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Showing posts with label the church. Show all posts


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A Hymn of God's Words
None Can Fathom
the Origin of God's Words

Of all the people in the world, who but lives within God's grace?

1 If God had not given human beings material blessings, then who would enjoy the sufficiency, the riches in the world? Could it be that only allowing you the chance to take your place, take up your place as the people of God, is itself God's blessing? What if you were not one of God's people but a service-doer? Does that mean that you would not be living within His blessing? Not one among you can yet understand the root of God's words.

2 Man is far from treasuring the names that God has conferred. Many feel resentment in their heart for being called "service-doers." And many start to love God when being called "God's people." So don't ever try to fool God, His eyes see and penetrate all! Who among you receives willingly, and who gives obedience? Understand that if the Kingdom's salute does not get to ring out, would you truly be able to obey, to obey to the end? All of this God has pre-determined: What man can do, or think, how far he can go. What if you were not one of God's people but a service-doer? Does that mean that you would not be living within His blessing? Not one among you can yet understand the root of God's words, oh, the root of God's words.
from The Word Appears in the Flesh

from The Church of Almighty God-A Hymn of God's Words None Can Fathom the Origin of God's Words



How to Resolve a Spiritual Drought: The Answer Lies Within Her Experience (Part 1)

Apr 28, 201939

By Yangwang, South Korea

    I was born into a family of Christians—I’m the third generation of believers. I’ve gone to church to worship the Lord with my family ever since I was little, and after growing up I took on positions of service in the church like deacon, exhorter, and accountant. Throughout my entire 70-year journey, I have always looked to the Lord.

Eastern Lightning,the Church of Almighty God, Christians,
Pictures of the Church of Almighty God
In 2013, I realized that the church was becoming more and more desolate. The pastors and elders were always speaking in platitudes in their sermons; there was no new light, and listening to them wasn’t resolving any practical difficulties for us. When we encountered issues, we still couldn’t find a path to take. They frequently spoke of their personal experiences that brought them to work for the Lord, about how much they’d suffered and what a great price they’d paid. I got sick of hearing it. Plus other brothers and sisters were all spiritually weak and their faith had become tepid. Even though the pastors and elders tried some things to revive the church, like organizing outings for believers and summer camps, it was just a moment of fun and after the fact, everyone’s spiritual condition went right back to where it had been—negative and weak. I also noticed that at every service, when those who served the church as elders and exhorters offered up prayers on others’ behalf, they always prayed according to templates that had already been written out. I felt that true prayer should be speaking with the Lord from the heart, even if it was just a few words. That’s because the Lord said, “God is a Spirit: and they that worship Him must worship Him in spirit and in truth” (John 4:24). Their prayers, just reciting prayers that had already been written, were not true prayers and they certainly couldn’t bring the Lord joy. When the church leaders were filling the deacon positions, they didn’t select people who were of good behavior, vigilant, faithful in all things, and not greedy as is required in the Scripture (see 1 Timothy 3:1–11). Instead, they appointed people who contributed more in offerings and displayed enthusiasm. The church leaders’ behavior ran contrary to the Lord’s teachings at every turn; they led the congregation entirely according to their own personal doctrine. I saw no leadership from the Lord within that kind of church, I could not feel the work of the Holy Spirit, and I couldn’t gain any true sustenance in my life. I felt really despondent, and that nothing could be gained by worshiping God within a church like that. I ended up parting ways with that church in May 2013.
After leaving I found that, since my life had been entirely revolving around the church, I had lost my footing for life in the outside world. I didn’t know where to go or what to do—I felt lost and helpless. In an effort to find a place that was in line with the Lord’s teachings and could give me sustenance in life, I started going online to listen to famous pastors’ sermons, both from South Korea and abroad. I passed three months this way. I also got in touch with a missionary from my previous church who had started her own church after graduating from divinity school, but after a period of time that church had become so desolate that she was its only remaining member. At the time, I was listening to online sermons and having gatherings with her, but whether it was that pastor who had graduated from divinity school or the famous pastors from across the world, I couldn’t find any enjoyment in their sermons. My spiritual life remained devoid of sustenance, so I kept on searching for a church with the Holy Spirit’s work.
Three months later I made contact with another church. All of their pastors were leading upright lives of poverty and the church members seemed to have faith. I felt that their teachings were in line with the Bible, so I started to attend a number of their activities and took on the position of accountant for one of their small groups. But after a period of time I discovered that at the beginning and end of every service, they’d always pray in tongues, and they considered speaking in tongues to be the only evidence of having the work of the Holy Spirit and having been saved. But I didn’t agree at all, because it says in the Bible, in Galatians 5:22–23, “But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, long-suffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, Meekness, temperance.” My understanding of the Scripture was that understanding God’s words and yielding the nine fruits of the Holy Spirit in your life was pure faith, and only that was evidence of having the work of the Holy Spirit. And in services, the pastors were always preaching over and over about really old things without any kind of new light. Most of the people in the congregation would nod off during service. They were just going through the motions. I couldn’t see any of the joy that people should have in worshiping the Lord, and most people were in a negative, downcast state. Seeing these services conducted in such a sloppy manner, I thought to myself, “Could the Lord rejoice seeing people just go through the motions in service? Would He be happy? In service, is the Lord really still with us?” That then brought to mind this from the Book of Revelation: “And to the angel of the church of the Laodiceans write; … I know your works, that you are neither cold nor hot: I would you were cold or hot. So then because you are lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spew you out of My mouth. Because you say, I am rich, and increased with goods, and have need of nothing; and know not that you are wretched, and miserable, and poor, and blind, and naked” (Revelation 3:14, 15–17). Wasn’t the condition of that church just like the church of the Laodiceans? The pastors always preached about the same old things, the Lord’s presence and blessings were absent from gatherings, but they were full of rituals and rules. The brothers and sisters were neither cold nor hot, so wouldn’t they be spit out of the Lord’s mouth just like lukewarm water? Wouldn’t that mean we’d be discarded by the Lord? I realized that that church couldn’t meet my spiritual needs either; this left me feeling empty and helpless. Looking back on it, I saw that every single one of the churches I had passed through had been the same. Everyone was keeping up appearances, going to services, but they completely lacked the work and the guidance of the Holy Spirit. I was really in pain. My only hope at that time was that the Lord would return soon so that I could gain some life sustenance. I also frequently prayed to the Lord: “Oh Lord! When will You return?”
I became more anxious after that, constantly looking around online. Every chance I got I’d search for terms like “God’s voice” and “God’s footsteps” that refer to God’s appearance. I hoped to find something about the Lord’s return, to find a church that could help me find sustenance in my life. Then the morning of January 27, 2016, I didn’t know what I had searched for, but when I played a video, I heard these astonishing words: “My kingdom is coming into shape above the whole universe, and My throne holds sway in the hearts of hundreds of millions of people. With the angels’ assistance, My great accomplishment will soon be brought to fruition. All My sons and My people await My return with bated breath, longing for Me to reunite with them, never to be separated again. How could the multitudinous populace of My kingdom not race toward one another in joyful celebration because of My being together with them? Can this be a reunion for which no price need be paid? I am honorable in all men’s eyes, I am proclaimed in the words of all. When I return, I will conquer all enemy forces even more” (“Chapter 27” of God’s Words to the Entire Universe in The Word Appears in the Flesh). Even though I couldn’t understand everything in it, it said that God’s kingdom would take form across the entire universe, that God’s people would return before Him, and that the forces of Satan would be conquered by God. I really felt that all of this contained the authority and power of God Himself, and that these weren’t words that any human could utter. I pricked up my ears and listened attentively. It was pretty cold, so at first I was lying down with a blanket over me, but as I went on listening I just automatically rose up and kneeled to hear the rest. I then heard this in the video: “The time has come! I will put My work in motion, I will reign as King among men! I am on the point of return! And I am about to depart! This is what everyone is hoping for, it is what they wish. I shall let the whole of humanity see the arrival of My day, and let them welcome the coming of My day with joy!” (“Chapter 27” of God’s Words to the Entire Universe in The Word Appears in the Flesh) The more I heard, the more I felt how authoritative these words were, and I urgently wondered, “Where on earth did these words come from?” At the end of the video I saw this text: “from The Word Appears in the Flesh.” I immediately called two Christian bookstores to see if they had that book, but both said they didn’t. Just as I was feeling disappointed, I saw that below the video there was a contact number, which I immediately called. A sister answered the phone, and through our conversation I learned that it’s not a book that can be bought with money. I felt that the words I had heard were incredibly valuable, so I told her that I absolutely wanted a copy of the book. We then set up a time to meet.


God's Utterance "God’s Work, God’s Disposition, and God Himself III" (Part Six)

Almighty God says, "God’s treatment of people who blaspheme or resist Him, or even those who malign Him—people who intentionally attack, malign, and curse Him—He does not turn a blind eye or a deaf ear. He has a clear attitude toward them. He despises these people, and in His heart He condemns them. He even openly declares the outcome for them, so that people know that He has a clear attitude toward those who blaspheme Him, and so that they know how He will determine their outcome. However, after God said these things, people still could rarely see the truth of how God would handle those people, and they could not understand the principles behind God’s outcome, His verdict for them. That is to say, mankind cannot see the particular attitude and methods God has for handling them. This has to do with God’s principles for doing things. God uses the advent of facts to deal with the evil behavior of some people. That is, He does not announce their sin and does not determine their outcome, but He directly uses the advent of facts to allow them to be punished, to get their due retribution. When these facts happen, it is people’s flesh that suffers punishment; it is all something that can be seen with human eyes. When dealing with some people’s evil behavior, God just curses them with words, but at the same time, God’s anger comes upon them, and the punishment they receive may be something people cannot see, but this type of outcome may be even more serious than the outcomes that people can see of being punished or being killed."

from "The Word Appears in the Flesh"

    Recommended:  What Are the Aims of The Church of Almighty God?


Christian Testimonies-A Debate Between a Christian and a CCP Official: What Really Is a Cult?

Apr 4, 2018242


Zheng Yi: A Chinese Christian. During his work in America, he investigated The Church of Almighty God online and accepted Almighty God’s work in the last days. Three years later, he returned to China, and passed on the gospel of the kingdom of Almighty God to his sister, Zheng Rui.

Zheng Weiguo: Zheng Yi’s father, the minister of the United Front Work Department in a city of China. He practiced red re-education of his children at home, strongly opposed them believing in Almighty God and tried to stop it.


Zheng Weiguo: Yi, Rui, it seems that you still don’t understand the state’s policy. If you merely know the provision for freedom of belief in the constitution, does it mean that you understand the Communist Party? I have been working at the United Front for so many years. I have already seen it clearly. What the CCP hates most is the appearance of God and His work. The government has long condemned Christianity as a cult, and the Bible as a cultist book, of which countless copies have been burned. The CCP government is determined to completely ban all home churches. When you believed in Jesus in the past, I was opposed to it. And now you have believed in Almighty God, I absolutely will not allow it! Do you know what Almighty God is about? They witness that Almighty God is the Lord Jesus appearing to work, the appearance of Christ the Savior in the last days who even has expressed the book The Word Appears in the Flesh with more than a million words. If it spreads out, the consequence is unimaginable! The Communist Party and Christ the Savior are mortal enemies. Can the CCP not stop at nothing to suppress and arrest those Christians? Do you know? The CCP has long designated those who believe in Eastern Lightning as the state’s most wanted criminal. Whoever they seize will be severely punished without mercy. No one can even pay for their release through the back door. This is not a joke! To be honest with you, in order to completely eradicate The Church of Almighty God these years, the Central Government has issued numerous secret documents, and repeatedly suppressed and cracked down on Eastern Lightning. We have also been holding meetings all day studying on how to suppress and ban Eastern Lightning. As for Eastern Lightning, the attitude of the central leadership is very clear, that is, “Troops won’t be withdrawn until the ban is done.” Therefore, I absolutely forbid you to believe in Almighty God. Did you hear that?

Zheng Yi: Dad, since you know that Eastern Lightning witnesses for the Lord Jesus’ return and God’s appearance and work in the last days to preach and witness for all the truth expressed by the Savior for the salvation of mankind, then surely you know how terrible it is for the CCP government to suppress, arrest and convict Eastern Lightning like that. It is a monstrous sin to resist God and act perversely against Heaven. After studying it, I learned that Eastern Lightning has completely fulfilled the prophecy of the Lord Jesus: “For as the lightning comes out of the east, and shines even to the west; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be” (Matthew 24:27). What Eastern Lightning witnesses is the appearance and work of the Son of man. Dad, Mom, you haven’t read the word expressed by Almighty God, so you don’t understand what Eastern Lightning is about. If you want to understand Eastern Lightning, you have to read the word of Almighty God to see if it is the truth, the utterance of God’s Spirit speaking to mankind, and God’s appearance and work in the last days. It is most important to study these. Now the CCP government has launched an overwhelming people’s war against Eastern Lightning. Eastern Lightning is only the Church of Christ in the last days. It is neither a country nor a race. Is it necessary for the CCP government to wage this people’s war against Eastern Lightning? The CCP even proclaimed, “Troops won’t be withdrawn until the ban is done.” This CCP’s hostility to God is bound to be cursed and punished by God!

Zheng Rui (A Christian): Dad, my brother is right. Recalling God’s appearance and work in history, all those people, races or nations that resisted God were cursed and destroyed by God. For instance, three thousand years ago, the Pharaoh of Egypt was killed because he was punished for resisting God. After the Lord Jesus appeared to work, the Roman Empire was destroyed by God’s great plague for resisting Him and brutally persecuting His chosen people. The CCP will surely be destroyed by the catastrophe cast down by God for resisting Christ in the last days. Father, you have studied religion for many years, you certainly are aware of these things, right? How do you feel about the CCP’s resistance of Almighty God?

Zheng Weiguo: Actually, we have seen it from early on that Eastern Lightning is not an ordinary religion. They have witnessed the Lord Jesus’ return, that is, Christ the Savior in the last days has arrived in the world in person to save mankind. If the government allows The Church of Almighty God to continue to preach the gospel and testify for God, it won’t take too many years for countless people to accept Almighty God. You know that the CCP is an atheist party that is antagonistic to theism. The war between the CCP and those who believe in God is a war in the ideological realm. It is a mortal struggle. How could the CCP allow God’s appearance and work? How could it allow the church’s existence? So the CCP government adopted the policy to suppress and ban religious beliefs by eliminating and banning all religions in order to build an atheist domain within China. This is the only way the CCP can perpetuate its rule in China! So, since it took power, the CCP has always suppressed and banned religious beliefs. During this period, so many Christians have been arrested and imprisoned, so many Christian families have been shattered. Some Christians even died in prison. We know this is true. Why are there more and more people believing in God? The main reason is The Word Appears in the Flesh has been spreading so fast. A lot of people from various factions accepted Almighty God because they had read The Word Appears in the Flesh. The power of this book is awesome! It is now spreading and expanding in the world. This has become a headache for the central leadership. The central leaders won’t have a good night’s sleep until The Church of Almighty God is banned. Yi, Rui, you have to understand this, if the CCP has the audacity to designate orthodox religions such as Christianity and Catholicism as cults, how can it be lenient to Eastern Lightning? In recent years, the Central Government has also designated Eastern Lightning as a cult and the target for focused attack and banning. When you believe in Eastern Lightning, aren’t you ramming your chests against the muzzles? Are you being smart or stupid?

Mu Xinping (Zheng Weiguo’s wife): Yi, Rui, I heard your dad say this long ago. Now that the CCP is doing its utmost to suppress and ban The Church of Almighty God, and also mobilizing the media to generate massive public opinions in an all-out effort to condemn The Church of Almighty God. Even some Three-Self churches have been banned and other churches demolished. It appears that the CCP is determined to eradicate all religious beliefs! I also heard your dad say that many believers of The Church of Almighty God had been arrested. The CCP intends to send the believers of The Church of Almighty God to their death. If you believe in Almighty God, you will be arrested sooner or later. It will not only ruin your future, it may even endanger your lives! Yi, Rui, in this matter you have to listen to your dad. You cannot believe in Almighty God!

from The Church of Almighty God


Why Does the CCP Monitor and Oppress Christians So Much?

Feb 25, 2018126

Ma Zhijun (Vice-captain of the National Security Brigade): Level with me, what is your role in The Church of Almighty God? Are you a big leader? Who are your leaders?

Lang Xin (Captain of the National Security Brigade): Don’t think that we won’t know if you don’t talk! Tell you the truth, Jiang Xinyi. We have been investigating and monitoring you for three months. We are on top of your situation. You used to be a reporter for a provincial newspaper, and you’re now a big leader of The Church of Almighty God. Is that correct?

     Jiang Xinyi (A Christian): Whatever job I hold in the world and whatever duty I do in the church, is it against the law? Isn’t the freedom of religion explicitly stipulated in the national Constitution? My belief is proper and lawful. What authority do you have to monitor and investigate me? Who authorized you to arrest believers of God?

Lang Xin: What authority? Listen well. In China, believing in God is a criminal offense already! You should understand well that in China, the open Constitution does not represent the CCP’s policy. Your belief in God may be consistent with the Constitution, but it violates CCP policy. So it is an offense. The Communist Party’s policy is the real law! You mean to tell me you didn’t see that? Humph! The Communist Party is an atheistic party. Atheism and theism are inherently against each other. Can the incumbent Communist Party allow people to believe in God?

Jiang Xinyi: Man is created by God, so is everything in the universe. God rules over everything including human. It is just and proper for man to believe in God. What authority does the CCP have to deprive the religious freedom of the Chinese people? Who authorized it to deprive the right to life of those with a religious belief? Why are believers of God not allowed to live in the land of China?

Lang Xin: Jiang Xinyi, I advise you to understand the situation. You have to know what the CCP hates the most is God’s appearance and work and believers of God like you all, particularly the truth in the Bible, and The Word Appears in the Flesh. These are the two books that the CCP detests the most. Without these two books, believers of God will no longer exist. The ordinary people will be following the CCP. That’s why the CCP is irreconcilable with you believers! In China, believing in God is a dead end, especially you people of The Church of Almighty God who are more formidable than believers in Jesus in proclaiming and witnessing for God. For that alone, the Communist Party needs to deal with you severely! When you secretly congregate at home, the CCP will arrange for sub-district offices, village committees and the surrounding neighbors to monitor you, and stand by to arrest you. To people among you that are particularly influential, we assign dedicated personnel to track and report real-time intelligence on you, and round you up when you are meeting or congregating! When you flee from home in exile, the CCP will issue warrants and offer bounty for your arrest. You will be captured sooner or later. Even when you have fled overseas, the government can also use diplomatic means to extradite you back at all costs for torture and imprisonment. Why is the CCP willing to spend so much manpower, time and money on suppressing religious beliefs? Its goal is to thoroughly ban and eliminate all religions, exterminating and eradicating all you believers of God! “Troops won’t be withdrawn until the ban is done!” Completely abolishing the work of God and the church of God, and constructing an atheist domain out of China is the Communist Party’s religious policy! Humph! Putting it this way, do you still dare to talk about reason and law with the CCP? Now that I have told you clearly about the Communist Party’s policy, how do you feel about it? Is there anything else you don’t understand and discern?

Jiang Xinyi: From what you said, I finally understand. After all, the CCP’s insane suppression, apprehension and persecution of Christians are meant to totally abolish religious beliefs and construct an atheist domain out of China. Do you think this is possible? Have you seen any country become an atheist domain? None in the whole world. No existing power in the world can abolish people’s religious beliefs. In countries where communist parties are in power, they have always wanted to ban religious beliefs. Did they succeed? Not only did they fail, there are more and more believers of God. What is this all about? This proves that God is the Master of all. It is the Spirit of God at work! Is man able to ban it? Almighty God says, “Of everything that occurs in the universe, there is nothing that I do not have the final say in. What exists that is not in My hands? All that I say goes, and among men, who is there who can change My mind? … Nothing can hinder My plan” (The Word Appears in the Flesh). If the ruling party keeps acting against God, isn’t it going against Heaven and the natural order?

Eastern Lightning,the Church of Almighty God, Christians,
Pictures of the Church of Almighty God

Ma Zhijun: That’s enough! We are interrogating you now, and you want to turn the table around to interrogate us? Going by what you are saying, you are definitely a leader of the church, and a big leader as well! You had better start telling us everything if you don’t want to be tortured!

Lang Xin: I warn you, today we let you account for who your leaders are and where the church money is. This is your chance to make up for your mistakes. If you don’t appreciate the privilege and refuse to give us an honest account, don’t expect to walk out from here alive!

A young policeman enters and gives a paper file to Lang Xin, who is standing in front of the interrogation table.

Police: Captain Lang. (Lang Xin opens the file, takes out a sheaf of photos, and leafs through them. Ma Zhijun stands aside looking at the photos, too.)

Lang Xin: Look at these photos.(With the photos put before her eyes, Jiang Xinyi knits her brows. Lang Xin snorts a laugh, picks out a photo where Jiang Xinyi was talking with a sister in the park, and shows it to her.) Who is she? What’s her name? Is she your leader?

Jiang Xinyi: She is my friend. Is it a crime to chat with a friend in the park?

Lang Xin: Say it! Is the person in the picture the one you called “sister” on the phone? Didn’t you ask her for 2,000 books of God’s word?

Ma Zhijun: You thought by furtively contacting each other and talking in codes on the phone, then you can get away with it. You underestimated the police! The surveilling and eavesdropping devices we used are imported from the United States, the most advanced equipment in the world. No matter how you talk on the phone, we can always recognize your voices and spot that you are talking in codes. We have even mastered the codes you often use. You still want to escape from our eyes? Not a chance! Now we let you take the initiative to explain, this is an opportunity for leniency with frankness. If you stubbornly oppose, don’t blame us for the brutality. Our instruments of torture are no vegetarian stuff. In our hands, the tightest lips and stiffest spines will loosen up and play along with us.

Jiang Xinyi: Your monitoring equipment is indeed too advanced, but you are misusing it in blocking and banning God’s work and arresting Christians. What law have the believers of God violated? What is God’s incarnation to save mankind guilty of? Why do you always want to ban God’s work of salvation for man? In which country do the police monitor believers of God like you do? You spent so much money on buying the most sophisticated surveilling equipment in the world to monitor, track and arrest Christians, is it all legal? If the Communist Party rules the country by law and respects human rights, will believers of God need to talk in codes on the phone? Isn’t all this being forced by the Chinese Communist government? The Chinese Communist government wantonly violates the citizens’ right for religious beliefs and deprives right to life of believers of God, then it turns around to convict them for violating the law and disturbing social order. Isn’t this turning black and white on its head and the thief crying “Stop thief!”? Explain it to me, is it you or we who violate the law?

Lang Xin: From what you say, you still don’t understand the Communist Party. Why is the CCP most against God and God’s work? It is because Christians like you only believe in God’s word but not the CCP’s. In the eyes of the CCP, you are the enemies! You violate the CCP’s policy, it is more serious than committing a crime! Going by the past notion, it should be treated as counter-revolutionary matters, despite notions of counter-revolution have been abolished. However, since you violate the CCP’s policy, you are the target of CCP revolution. The CCP will have you completely banned and eliminated. Am I being clear in what I say?

Jiang Xinyi: What you said clarified everything and let me understand the CCP. The CCP is determined to be the sworn enemy of God and fight against God to the end. I just don’t understand. What good does it do for the CCP to be the enemy of God like that? By resisting God like that, can it make the country more prosperous and the people happier? In the Age of Law, God proclaimed to mankind: “Visiting the iniquity of the fathers on the children to the third and fourth generation of them that hate me; And showing mercy to thousands of them that love me, and keep my commandments” (Exodus 20:5-6). From ancient times to the present, all those who acted against God have met with no good ending. The persecution we endure for believing in God is only temporary. The punishment for resisting God is eternal. God’s righteous disposition is unoffendable.

Ma Zhijun: Dammit, you are still trying to spread the gospel and witness for God to us here! Don’t you know what we are? We are devils committed to fight against God! We don’t accept what you stand for. We are the disciples of Karl Marx, a Satanist. We are atheists! Even if God were real, I wouldn’t recognize Him. I would rather perish in hell than accept God! And you still want to preach the gospel and witness God to us. I see that you are courting death!

Ma Bo (A policeman): You dare to talk heavenly justice!

Lang Xin: All right. Today I’ll let you see clearly who is the master of your fate, whether it is God or us. Hang her up!

Ma Bo: How do you like it? Does it feel good? You are going to get the full treatment if you don’t tell us everything.

Lang Xin: Let me tell you, we have ways to fix “godized people” like you. Didn’t you want to bear witness for God and pledge allegiance to God? Didn’t you want to bear a resounding witness? I’ll let you be Judas and a disgrace to God. I’m going to post your pictures online. I’ll say you have sold out your church and become Judas. I’ll ruin your name. I’ll let everyone in your church forsake you! By then, you won’t be able to clear your name even if you have a thousand voices. Let’s see how you’re going to face the people of your church.

Jiang Xinyi: I know you are capable of any devious deed. Framing and setting people up, creating rumors and smearing others are your usual tricks. But God is righteous. God examines everything. God knows whether I am Judas or not. What you say doesn’t count!

from the movie script of The Exchange: Account of an Interrogation

Recommended: If the Eastern Lightning is the true way, why has the CCP government consistently engaged in frantic oppression, arrests, and persecution against the Eastern Lightning?


What Kind of Plot Was Behind the Chinese Communist Party’s Trial for the May 28 Zhaoyuan Case?

Apr 4, 2018134

Zheng Weiguo (Minister of a municipal United Front Work Department): The CCP suppresses and convicts The Church of Almighty God like this, but you think those are all trumped-up and framed-up charges. Let me ask you then, how do you explain the May 28 Zhaoyuan case of Shandong that has shocked the country and the world? This case was heard in open court after all! After the occurrence of the Zhaoyuan case of Shandong, the government has stepped up its crackdown on house churches, even using the armed police forces to crack down on The Church of Almighty God by conducting overwhelming carpet search-and-arrest of The Church of Almighty God members. Although people have raised numerous doubts about the Zhaoyuan case of Shandong, believing it was a false case fabricated by the CCP to generate public opinions to support its crackdown on The Church of Almighty God, the Chinese media have publicly reported the case regardless of whether the facts are true or false. This has generated some impacts in various countries in the world. No matter how you deny the Zhaoyuan case of Shandong, many people still believe the Communist Party. So I want to hear what you think of the Zhaoyuan case of Shandong.

Zheng Yi (A Christian): Dad, how long can the CCP fool the world with this Zhaoyuan case of Shandong that it has singlehandedly concocted? Can it save the CCP’s inevitable fate of demise? The Zhaoyuan case of Shandong had considerable impacts domestically and internationally at that time. It also deceived a lot of ignorant people. But can dark clouds permanently block the sun? Can a crow’s wings block the sun’s glory? Concealment and deception are impermanent. Lies are always lies, they will never become the truth. For so many years, the CCP has become increasingly notorious, corrupt and evil for its deceits and frauds. The CCP is infamous at home and abroad. Can frauds and deceits alone save the CCP? More and more people in the world as a whole see through the essence of the CCP. No one believes in it anymore. Since the CCP is a notorious atheist party and satanic evil group that is most sinister and resistant to God in the world, the CCP’s courts are Satan’s courts. Can there be any fairness and justice in the cases adjudicated by these courts? The CCP is a one-party dictatorship and one-party tyranny. There is no independent judiciary in China. CCP judges have no autonomy. They all take orders from the Chinese government and handle cases according to the government’s intentions. This is a well-established fact. The cases tried by the CCP courts are bound to be utterly absurd distortion of facts and inversion of black-and-white. During engaging in political struggles and political rule for so many years, the CCP has consistently relied on framing to generate public opinions. It is most adept in this art! When the Zhaoyuan case of Shandong was tried in the CCP court, the defendants clearly stated in court, “I never had contact with The Church of Almighty God.” “What the state cracks down on is the ‘Almighty God’ that Zhao Weishan believes in, not the ‘Almighty God’ that we believe in.” Even the defendants themselves did not admit that they belonged to The Church of Almighty God, and the Church did not know them. Why didn’t the CCP judge go by the facts? In the absence of evidence, why did the judge insist on attributing these suspects to The Church of Almighty God? Wasn’t this the plot of a frame-up? Wasn’t this falsification and deception? Now no one believes the reports of the CCP media and the CCP’s lies anymore. Dad, you have worked in the Communist system for so many years, you certainly see these things better than I do. Do you really believe that the Zhaoyuan Case of Shandong will help the CCP stay in power?

Zheng Rui (A Christian): Dad, having been a reporter for several years, I totally understand all these things. Every time before violently suppressing religious beliefs, democratic rights movements, ethnic protests, etc., the CCP fabricates a false case and wantonly creates public opinions to incite the mass, followed by a bloody crackdown. Take the June Fourth student movement, that started out advocating integrity against corruption, democracy and freedom. Then the CCP instructed some unidentified people to act as students and infiltrate the group to fight, smash, burn, overturn military vehicles, and create chaos. This branded the student movement as “counter-revolutionary,” intent on inciting riots, and gave the CCP the excuse they needed to repress the group. The CCP then launched a bloody crackdown on these students. At least a few thousand students were shot and rolled over by tanks. This was how the CCP staged the bloody Tiananmen Incident that chilled the Chinese people and shocked the world! It’s also how the CCP suppressed the mass protests in Tibet. The CCP government inserted people in the protesting crowd to deliberately commit arson, killing, robbery and looting. It then mobilized the army to massacre the protesting crowds under the pretext of quelling the Tibetan insurrection. These facts are enough to prove that starting by making up lies, distorting facts and framing, followed by violent suppression are the CCP’s usual means to eradicate dissension. The Zhaoyuan case in Shandong formed the basis for the public sentiment that allowed the CCP’s brutal suppression and persecution of The Church of Almighty God. It is another major crime of religious persecution by the CCP. Dad, you are an official within the CCP system, you should know better than us about the modus operandi of the CCP!

Mu Xinping (Zheng Weiguo’s wife): Oh, I’ve lived with the communist for so many years, I am crystal clear about what the CCP is. Despite the CCP officials’ grandiose appearance, what they do behind the scenes are all bad deeds and business deals. Needless to say about the Zhaoyuan case, there is no fairness in all the cases tried by the Communist courts. Transactions and bribery are behind all the cases. There are political motivations behind all the cases involving religions and ethnic minorities. Now that all the bad deeds of the CCP have been exposed by more and more people, I think the deceptive nature of the Zhaoyuan case will not be under wraps for long.

Zheng Weiguo: I did not expect you to be so discerning about the CCP’s intentions behind its actions! It appears that you guys have really grown up. But you are still callow. What happened after the commotions of the June Fourth Incident of 1989 caused by those angry youth? Hadn’t they all been quelled? Some of them were killed, wounded and jailed while others fled overseas. Who was able to fight against the CCP? Even if the Zhaoyuan case was a case of injustice and falsehood, then what? Too many unjust and false cases have been created by the CCP, many of which are known by the people. But who can solve the problem? Who can do anything about the CCP? Do you know what the CCP believes in? The CCP is a revolutionary party. What it believes in is mendacity and violence, that is, seizing power with violence! Going by the CCP’s logic, “A lie will become the truth if it’s repeated ten thousand times.” No matter how many people doubt its word, deny and disbelieve it, the CCP doesn’t care a whit, and it continues to lie and deceive just the same. As long as the immediate effects and its goals can be achieved, it doesn’t care about the costs! If people rebel against it and march in protest, it will use tanks and machine guns to solve it all. When necessary, it will use the atomic bombs and missiles to counter hostile forces. The CCP can resort to any means to maintain its rule. As soon as the Zhaoyuan case of Shandong was publicly announced, the CCP started massive deployment of armed police units to suppress and arrest Christians at all costs. Who could stop it? Who dared to resist? Even when foreigners were able to see through the CCP’s fraud, what could they do? The CCP has many ways to counter the condemnation of Western democratic forces. It uses money to settle everything. As the saying goes, “Who receives a gift sells his liberty.” Fewer and fewer countries are condemning the CCP now. Hostile forces to the CCP are afraid to sound off. No matter how you put it, the CCP is still able to uphold its rule. As long as the Communist Party holds on to power, you believers of God can never expect to be free! God’s appearance and work in China will definitely be detested and banned by the CCP. Whether the CCP can achieve the goal of establishing an atheistic domain in China or not, it will never stop arresting and suppressing you!

from the movie script of Red Re-Education at Home

Recommended: The Eastern Lightning website is testimony that the Lord Jesus has returned in the flesh and appeared in China, that He is Almighty God, Christ of the last days, has expressed truths to do the work of judgment beginning with the house of God, and brings true light down upon mankind.


Religious Persecution-Xie Jiao, a Concept Manipulated to Attack The Church of Almighty God in HK  

 A Manipulative Concept: Xie Jiao - Massimo Introvigne From November 20 to November 21, 2017, Ta Kung Pao and Wen Wei Po, two mouthpieces of the Chinese Communist Party in Hong Kong, released 17 reports intensively to attack The Church of Almighty God, all in a span of two days. These reports cited the rumors and fallacies the CCP always uses to slander and condemn The Church of Almighty God, among which “cult” is the word of the highest frequency. As to this word the CCP uses to condemn the church, Professor Massimo Introvigne, a sociologist from Italy, the founder and director of the Center for Studies on New Religions, who has attended two international anti-cult academic conferences held by the CCP, will make his remarks in this episode.

     Recommended: If the Eastern Lightning is the true way, why has the CCP government consistently engaged in frantic oppression, arrests, and persecution against the Eastern Lightning?


"Red Re-Education at Home" (7) - The CCP Slanders The Church of Almighty God as a "Human Organization": What's Their Motive?

Everyone who believes in the Lord knows that without the appearance and work of the Lord Jesus, there wouldn't be any believers or followers of the Lord. Even more, Christianity never would have come into being—no matter how gifted the apostles were, they could not have created the church. Likewise, The Church of Almighty God came into being entirely because of the appearance and work of Almighty God, Christ of the last days. It is because Almighty God expressed many truths and people turned back toward God after hearing His voice that the church was formed. But the Chinese Communist government slanders The Church of Almighty God, saying it is just a human organization. What kind of sinister motive do they have?
Smiley face


Massimo Introvigne Reveals Truth of Zhaoyuan McDonald's Murder and Says the Real Xiejiao Is the CCP

Feb 8, 201850

  At the international conference on Religious Persecution and the Human Rights of Refugees in Seoul, South Korea on October 23, 2017, Professor Massimo Introvigne made a detailed analysis of the inaccuracies in the Chinese Communist government's definition of a "cult." He also clearly stated that The Church of Almighty God has been the religious group most seriously persecuted by the Chinese Communist government, leading to the incarceration and sentencing of hundreds of thousands of their followers who have committed no crimes. They have only been incarcerated and sentenced because of their affiliation with The Church of Almighty God. Chinese authorities have not denied their suppression of the Church, and they uphold that Church members have committed serious crimes, including the purported May 28 Zhaoyuan City McDonald's murder case. However, as of now, not a single one of the Chinese government's accusations against The Church of Almighty God has been substantiated. Professor Introvigne published in-depth research and analysis on the May 28 Zhaoyuan City McDonald's murder case. His findings were that the brutal perpetrators of that murder absolutely were not members of The Church of Almighty God, and that the May 28 Zhaoyuan City McDonald's murder case is completely unrelated to the Church. Other relevant articles by Professor Introvigne have been published in The Journal of CESNUR, an international academic journal, and the premier encyclopedia of worldwide religions, World Religions and Spirituality Project.

 Recommended: If the Eastern Lightning is the true way, why has the CCP government consistently engaged in frantic oppression, arrests, and persecution against the Eastern Lightning?

Smiley face


The CCP Is the Mastermind Behind the 8.28 Protest—Religious Persecution

09/15/2016 One comment

    At 9 a.m. on August 28, 2016, Wu, a representative of some religious website in South Korea, Tian, from China, as well as some other people, staged a protest at the gate of the Church of Almighty God in Guro, Seoul. During the protest, Wu instructed Tian and her son to cry at the gate, and let the reporter take photos of the scenes. They also tried several times to force into the church. Tian is the wife of Zhang, who is a Christian of the Church of Almighty God, and fled from China to Korea in 2015 due to the frenzied oppression and persecution of the CCP government. The reason Tian and Wu claimed to make this protest was: The Church of Almighty God took control of Zhang and forced him to perform duty in South Korea, which thus wrecked Tian’s family. So they demanded that the Church of Almighty God let go of Zhang.

    The excesses of Wu, Tian and her son were stopped by the police who arrived later. The police told Tian and Wu that Tian’s husband, Zhang, had already gone to the police station, and proclaimed that he was free and in no way controlled by the Church of Almighty God. Rather, Zhang was afraid that his wife, together with the CCP police, would jointly carry him off to China, so he determined not to see his wife, Tian, and turned to the Korean police to ensure his security. During the explanation, the police also showed a photo of Zhang and them to Tian and Wu. Seeing their fabrication exposed that the Church of Almighty God took control of Zhang, Tian and Wu left in a hurry. Up to this point, many people may feel confused: Tian took great pains to search for her husband, why was she so slighted? A couple’s reunion which was meant to be happy, why did the husband take it as a great scourge? Wu, a representative of a religious website in South Korea, was a perfect stranger to Tian, an atheist from China, so how did they unite in such a short time? What is the dark secret behind Tian’s search for her husband? Along with my investigation and research, the truth of the incident gradually rose to the surface.

    Tian comes from Hebei Province, China. She is an ordinary staff member of some company in Mainland China. She got married to Zhang in 2007, and they had a son after marriage. Tian knew well Zhang’s belief in Almighty God before their marriage, and she did not interfere with his belief at that time. Since 2012, the CCP has intensified its crackdown on Christianity. It wildly suppressed and arrested the Christians of the Church of Almighty God, and took advantage of various media, like newspapers, television, the Internet, etc, to slander and condemn the Church of Almighty God in a rampant way. Tian then believed the rumors of the CCP and began to hinder her husband from believing in God. She even took excesses of shadowing, calling the police, committing suicide, and so on, to intimidate her husband into abandoning his belief, which made Zhang extremely oppressed and painful. At the end of 2014, Brother Xiaolin, who was in the same church with Zhang, was arrested by the CCP. Fearing to be tracked down by the CCP through him, Zhang had no alternative but to flee from China in April, 2015 and sought asylum in South Korea. Then he found the Church of Almighty God in his place and began to perform the duty. Zhang thought he had got away from the CCP’s arrest and persecution, and could enjoy the freedom of worshiping God. He never expected the CCP should come to hunt him in South Korea.

    On January 24, 2016, Tian got into contact with Zhang through Korea Ministry of Justice in Jeju Province, and tried to persuade him to go back to China. Zhang explained to Tian that the sole end of his return to China was to be arrested and afflicted by the CCP. Then Tian showed understanding for what he said and returned alone. Unexpectedly, on May 18, Tian should lead the CCP’s plainclothes police to South Korea, and ask to meet Zhang without telling the fact that she came with the police. During their meeting, Tian insisted that Zhang go back to China, and the plainclothes policeman also urged him to return while prying about his performing the duty in South Korea. Meanwhile, Tian dialed the number of Cheng, a Chinese policeman, and handed the phone over to Zhang. Cheng once again advised Zhang to return to China as soon as possible. Only then did Zhang realize that this meeting in Jeju Province had long been hatched by Tian and the CCP police. The next several days, following the instructions of the police, Tian stole the passport and two cellphones of Zhang, and snatched the only 700,000 won on him. She clamored that she would rather allow her husband to be disabled and imprisoned by the CCP than have him stay here. In helplessness, Zhang caught his wife’s off guard and escaped from the hotel. However, it was so surprising that the CCP police and Tian tracked Zhang to the airport with the help of the tracking device in an attempt to catch him. Zhang ran desperately and managed to shake them off in the end. After this perilous escape, Zhang was even more sure that his wife had been bribed by the CCP, and that her purpose of this journey was to abduct him to China in collusion with the CCP police! At this point, everyone may understand why Zhang went to the Korea police station and stated his reluctance to see his wife, Tian, and why he turned to the Korean police for the sake of his security. The CCP has stretched its evil hand of persecuting religious belief to South Korea. It wishes to abduct to China all the Christians fleeing here, sentence and imprison them, and vainly attempts to abolish the Church of Almighty God. Tian, however, is nothing but its tool to arrest the Christians of the Church of Almighty God, and she has been totally controlled and used by the CCP. This is apparent to anyone with good sense.

    Then look at another indispensable role in the 8.28 Protest drama—the instigator, Wu. In this drama, Wu alleged that the Church of Almighty God coerced the believers to perform the duty and broke up their families. She took people to carry banners and signs in protest against the Church of Almighty God, instructed Tian and her son to cry and stir up trouble at the gate of the church for the reporter to photograph, and she even tried to force into the church several times. Who is Wu exactly? What’s the relationship between Tian and her? Why did she help Tian search for her husband so actively and heartily? Since they have different nationalities and beliefs, how did they gather to organize the protest?

    It is learnt that Wu is a representative of some religious website in South Korea, which engages in the activities to condemn religious heresies, especially those religious groups condemned by the CCP government. She does “march to a different beat” in Korea’s religious community. For instance, the CCP has conducted bloody suppression and persecution on Falun Gong practitioners in China. However, when all other governments, human rights organizations, and righteous men around the world denounced and opposed its horrifying brutality after its savage act of live organ harvesting was exposed, Wu attacked Falun Gong, understood and supported the CCP’s savagery in Korea’s public places as well as the website she works for. Without any thought to human rights and justice, Wu aligned herself with the CCP, acclaimed and defended it. What does it prove? It proves that Wu is a pro-CCP extremist, or even a spy bought off by the CCP and hidden in South Korea. This is not groundless, for it has already been an open secret that the CCP pays a huge sum of money to buy off parliamentarians of foreign countries and people from all walks of life. It is said that some Christians of the Church of Almighty God in Guro recognized Wu as she appeared at the gate of the church. They said that 3 years ago, Wu infiltrated the Church of Almighty God on the excuse of investigating the true way. During their contact, however, she did not talk about faith, but kept inquiring about internal affairs about the Church of Almighty God. Most Christians of the church suspected that she was a spy of the CCP, and then expelled her from the church. In March this year, Wu disguised herself again as an investigator of the true way, poked around at the Church of Almighty God in Guro, and was expelled for a second time. On July 19, Wu published the remarks of the CCP’s slander and condemnation of the Church of Almighty God on her website. On July 31, Wu made a comment and raised a banner, calling on people to oppose the Eastern Lightning and deport Christians of the Church of Almighty God! Wu’s attitude and comments of attacking and condemning the Church of Almighty God are identified with those of the CCP. She bangs the drum and cheers for the CCP’s persecution of religious belief, literally acting as the mouthpiece of the CCP in South Korea. According to a TV reporter of South Korea, 3 days prior to Tian’s arrival in Korea, he had received Wu’s reservation to report this incident. Seen from this, the protest was obviously schemed long before, and not at all a simple act of searching for the husband. Wu, a pro-CCP extremist in South Korea, and Tian, a Christian’s relative used by the CCP police, actually got together so quickly. More coincidentally, some websites of Mainland China successively published several reports to slander the Church of Almighty God, claiming that it broke up the believers’ families and incited them to forsake their family, which echoed Tian’s search for her husband. Then what does all this prove? It is proof enough that both Wu and Tian had been nobbled and taken advantage of by the CCP. They were directed and controlled by the CCP, and played the role of its chess pieces to oppress and persecute the Church of Almighty God overseas! The mastermind behind the 8.28 Protest is right the CCP! Its purpose of directing this protest is to smear and frame the Church of Almighty God through Tian and Wu’s making trouble, to fabricate public opinion in South Korea, and extradite Zhang back to China, thus breaching the wall of extraditing and then persecuting all the Christians of the Church of Almighty God who fled to South Korea for asylum. How malicious the CCP’s intention!

    The CCP took painstaking efforts to arrange for Tian to search for her husband abroad, ask her to widely publicize before the press, “Zhang abandoned his family to believe in God and perform the duty overseas,” and thereby slandered the Church of Almighty God on the charge of illegally coercing the believers to perform the duty and breaking up their families. It is totally an act of confusing black with white, and crying “Stop thief” as the thief himself! The CCP has always been good at it. In fact, during his stay at the local police station and an interview of some well-known media, Zhang stated twice explicitly that he came to South Korea of his own will, rather than being threatened by anyone, and that he sought asylum here as a result of the CCP government’s arrest and persecution. God never forces man, nor does the Church of Almighty God. On the contrary, coercion is the habitual means and tactic of the autocratic CCP. Only the CCP government forces man to listen and submit to it while not giving the slightest freedom to man. It actually tracks believers in God overseas to persecute and arrest them, and does everything it could to get the Christians back to China. This is real coercion and compulsion!

    Zhang continued his belief in God and his gospel preaching after coming abroad, which are the duty and obligation a Christian should fulfill. However, the CCP framed and smeared the Church of Almighty God by this, saying that the Church of Almighty God made the believers abandon their family to perform their duties, and thus broke up their families. This is utterly an excuse the CCP found to attack and condemn the Church of Almighty God. So absurd! To everyone who truly believes in God, following God and expending for Him is right and proper. In the Bible, the Lord Jesus said, “If any man come to me, and hate not his father, and mother, and wife, and children, and brothers, and sisters, yes, and his own life also, he cannot be my disciple. And whoever does not bear his cross, and come after me, cannot be my disciple. … So likewise, whoever he be of you that forsakes not all that he has, he cannot be my disciple” (Luke 14:26-27, 33). “He that loves father or mother more than me is not worthy of me: and he that loves son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me. And he that takes not his cross, and follows after me, is not worthy of me” (Matthew 10:37-38). These words are personal utterances of the Lord Jesus—the Creator, which are also the highest will and truth of God toward man. And this is how countless Christian saints have followed God over thousands of years. After accepting God’s calling and commission, they left their family and forsook their career, remained single in their lifetime, devoted their whole being to preaching the gospel everywhere, and didn’t even hesitate to give up their life. Is it not proper? Who dares to condemn them as abandoning their family and ruining their families? Rather, all those who truly believe in God will admire them, for what they have done is God’s requirements of man, is positive, and is what man should imitate and pursue. But then, why are the Christians of the Church of Almighty God labeled as breaking up their families under coercion when they lay aside everything, including their families, to spend for God and perform their duties? Apparently, it is a despicable and vicious means of the atheistic CCP government to suppress and persecute them and disturb and impair God’s work of saving man, as well as its habitual tactic of frame-up and confusing black with white.

    What does breaking up one’s family mean? Who exactly is the breaker of the Christians’ families? The CCP government puts Christians into prison and tortures them to death. Is this not breaking up their families? As long as one believes in God, the CCP will cut off his family’s livelihood. It oppresses, rejects and persecutes the believers, for which they cannot return home, but have to separate from their family and flee from place to place. Is this not breaking up their families? To abolish religious belief and safeguard its dictatorial rule, the CCP government has launched countless movements, arrested and slaughtered countless people, and innumerable families have been destroyed. For example, during the various movements of the Cultural Revolution and the June Fourth Student Movement, the children of some families were killed, so were the husbands or wives of some others. And some people were sentenced to imprisonment for 10 years, 20 years or even for life. This has brought great disasters to those families. According to statistics, since the CCP took power, it has massacred 80 million people to maintain its dictatorial rule. We just cannot imagine how many wives have lost their husbands, and how many children have lost their parents. The CCP slaughters people at will. There is no denying that it is the real culprit that breaks up and destroys families. In China, as the divorce rate is increasingly high, more and more families have broken apart. Even for many couples who have not got divorced, their marriage remains in name only. Is it because people believe in God and perform duties that their families break up? Obviously not. Actually, the root cause of the problem lies in that deceived by the CCP’s atheism, the Chinese people all deny God, stray away from God and thus fall under Satan’s influence; in addition, they are corroded and influenced by various satanic evil thoughts, and thus adore evil, indulge lust, have extramarital affairs. As a result, many families have been broken into fragments. People with discerning eyes have seen clearly that it is the CCP government that breaks down and ruins families, rather than the Christians of the Church of Almighty God.

    As one who believes in and follows God, it is right and proper to spend and sacrifice for God, which corresponds to the truth, the Bible and God’s heart’s desire. Over the past 2,000 years, nobody has ever denied or condemned the Lord Jesus’ words in the Bible, nor has anyone dared to condemn people who forsake their family and career as splitting up families and violating the law, much less has the law of any country judged those who dedicate themselves to God guilty. Only the satanic, atheistic regime denies God’s word and considers these good and righteous deeds an offense. That’s because in the eyes of the CCP, it is solely legitimate for people to devote their lives to its regime. It doesn’t allow people to believe in God, much less spend for God, so it spreads wantonly the fallacy that “Belief in God breaks families.” It is completely an excuse of the atheistic government to persecute Christians, a theoretical basis of it to condemn Christians, and a heresy and fallacy that goes against the Bible and resists God. Among the religious people, only those so-called ones who adore the CCP and wallow in the mire with the CCP government will agree to the CCP’s evil views! For those who fear God and are willing to follow the Lord’s way, who would approve such ridiculous satanic views! No wonder few people responded to the “8.28 drama” despite Wu’s rushing about and deliberate planning. It is learnt that in Wu’s initial application, the protest was supposed to involve 16 people and run from 9 p.m. to 5 p.m. However, on the spot we saw that accompanied by Wu and Tian, five elderly women stood in a line and held the signs listlessly which wrote something defaming Almighty God in Chinese. It fell far short of the effect that Wu had expected. And the drama ended up in less than 4 hours, with nothing definite but embarrassment.

    As is known to all, the CCP is an atheistic party that hates God and resists God most. It has been persecuting religious belief since it took office. Christianity and Catholicism are branded as cults and the Bible is designated as a cult book. Countless Christians have suffered imprisonment and persecution due to their belief in God. According to incomplete statistics, there are more than 300 missionaries of South Korea alone who have been afflicted and deported by the CCP government. Especially since Almighty God—the returned Lord Jesus in the last days appeared to work in China, the CCP government has been frenziedly hunting Christ and those who serve God, and cruelly persecuting God’s chosen people, attempting vainly to abolish God’s work in the last days. However, God’s work cannot be hindered by any force. Despite the rampant suppression and persecution of the CCP government, Almighty God’s work in the last days still has spread rapidly across Mainland China and is spreading to countries around the world. A growing number of people who truly long for God have returned to Almighty God. Along with the wide spread of the kingdom gospel, the CCP’s crimes that repress freedom of religion and brutally persecute Christians have come to light through the release of the gospel movies, videos, testimony articles, etc. of the Church of Almighty God. Seeing its untold crimes exposed in broad daylight, the CCP was driven into desperate action, and impatient to stretch its evil hand overseas. It has used various base means to provoke trouble at the Church of Almighty God in South Korea, seeking to create public opinion, smear and frame the Church of Almighty God, and incite the South Korean government, people and religious community to oppose the Church, thus achieving its evil intention to continue with the oppression, persecution and eradication of the Church of Almighty God. Wu and Tian were bought off by the CCP, so as to play such a drama of “seeking the husband” at the gate of the Church of Almighty God, and to deliberately smear and slander the Church on the charge of coercing the believers. It was precisely an organized and premeditated action under the sole direction of the CCP. To achieve its purpose, the CCP did plot and scheme a lot! We are unable to know how many efforts they had spent on Tian and Wu, how many secret meetings they had held, how many confidential documents they had issued, how much money they had given to them both. However, the CCP always goes to any lengths to achieve its purpose, with bribing and buying off as its regular tricks, and “money makes the mare go” as its pursuit. When the CCP senior officers visit abroad, they will pay high to have a bunch of overseas Chinese as a welcome team. This is public knowledge. Now, in order to oppress and abolish the Church of Almighty God, the CCP even sent plainclothes policemen and spies abroad, consuming a lot of human, material and financial resources. What an effort! It thoroughly reveals that the CCP government is a satanic regime that resists the true God and hates the truth, and that the CCP is Satan the devil, an enemy of God!

    From the facts above, we see clearly that Tian’s seeking her husband over thousands of miles was entirely a drama directed and staged by the CCP government itself, also a trick and conspiracy carefully planned and organized by it. It is a concrete proof of how the CCP persecutes and represses religious belief and makes an enemy of God. Where the CCP reaches out its evil hand, there is chaos and an awful mess, as well as people who are deceived and act as a tool of the CCP. The Church of Almighty God in South Korea is legally registered. Christians of the Church only testify to Almighty God, Christ of the last days, and spread the word expressed by Him. They don’t violate any law of South Korea, much less harm any interests of South Koreans. I believe that the South Korean government and religious community can see the fact clearly. This time, though the CCP bought off Wu and Tian, planned and created the 8.28 Protest, we are glad to see that the religious people in South Korea are possessed of rationality, good judgment and conscience, and that the South Korean government acts according to the policies, laws and regulations. From this, it can be seen that South Korea is indeed a country with the democratic system and freedom of religious belief, which we’ve never enjoyed in Mainland China. The CCP’s scheme failed this time. It was really hoisted by its own petard. This is exactly “God’s wisdom is exercised based on Satan’s schemes,” which is apparent to us all!

From the network