord?” Pastor Yang saw that I wasn’t listening to him and that I had refuted him, and so he didn’t say anything else.
In the following days, Pastor Yang started to keep an eye on me. This filled me with worry, and I lost my freedom of faith as well. In the church, there was only a hallway separating Pastor Yang’s office from my own. He kept popping into my office to see what I was up to, and sometimes he would say he was going to the toilet and then watch me from the corridor. One day, two sisters of The Church of Almighty God came to my office to chat. Once the sisters left, Pastor Yang went to find my assistant. My assistant later told me that Pastor Yang had asked her who these two people were, and why they had come…. Pastor Yang watched me the whole day as if he were keeping an eye on a criminal. It made me feel very oppressed and completely without freedom. One day, I did not go to the church, and was taking part in a gathering online with some brothers and sisters. Just then, as I was earnestly taking the meeting notes in my living room, Pastor Yang suddenly appeared behind me (the door was ajar, and whoever came could enter the room) and said, “What are you doing? What are you writing?” I jumped up in fright at the sudden and unexpected voice. I felt inwardly ill at ease at being disturbed by him in such a way, and whatever I did I could not return to a state of tranquility. I resented him intensely, and thought: “Investigating the true way in one’s belief in God is right and proper, and is a right that a Christian should have.” The Holy Spirit was no longer working within our church, and the parishioners were all negative, weak, and withered in spirit. They were living in an environment that had sunken down into darkness, and I was looking for a church in which the Holy Spirit was at work. How was it wrong to look for the footsteps of God? Why did he want to keep an eye on me? Why wouldn’t he let me be?
Not only was the pastor monitoring and disturbing me, but one elder even called me up to harass me. He told me: “What the people from The Church of Almighty God preach has overstepped the Bible. If you believe in the Lord, you cannot betray the Lord, who has given you so much kindness. You can’t be without a conscience….” I said in retort, “Almighty God and the Lord Jesus are one and the same God, and I have certainly not betrayed the Lord Jesus by believing in Almighty God. I am merely keeping up with the footprints of the Lamb….” However, no matter how I tried to explain it, the elder was just the same as the pastor. Other than saying condemnatory and blasphemous things, and obstructing me from accepting the work of Almighty God in the last days, he didn’t listen to one word of what I fellowshiped or advised. I didn’t want to talk with him anymore, so I just thought of some excuse to hang up. But the elder didn’t let me off the hook. He kept calling to harass me and said that, by my belief in Almighty God, I had forgotten the grace of the Lord and had betrayed Him. I remembered what was said in Revelation: “These are they which follow the Lamb wherever He goes” (Revelation 14:4). On the foundation of the Lord Jesus’ work of redemption, Almighty God is performing the stage of the work of judging and purifying people through words, and my acceptance of Almighty God’s work in the last days clearly showed that I was keeping up with the footprints of the Lamb. How could anyone say I was betraying the Lord Jesus? At first, when the Lord Jesus came to do work, the people who had believed in Jehovah left the law behind and they accepted the gospel of the kingdom of heaven that was being preached by the Lord Jesus. They followed the Lord Jesus, but had they forgotten the salvation of Jehovah? Was this a betrayal of Jehovah? Isn’t this a fallacy? After this took place, the pastor once again sent me some messages online blaspheming, resisting, and condemning Almighty God. Reading such hideous words made me feel disgusted and furious again. Only Satan was capable of uttering such blasphemies, and in their capacity as leaders in the church, how was it that they had no fear whatsoever of God and dared to say all manner of blasphemies? It reminded me of the words of the Lord Jesus: “But whoever speaks against the Holy Spirit, it shall not be forgiven him, neither in this world, neither in the world to come” (Matthew 12:32). Blaspheming against God is a major and terrible sin! I felt a lingering sense of dread on their behalf, but no matter what I said, they just closed their ears and refused to hear anything. They just kept condemning, resisting, and blaspheming. I just could not understand it: The elder and the pastor both had knowledge of the Bible and had studied theology, and the words of Almighty God were spoken with such clarity, so why was it that they would not seek or investigate His words? Why did they absolutely insist on condemning and resisting Almighty God?

from The Church of Almighty God


Films Produced by The Church of Almighty God Nominated for Multiple Awards at 2019 ICFF

The International Christian Film and Music Festival, now in its 7th edition, is currently one of the largest, most influential Christian film festivals, primarily showing faith-related and family films as well as documentaries and is one of very few film festivals that provides the opportunity for a screening at Cannes. Out of nearly 1,000 other excellent films from across the world, 42 documentaries received nominations. The One Who Holds Sovereignty Over Everything was nominated for Best Documentary, Most Creative Documentary, and Most Inspirational Documentary.

    Eastern Lightning | The Church of Almighty God came into being because of the work of the returned Lord Jesus—Almighty God,   Christ of the last days in China, and it isn't established by any person. Christ is the truth, the way, and the life. After reading God’s word, you will see that God has appeared.


Worshiping God | Best Christian Worship Song "Thanks and Praise to Almighty God"

We have been brought before God. His words we eat and drink.

Holy Spirit enlightens, we understand truth God speaks.

Rituals of religion, we’ve cast them off, all those bonds.

Unrestrained by rules, our hearts released.

And we are happy as can be, living in God’s light,

happy as can be, living in God’s light.

Thanks and praise to Almighty God,

who expresses truth to all mankind.

Thanks and praise to Almighty God,

we have a way to change,

and our vague faith subsides.

We sing praise, oh.


We closely follow God, kingdom training we accept.

God’s judgments are like a sword,

disclosing thoughts that we have.

Arrogance, selfishness, and falseness are not concealed.

Only then I see my truth. Ashamed I fall to God, revealed.

Thanks and praise (oh, thanks to God) to Almighty God,

who expresses truth to all mankind.

Thanks and praise to Almighty God,

we’re face to face with God,

and in His joy we rejoice.

Thanks and praise (thanks and praise) to Almighty God.

You are holy, You are righteous, oh.

My desire is to practice truth (practice truth),

forsake the flesh, to be reborn (be reborn),

comfort Your heart.

Thanks and praise to Almighty God,

Your judgment has me truly saved.

my disposition has changed.

Because of You, I am blessed, oh, I’m blessed.

from Follow the Lamb and Sing New Songs

Contemporary Christian Worship Song | "Come Before God Often" | Worship God

Top Gospel Song of All Time | Praise the Return of the Lord | Musical "Every Nation Worships Almighty God"

Eastern Lightning,the Church of Almighty God, Worshiping God,
Pictures of the Church of Almighty God


Gospel Song "Blessed Are Those Who Accept God’s New Work" | Follow the Work of the Holy Spirit

Blessed are all those who are able to obey

the present utterances of the Holy Spirit.

No matter how they used to be, or how the Holy Spirit,

how the Holy Spirit used to work within them,

those who've gained the latest work are the most blessed ones.

Today, those who can't follow the latest work will be eliminated.

God wants those who can accept the new light,

and those who accept and know His latest work.

A chaste virgin can seek the work of the Holy Spirit;

she can take in the new things,

and give up the old notions,

and obey God's work today,

obey God's work today.

These people, who accept the newest work of today,

were ordained by God before the world,

and are the most blessed ones.

You hear the voice of God, and behold the appearance of Him.

So, in all times and generations, and throughout heaven and earth,

none have been more blessed than you, this group of people.

from Follow the Lamb and Sing New Songs

Contemporary Christian Worship Song | "Come Before God Often" | Worship God

Top Gospel Song of All Time | Praise the Return of the Lord | Musical "Every Nation Worships Almighty God"

Eastern Lightning,the Church of Almighty God,Gospel Song ,
Pictures of the Church of Almighty God


Gospel Music Video | Feel the Love of God | "When You Open Your Heart to God"

When You Open Your Heart to God

When you do not understand God and do not know His nature,

your hearts can never truly open, open up to God.

Once you understand your God,

you will understand what's in His heart,

and savor what lies in Him

with all your faith and heed.

When you savor what is in God's heart, bit by bit,

day by day,

when you savor what is in God's heart,

your heart will open up to Him.

When your heart is truly open,

when your heart is truly open,

you will see the contempt,

you will see the shame of your extravagant and selfish requests.

When your heart is truly open,

when your heart is truly open,

you will see an infinite world in God's heart,

and be in a realm of wonder untold.

In this realm there is no cheating,

no deception, no darkness, and no evil.

There is only sincerity and faithfulness;

only righteousness and kindness.

He is love, He is caring,

infinite compassion.

In your life, joy is felt,

when you open your heart to God.

His wisdom and power fill the infinite world,

so do His authority and love.

You can see what God has and is,

what brings Him joy,

what brings Him woes, what brings Him sadness and anger,

is there for all to see,

when you open your heart up to God

and invite Him in.

from The Word Appears in the Flesh

Contemporary Christian Worship Song | "Come Before God Often" | Worship God

Top Gospel Song of All Time | Praise the Return of the Lord | Musical "Every Nation Worships Almighty God"

Eastern Lightning,the Church of Almighty God, Eastern Lightning,the Church of Almighty God, Almighty God,,
Pictures of the Church of Almighty God


The Church of Almighty God-2018 Gospel Music Video | "The True Love of God" (Korean Song English Subtitles)

Today I come before God again, I see His lovely face.

Today I come before God again, I’ve left my wandering past behind.

Today I come before God again, enjoying His word fills me with joy.

Today I come before God again, my heart has so much to say.

It’s His tender words that water and nourish me to grow up.

It’s His stern words that encourage me to stand up again.

Oh God! We can praise You for You have raised us!

We can sing to You today all because of Your blessing and mercy.

Oh God, You truly love us so! You make us relish Your words every day!

Oh God, You truly love us so! You enlighten us every day!

Oh God, You truly love us so! You water and nourish Your people.

You lead us away from Satan’s influence.

Brothers and sisters! Hurry and rise! Let’s praise our God!

Let’s cherish how He’s gathered us here today.

Be free from all burdens of the flesh! Praise onto Almighty God earnestly!

Fulfill our duty with all our heart and might, show our love for God with action.

We will love You forever, almighty true God!

from Follow the Lamb and Sing New Songs

     More Gospel Music Videos

    Worshiping God | Best Christian Worship Song "Thanks and Praise to Almighty God"
    Contemporary Christian Music | Worshiping God | "Come Before God Often"

    Some of the material is from:

   FG LUT(https://filtergrade.com/free-cinematic-luts-video-editing/) By Filtergrade/CC BY 3.0 (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/)
Eastern Lightning,the Church of Almighty God,Gospel Music ,
Pictures of the Church of Almighty God


Brilliant Variety Shows of The Church of Almighty God—True Presentations of Christians' Experiences

In March 2018, The Church of Almighty God’s website and YouTube channel rolled out a special series called “Church Life—Variety Show Series,” that includes short sketches, crosstalk, scene plays, songs and dance performances etc., and in which Christians present their understanding, attainment, and all kinds of testimonies of their experiences of God’s work in the last days using various different art forms. In this program, we interview the actors as well as Christian viewers of the shows and, through sharing their experiences, the audience can understand how Christians in The Church of Almighty God experience God’s work of the last days, and can also follow closely the salvation of the last days brought by the return of the Lord Jesus—Almighty God.

Best gospel music videos – Find the Appearance of God – Attend the Feast With the Lord
Powerful Christian Testimonies--Draw Near to God Now--Get Motivated by Their Stories

Smiley face


2019 Christian Music Video "Only Honest People Have a Human Likeness" | Thank God's Love and Salvation

I once pursued fortune and fame.
My principles were cast away;
I lied for a living.
My conscience was gone,
with no thought for morals.
Integrity, dignity,
all of these things meant nothing to me.
I lived to quench my ever-growing
worldly passions: greed and desire,
wallowing there in a mire of sin
with a heavy and uneasy heart.
I couldn’t escape this endless darkness.
Earthly riches, short-lived pleasures
could not hide the void inside.
Tell me why it’s so hard
to have integrity in life?
What kind of world is this
where man is so cunning?
Tell me who can save me?

I heard the voice of God,
and I returned before Him.
God’s words of truth
cleanse my corruption.
God’s words of judgment, chastisement
are my companions for life.
Accepting God’s scrutiny
brings peace to my heart.
No more cheating or deception now,
and I live in the light.
Honest, with an open heart,
I live out human likeness at last.
I benefit from reading His words,
reading God’s words every day.
I understand so many truths,
having rules of human conduct.
I’ve been through trials, I’ve seen His face.
Within His words, I’ve gained new life,
so I can be an honest person.
I heard the voice of God,
and I returned before Him.
God’s words of truth
cleanse my corruption.
God’s words of judgment, chastisement
are my companions for life.
Accepting God’s scrutiny
brings peace to my heart.
No more cheating or deception now,
and I live in the light.
Honest, with an open heart,
I live out human likeness at last.
I am forever thankful
to God’s love and God’s salvation!
I am forever thankful
from Follow the Lamb and Sing New Songs

Smiley face


Best English Christian Music | "Who Has Known the God in the Flesh" | Praise and Worship Song 2018


Since you are a citizen of the household of God,
since you are faithful in the kingdom of God,
then everything that you do must meet the standards from God,
meet the standards required by God.
God asks that you not become a drifting cloud,
but that you become snow that gleams white,
possessing its essence and moreover its value.
It is because God came from the holy land,
not like the lotus, which only has a name,
only has a name but has no substance.
Because it came from, came from the muddy mire,
it is not from the holy land.


The One Who Holds Sovereignty Over Everything Screenings Inspire Audience to Ponder Life’s Mysteries

In May 2018, The Church of Almighty God released a large-scale choral documentary, The One Who Holds Sovereignty Over Everything, a classic work of testimony to the Creator’s almightiness and sovereignty. It incorporates grand and powerful special effects and lovely, moving choral music, laying out before viewers’ eyes the facts of God’s grasp over the entire universe and world, His rule over mankind’s fates, and how He has propelled human history.


Christian Music 2019 | "True Faith Comes Only From Knowing God

God’s work now is to speak, no more signs, nor wonders. It’s not the Age of Grace. God is normal and real. In the last days He’s not the supernatural Jesus, but a practical God in flesh, no different from man. So man’s belief in God is because of His many works, words and deeds. Yes, it is God’s utterance that conquers and perfects man. Signs and wonders aren’t the root of their faith. Yes, it’s God’s deeds that make man know Him.