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Showing posts with label prayer. Show all posts
Showing posts with label prayer. Show all posts


work of the Holy Spirit, prayer, The Church of Almighty God, Eastern Lightning

Concerning the Practice of Prayer

You pay no attention to prayer in your daily life. People have always overlooked prayer. In their prayers before they were simply going through the motions and playing around, and no one has ever fully given their heart before God and truly prayed to God.


Worship Song | Learn How to Pray to God | "True Prayer"

True prayer is speaking your heart’s words to God.
It’s based on God’s will and His word.
True prayer is feeling, oh, so close to God, as if He’s in front of you.
True prayer means you have much to say to God,
your heart is radiant as the sun,
you feel inspired by the loveliness of God, those who hear are gratified.


The Church of Almighty God, Eastern Lightning, Almighty God,

Chapter 34. The Significance and Practice of Prayer

How do you currently pray? How is it an improvement on religious prayers? What do you actually understand about the significance of prayer? Have you examined these questions? Everyone who does not pray is distanced from God, everyone who does not pray follows their own will; the absence of prayer implies distance from God and betrayal of God. What is your actual experience with prayer? Right now, God’s work is already nearing the end and the relationship between God and man can be seen from man’s prayer.



Worship God in Spirit and in Truth | Christian Worship Song | "The Significance of Prayer"


Prayer is one of the ways how man cooperates with God,
to call upon His Spirit and to be touched by God.
The more you pray, the more you’ll be touched,
enlightened and strong-minded.
People as such can be made perfect soon.
The more you pray, the more you’ll be touched,
enlightened and strong-minded.
People as such can be made perfect soon.


So those who never pray are dead without spirit.
They can’t be touched by God, can’t follow God’s work.
People who never pray lose normal spiritual life,
have broken ties with God; He will not approve them.
People who never pray lose normal spiritual life,
have broken ties with God; He will not approve them.


The more you pray, the more you’ll be touched,
enlightened and strong-minded.
People as such can be made perfect soon.
The more you pray, the more you’ll be touched,
enlightened and strong-minded.
People as such can be made perfect soon.
People as such can be made perfect soon.
People as such can be made perfect soon.
from “Concerning the Practice of Prayer” in The Word Appears in the Flesh
Prayer, The Church of Almighty God, Eastern Lightning,

Read more: Where Does Eastern Lightning Come From?
                   The Church of Almighty God was founded by Almighty God personally?


Xiao mei
Brothers and sisters, peace to you in the Lord. Today let’s fellowship about the truth regarding prayer. As is known to all believers in the Lord, prayer is indispensable to us followers. If a Christian does not pray, he does not deserve to be called a Christian. Through prayer we have faith to practice the Lord’s teachings; through prayer we are enlightened and guided by Him; through prayer our work and dedication can be after His heart; through prayer we can come out of the weakness time and again; through prayer we can have enough strength to take up the cross and drink from the bitter cup…. Obviously, the entire life of Christian cannot be separated from prayer. However, many believers say, “Why can’t my prayers obtain the Lord’s answer? Why does He not hear my prayers? Why can’t I feel His presence in my prayers?” If you have the same confusion, then it is likely that something is wrong with your prayers.

The Church of Almighty God, Eastern Lightning, Pray,
Pictures of the Church of Almighty God

Why Can’t a Prayer of the Pharisee Be Approved by the Lord?
As for this question, we can find the answer in the Bible, which records the prayers of two persons. One was heard by the Lord while the other was not heard. I believe most brothers and sisters who are familiar with the scriptures have known which two I speak about.


O God! Your words have led me back to You.
I accept training in Your kingdom day and night.
So many trials and pains, so many tribulations.
Many times I shed tears and felt heart-stricken,
and many times have fallen into the trap of Satan.
But You have never departed from me.
You led me through many hardships, You kept me through many dangers.
Now I know that You have loved me.

O God! You lead me to a new life.
Enjoying Your words, I have understood Your will.
Your words judge and chastise me, and cleanse my corruption.
Through trials I have learned to obey You.
Growing up in God’s word, I have come to know God.
I’m willing to do my duty for Your witness and glory.
I’ll love You for all time.
Whether be blessed or cursed, I’ll be happy to be at Your mercy.
I’ll give You a true love, and will not let You wait.
I’ll give You a pure love, and please enjoy my love.
I’ll give You all my love, and let You gain my love.
I will love You for all time; to satisfy You is my wish.
from Follow the Lamb and Sing New Songs

Eastern Lightning, The Church of Almighty God was created because of the appearance and work of Almighty God, the second coming of the Lord Jesus, Christ of the last days. It is made up of all those who accept Almighty God's work in the last days and are conquered and saved by His words. It was entirely founded by Almighty God personally and is led by Him as the Shepherd. It was definitely not created by a person. Christ is the truth, the way, and the life. God's sheep hear God's voice. As long as you read the words of Almighty God, you will see God has appeared.


Concerning the Practice of Prayer

pray, The Church of Almighty God, Eastern Lightning, Almighty God,
You pay no attention to prayer in your daily life. People have always overlooked prayer. In their prayers before they were simply going through the motions and playing around, and no one has ever fully given their heart before God and truly prayed to God. People only pray to God when something happens to them. Throughout all this time, have you ever truly prayed to God? Have you ever wept tears of pain before God? Have you ever come to know yourself before God? Have you ever had a heart-to-heart prayer with God? Praying is practiced gradually: If you don’t ordinarily pray at home, then you will have no way of praying in church, and if you don’t normally pray during small assemblies, then you will be incapable of praying during large assemblies. If you do not ordinarily draw near to God or reflect upon the words of God, then you will have nothing to say when it is time to pray—and even if you do pray, your lips will just be moving, you won’t be truly praying.
What does it mean to truly pray? It means speaking the words within your heart to God, and communing with God having grasped His will and based upon His words; it means feeling particularly close to God, feeling that He is in front of you, and that you have something to say to Him; and it means being especially radiant within your heart, and feeling that God is especially lovely. You will feel especially inspired, and after hearing your words your brothers and sisters will feel gratified, they will feel that the words you speak are the words within their hearts, the words they wish to say, and that what you say represents what they want to say. This is what it means to truly pray. After you have truly prayed, in your heart you will feel at peace, and gratified; the strength to love God will rise up, and you will feel that nothing in your entire life is more worthy or significant than loving God—and all this will prove that your prayers have been effective. Have you ever prayed in such a way?
And what about the content of prayers? You should pray, step-by-step, in accordance with your true state and that which is to be done by the Holy Spirit, and you should commune with God in keeping with God’s will and His requirements of man. When you begin practicing your prayers, first give your heart to God. Do not attempt to grasp God’s will; only try to speak the words within your heart to God. When you come before God, speak thus: “O God! Only today do I realize that I used to disobey You. I am truly corrupt and despicable. Before, I was wasting my time; starting from today I will live for You, I will live out a life of meaning, and satisfy Your will. I would that Your Spirit always works within me, and always illuminates and enlightens me, so that I can bear strong and resounding testimony before You, allowing Satan to see Your glory, Your testimony, and the proof of Your triumph within us.” When you pray in this way, your heart will be completely set free, having prayed in this way, your heart will be closer to God, and by often praying in this way, the Holy Spirit will inevitably work within you. If you always call out to God in this way and make your resolution before God, the day will come when your resolution can be accepted before God, when your heart and entire being will be received by God, and you will ultimately be made perfect by God. Prayer is of the utmost importance for you. When you pray, you receive the work of the Holy Spirit, your heart is thus touched by God, and the strength of the love for God within you comes forth. If you do not pray with your heart, if you do not open your heart to commune with God, then God will have no way of working within you. If, having prayed, you have spoken all the words within your heart and the Spirit of God has not stirred, if you do not feel inspired inside, then this shows that your heart is not earnest, that your words are not true, and still impure. If, having prayed, you are gratified, then your prayers have been accepted by God and the Spirit of God has worked within you. As someone who serves before God, you cannot be without prayers. If you truly see fellowship with God as something that is meaningful and valuable, could you forsake prayer? No one can be without communion with God. Without prayer, you live in the flesh, you live in the bondage of Satan; without true prayer, you live under the influence of darkness. I hope that the brothers and sisters are able to truly pray each and every day. This is not adherence to doctrine, however, but an effect that must be achieved. Are you willing to forego a little sleep and gratification, saying morning prayers at dawn and then enjoying the words of God? If you pray and eat and drink the words of God, in this way, with a pure heart, then you will be more accepted by God. If you do every day, practicing giving your heart to God each day and communing with God, then your knowledge of God is sure to increase, and you will be better able to grasp God’s will. You should say: “O God! I wish to fulfill my duty. In order that You may be glorified in us, and may enjoy the testimony in us, this group of people, I can but devote my entire being to You. I beg You to work within us, so that I can truly love and satisfy You, and make You the objective that I pursue.” When you are possessed of this burden, God will surely make you perfect; you should not only pray for the sake of yourself, but also for the sake of carrying out the will of God, and for the sake of loving Him. Such is the truest kind of prayer. Do you pray in order to carry out the will of God?
Before, you did not know how to pray, and overlooked prayer; today, you must do your best to train yourself to pray. If you are unable to summon the strength within you to love God, then how can you pray? You should say: “O God! My heart is incapable of truly loving You, I wish to love You but I lack the strength. What should I do? I wish for You to open the eyes of my spirit, I wish for Your Spirit to touch my heart, so that before You I am divested of all passive states, and unconstrained by any person, matter, or thing; my heart I completely lay bare before You, such that my entire being is devoted before You, and You may test me however You wish. Now, I give no thought to my prospects, nor am I bound by death. Using my heart that loves You, I wish to seek the way of life. All things are in Your hands, my fate is in Your hands, and, moreover, my life is controlled by Your hands. Now, I pursue the love of You, and regardless of whether You let me love You, regardless of how Satan interferes, I am determined to love You.” When you encounter such things, you pray in this way. If you do so every day, the strength to love God will gradually rise up.
How does one enter into true prayer?
Whilst praying, your heart must be at peace before God, and it must be sincere. You are truly communing and praying with God; you must not deceive God using nice-sounding words. Prayer is centered around that which God wishes to complete today. Ask God to bring you greater enlightenment and illumination, and bring your actual state and troubles before God to pray, and make resolution before God. Prayer is not the following of procedure, but the seeking of God using your true heart. Ask that God protect your heart, making it able to often be at peace before God, making you able to know yourself, and despise yourself, and forsake yourself in the environment that God has set for you, thus allowing you to have a normal relationship with God and making you someone who truly loves God.
What is the significance of prayer?
Prayer is one of the ways in which man cooperates with God, it is a means by which man calls upon God, and it is the process by which man is touched by God’s Spirit. It can be said that those who are without prayer are dead ones without spirit, proof that they lack the faculties to be touched by God. Without prayer, they are unable to attain a normal spiritual life, much less are they able to follow the work of the Holy Spirit; without prayer, they sever their relationship with God, and are incapable of receiving God’s approval. Being someone who believes in God, the more you pray, the more you are touched by God. Such people have greater resolution and are more able to receive the latest enlightenment from God; as a result, only people like this can be made perfect as soon as possible by the Holy Spirit.
What is the effect to be achieved by prayer?
People are able to carry out the practice of prayer and understand the significance of prayer, but the effect to be achieved by prayer is no simple matter. Prayer is not a case of going through the formalities, or following procedure, or reciting the words of God, which is to say, prayer does not mean parroting words and copying others. In prayer, you must give your heart to God, sharing the words in your heart with God so that you may be touched by God. If your prayers are to be effective, then they must be based on your reading of God’s words. Only by praying amid God’s words will you be able to receive more enlightenment and illumination. A true prayer is shown by having a heart that yearns for the requirements made by God, and being willing to fulfill these requirements; you will be able to hate all that God hates, upon the basis of which you will have knowledge, and will know and be clear about the truths explained by God. Having the resolution, and faith, and knowledge, and a path by which to practice after praying—only this is truly praying, and only prayer such as this can be effective. Yet prayer must be built upon the foundation of enjoying God’s words and communing with God in His words and your heart is able to seek God and be at peace before God. Such prayer has already reached the point of true communion with God.
Basic knowledge about praying:
1. Do not blindly say whatever comes to mind. There must be a burden within your heart, which is to say, you must have an objective when you pray.
2. Your prayers must contain the words of God; they must be based upon the words of God.
3. When praying, you cannot go over old ground; you must not bring up things that are outdated. You should specially train yourself to speak the actual words of the Holy Spirit; only then will you be able to make a connection with God.
4. Group prayer must be centered around a core, which must be the work of the Holy Spirit today.
5. All people must learn how to pray for others. They must find the part in God’s words that they wish to pray for, based upon which they must have a burden, and for which they must often pray. This is one manifestation of care for God’s will.
Personal prayer life is based upon understanding the significance of prayer and the basic knowledge of prayer. Man must often pray for his shortcomings in his daily life, and must pray upon the foundation of the knowledge of God’s words in order to achieve changes in his life disposition. Everyone should establish their own prayer life, they should pray for the knowledge based upon God’s words, should pray in order to seek the knowledge of God’s work. Lay your actual circumstances before God, and be pragmatic, and don’t pay attention to method; the key is to attain a true knowledge, and to actually experience God’s words. Anyone who pursues entry into the spiritual life must be able to pray in multiple ways. Silent prayer, pondering the words of God, coming to know the work of God, and so on—this targeted work of communion, is in order to achieve entry into normal spiritual life, making your own situation before God better and better, and causing ever greater progress in your life. In short, all that you do—whether it be eating and drinking the words of God, or praying silently or declaring loudly—is in order to clearly see God’s words, and His work, and that which He wishes to achieve in you. More importantly, it is in order to reach the standards that God requires and take your life to the next level. The lowest standard that God requires of people is that they be able to open their hearts to Him. If man gives his true heart to God and says what is really within his heart to God, then God is willing to work in man; God does not want the twisted heart of man, but his pure and honest heart. If man does not truly speak his heart to God, then God does not touch man’s heart, or work within him. Thus, the most crucial thing about praying is to speak the words of your true heart to God, telling God of your flaws or rebellious disposition and completely opening yourself up to God. Only then will God be interested in your prayers; if not, then God will hide His face from you. The minimum criterion for prayer is that you must be able to keep your heart at peace before God, and it must not depart from God. Perhaps, during this period, you have not gained a newer or higher view, but you must use prayer to keep things as they are—you cannot regress. This is the very least that you must achieve. If you cannot accomplish even this, then it proves that your spiritual life has not entered onto the right track; as a result, you are unable to hold on to your original vision, and bereft of faith in God, and your resolution subsequently disappears. Your entry into the spiritual life is marked by whether or not your prayers have entered onto the right track. All people must enter into this reality, they must all do the work of consciously training themselves in prayer, not passively waiting, but consciously seeking to be touched by the Holy Spirit. Only then will they be people who truly seek God.
When you begin to pray, be realistic, and mustn’t overreach yourself; you cannot make extravagant demands, hoping that as soon as you open your mouth you will be touched by the Holy Spirit, enlightened and illuminated, and bestowed with much grace. That is impossible—God does not do things that are supernatural. God accomplishes people’s prayers in His own time and sometimes He tests your faith to see whether you are loyal before Him. When you pray you must have faith, perseverance, and resolution. When they begin training themselves to pray, most people don’t feel that they have been touched by the Holy Spirit and so lose heart. This won’t do! You must have persistence, you must focus on feeling the touch of the Holy Spirit, and on seeking and exploring. Sometimes, the path that you act upon is the wrong one; sometimes, your motivations and conceptions are unable to stand firm before God, and so God’s Spirit doesn’t move you; so too are there times when God looks at whether or not you are loyal. In short, you must devote more effort to training yourself. If you discover that the path you act upon is deviant, you can change the way you pray. As long as you truly seek, and long to receive, then the Holy Spirit will surely take you into this reality. Sometimes you pray with a true heart but don’t feel as if you have been particularly touched. At times like these you must rely on your faith, and trust that God looks upon your prayers; you must have perseverance in your prayers.
You must be honest, and must pray in order to rid yourself of the craftiness in your heart. As you use prayer to purify yourself whenever needed, and use it to be touched by the Spirit of God, your disposition will gradually change. The true spiritual life is a life of prayer, and it is a life that is touched by the Holy Spirit. The process of being touched by the Holy Spirit is the process of changing your disposition. A life that has not been touched by the Holy Spirit is not a spiritual life, it is still religious ritual; only those who are often touched by the Holy Spirit, and have been enlightened and illuminated by the Holy Spirit, are people who have entered into the spiritual life. Man’s disposition constantly changes as he prays, and the more that he is moved by the Spirit of God, the more proactive and obedient he is. So, too, will his heart gradually be purified, after which his disposition will gradually change. Such is the effect of true prayer.


The Church of Almighty God, Eastern Lightning, Almighty God,
Pictures of the Church of Almighty God

29 Experiencing the Tribulations, I Was Accompanied by God’s Love

Wang Yu    Henan Province
My name is Wang Yu. I’m 76 years old. In 1978, I believed in the Lord Jesus because of illness. I received much grace during my believing. Because of that, I was very zealous in working for the Lord, giving messages and preaching the gospel everywhere and also hosting the brothers and sisters. Very soon, the believers in our church increased to over 2000. Then, the persecution of the CCP government also came. In order to stop me from believing in God and preaching the gospel, the policemen searched my house many times. Each time, they would take away anything that was worth some money and could be moved at my home, and they even unscrewed the light bulbs and took them away. Moreover, I was arrested and imprisoned by the Public Security Bureau a dozen times. In 1996, I accepted Almighty God’s end-time work. Two years later, I experienced more frenzied arrest and persecution of the CCP government. Although having undergone a great many afflictions, I felt God’s salvation and love for me.
At past 2 a.m. one day in May 1998, I was woken up by a violent knocking. I couldn’t help feeling nervous, thinking: It must be the police! There are five brothers and sisters who came from other places to preach the gospel staying at my home. What should I do to protect them? I got into a panic. Before I went to open the door, the evil policemen kicked it open with a “bam.” The Chief of the Political Protection Section of the Public Security Bureau, holding a gun, fiercely rushed in with a dozen of evil policemen who carried electric batons. One of the evil policemen kicked me violently as soon as he came in, and shouted abuses at me, “Shit! How dare you still believe in God after having been arrested so many times! I’ll reduce your family to poverty and ruin.” That gang of evil policemen shouted loudly in the house, “We’re the police. Get up quickly!” Before the brothers and sisters got dressed, they forcibly handcuffed the six of us in twos and searched us, and they also snatched the ring off my finger. Then they rummaged through boxes and chests in the house. Even the vat that held the flour was stirred so that the flour was scattered all over the ground, and other things were thrown everywhere. In all, they confiscated 11 recorders, a TV set, an electric fan, a typewriter, and more than 200 books of God’s word. They also pried open my son’s drawer and took away his wages of over 1000 yuan which was just paid. When they were about to take us to the police station, my son came back from work. When he saw his wages missing, he ran out to ask the evil policemen for the money. The evil policemen played a trick, saying, “We’ll go back and check it out. If it’s your money, we’ll return it to you.” However, they came to arrest my son on the charge of “disrupting public service” that night. Fortunately my son went out to escape it beforehand; otherwise, he would also have been arrested.
After the evil policemen took the confiscated books and things to the police station and unloaded them, they escorted the six of us to the County Public Security Bureau that night and locked us up separately there. In the cell, my heart couldn’t quiet down for a long time. I thought back to the scene of my being arrested in 1987. At that time, I was beaten and abused by the evil policemen and was nearly tortured to death. I also witnessed that a young man in his twenties was beaten to death by the evil policemen within two hours. A woman went back from the interrogation and said that she was raped by two evil policemen. The evil policemen also forced people to be seated on the torture-rack, burned them with searing-iron, and shocked their tongue with the electric baton so that it festered, and even shocked it until its thin blood became dry, and so on. They used all kinds of base and malicious means to torture men. Through the dozen times of arrests, I saw with my own eyes and personally experienced that these wicked and merciless devils could do anything lawless. Now I entered the “gate of hell” again, and the evil policemen said that since I came here, I would be “skinned.” Thinking of that, I felt very anxious and afraid: Today, they have searched out so many things in my home and arrested several brothers and sisters. The devils won’t let me off easily. Thus, I prayed to God in my heart, “O God! Today we fall into the hands of the devils out of your permission. These devils are all wild wolves without any humanity, so I’m very weak within. May you give me courage and wisdom and the proper words to say. I’m willing to stand testimony for you. I’ll never be a Judas and betray you! Moreover, I beseech you to keep the arrested brothers and sisters so that they can all stand firm in this environment! O God! You are the great King of the universe. All matters and all things are under your sovereignty and arrangement. I believe that you will surely lead us to overcome satan’s influence of darkness as long as we truly rely on you!” In prayer, God inspired me to remember his words, “Now the transcendent life of Christ has appeared. There is nothing you should fear. Satans are under our feet, and their end is not so distant. … In any circumstance, you should be faithful to me and go forward bravely. I am your solid Rock. Rely on me!” (from “The Tenth Piece of Word” in The Word Appears in the Flesh) God’s words gave me great faith: Yes! God is almighty. Satan is forever the loser in God’s hand. Without God’s permission, it can do nothing to me. I have been arrested by the CCP government a dozen times since I believed in God. Haven’t I overcome them under God’s keeping time after time? I also thought of the prophet Daniel and his three friends. Because they held on to Jehovah’s name and worshiped Jehovah, they were framed by the wicked and were thrown into the lion’s den and the burning fiery furnace. However, because of God’s keeping, they came out safe and sound. I apprehended God’s authority and great power, and then my timidity disappeared immediately and I was full of strength all over: No matter how satan persecutes and afflicts me, I fear nothing with God as my strong rear guard. I’m willing to cooperate with God by faith and bear testimony for God before satan.
The next morning, the evil policemen began to interrogate me. The evil policeman who had interrogated me many times before stared at me and struck the table, roaring, “It’s still you old woman. Today you fall into my hands again. If you still don’t confess honestly this time, I’ll let you suffer enough! Speak quickly! Where do those people who stayed at your home come from? Who is the church leader? Where did you get the books? Whom does the typewriter belong to?” At that time, I got nervous in spite of myself, because that evil policeman was so ferocious and savage that he even tried to fix men to death. I timidly kept silent with my head down and prayed to God inwardly to keep my heart. Seeing that I said nothing, the evil policeman hurled abuses at me, “You damned old woman. You’re really a dead mouse that feels no cold!” While cursing, he rushed toward me and swiftly kicked me on the heart. I was thrown several meters away and then heavily fell flat on my back, which made me so painful that I could hardly breathe. The devil still didn’t let me off. He rushed at me again, seized my collar, and dragged me up from the ground, saying, “Old woman! Today I’ll make you neither die nor live but suffer alive!” Saying this, he brought an electric baton and wanted to jab me. Seeing the electric baton giving off a blue light, I was very afraid, so I kept praying to God in my heart. Then God’s words resounded in my ears, “You should endure everything, be willing to give up everything for me and follow me with all your might, and pay all the price. This is the time to test you. Can you offer up your faithfulness? Can you follow me to the end faithfully? Remove your fear. With me as your rear guard, who can block the way? Remember! Remember! In everything there is my good purpose, and it is I who search in it. Can you walk in my word in your every word and deed? When fiery tests come, will you bow your knees and shout or flinch and be unable to go forward?” (from “The Tenth Piece of Word” in The Word Appears in the Flesh) God’s words made me strong and courageous and also made me know God’s will: Today I encounter this fiery trial, and it is just the time when God tests me. The devils torture my flesh in order to make me betray God, but God wants me to offer up my faithfulness and love to him at this time. God has an expectation of me. I can’t care for my flesh and yield to satan’s forces. I’ll stand on God’s side firmly and bear a good testimony for God. The evil policeman jabbed me wildly with the electric baton. The powerful electricity flowed through my whole body. My whole body twitched and huddled up. While jabbing me, he roared, “Speak quickly! If you still don’t confess, I’ll shock you to death!” I clenched my teeth and still said nothing. The evil policeman was mad with anger. At that time, I bitterly hated that gang of frenzied devils. Man is created by God, and it is right and proper for man to believe in and worship God. However, the CCP devil resists God and brutally persecutes the followers of God. They even didn’t let me a 60-year-old woman off and tried to fix me to death! The more the devil afflicted me, the more bitter hatred I had for it. Thus I swore in my heart: Even if I have to die, I’ll stand testimony for God and never be a betrayer for an ignoble existence to be ridiculed by satan. The evil policemen got tired from beating and cursing, and found that I still said nothing, so they could only drag me back to the interrogation room.
Lying on the ground, I couldn’t move at all, and I ached unbearably all over. At that time, a head of the evil policemen took the opportunity to coax me, “You’re old. What do you suffer all this for? As long as you confess honestly, telling us who sent you the stuff and where he lives, we’ll let you go home.” God inspired me to see through satan’s scheme, and I still didn’t say anything. Seeing me keep silent, he changed his countenance at once and threatened me, “We’re lenient to those who confess and harsh to those who resist. If you don’t tell, you’ll be sentenced to twelve years! So you can never go out!” When I heard that they would sentence me to twelve years, my head seemed to burst open with “buzzing.” I thought: I have a poor health. Not to mention twelve years, I can’t even hold on for one year and will die in the prison. Thinking that I would spend the rest of my life in the dark prison, I felt very sorrowful in my heart. Leaving the church life and losing the supply of God’s word, can I hold on? In perplexity, I prayed to God silently. Suddenly God inspired me to remember his words, “Everything in the whole universe, without exception, is decided by me. Is there anything that is not in my hand?” (from “The First Piece of Word” of God’s Utterance to the Entire Universe in The Word Appears in the Flesh) Right! Man’s destiny is in God’s hand. All matters and all things are under God’s sovereignty and arrangement and are decided by God without exception. If God doesn’t permit me to be imprisoned, it won’t count no matter what the evil policemen say. If God permits me to be imprisoned, I’ll obey and make no complaint. Peter could obey God’s chastisement and judgment and tribulation and refining, had no choice of his own, and committed himself completely into God’s hand and submitted to God’s manipulation. At last, he was crucified upside down for God and obeyed unto death, thus becoming a model of loving God. Today I’ll imitate Peter, committing myself to God. Even if I have to rot in prison, I’ll obey God. In the end, the evil policemen sent me to the detention house on the charge of “believing in a cult.”
When I entered the detention house, I seemed to enter hell on earth. In the cell, there was no window or light. Over 20 prisoners lived in a cell a dozen square meters, where we ate, drank, defecated, and urinated. There were small water-holes everywhere on the ground. Only some pieces of straw mats were scattered around, and there were even no bedclothes. The prisoners just slept on the ground with small water-holes. A commode was put in the corner, and the mosquitoes and flies flew everywhere. It was so stinking and suffocating that the prisoners shoved to lean over a little hole within a foot in the iron door to get some fresh air. Because the temperature was very high in summer and it was crowded in the cell, the prisoners were usually naked with nothing on. They often fought over some trifles, and dirty words could often be heard. What we ate every day was half cooked thin flour soup and thin noodles and vegetables boiled in water without salt or oil. When we finished eating, we could see that the bottom of the bowl was covered with dirt. All of us had diarrhea. One morning, when we were let outside and had roll call, I miscounted carelessly. Hearing that, the evil policeman became furious, cursing, “Look at your stupid appearance. You actually believe in God!” After that, he took a leather shoe and slapped my face ten times in succession. My face became purple-black. The over ten prisoners in my cell were all involved because of me and everyone was slapped ten times. Their faces became purple-black, and they all covered their face and cried. Later, the evil policemen asked me to wash their uniforms and shirts and unpick and wash their quilts every day. A head of the evil policemen ran a hotel, and he brought all the unpicked things and had me wash them. After washing them, I had to sew them up stitch by stitch. After a day’s work, I was so tired that I felt worn out and ached unbearably all over. A few days later, my hands were swollen. Sometimes when I really couldn’t hold on and had a little break, the evil policemen hurled abuses at me. I had no choice but to go on with the work in tears. When I rested at night, I was sleepy and tired and wanted to sleep, but I couldn’t sleep well. My arms were sore and painful, my waist couldn’t straighten up from pain, and my legs and feet went numb. Even now, my arms can only be lifted up at a 45 degree angle and can’t be brought to shoulder height. As the work was heavy and I didn’t have enough to eat, I got severe gastrointestinal problems and often had diarrhea. Besides, the wounds I got from the evil policemen’s beating didn’t heal; my health was declining, and later I had a low-grade fever for a long time, but the prison guards didn’t allow me to have treatment. I couldn’t but feel somewhat weak and thought: I’m so old. If I’m continuously tortured like this, I’ll die here one day. At that time, desolation and helplessness came over me. In misery, I prayed to God, “O God! I’m very weak now and can’t touch your will. O God! May you lead me so that I can stand testimony to satisfy you in such an environment.” I called out to God in my heart again and again. Unknowingly, God inspired me to remember a hymn of God’s word, and I sang it in a low voice, “God is incarnated this time to do the work he has not finished, to judge and end this age, to save men from the sea of misery, to thoroughly conquer them, and to transform their life disposition. For mankind to break free from the afflicting and pitch-dark force of darkness and for the sake of the work of mankind ah, God has had so many sleepless nights ah. He comes to the lowest place from the highest place and lives in hell on earth and spends days with men ah. He never complains about the miserableness of the world ah, and never makes exacting demands of men, but endures great humiliation doing his own work. For the whole mankind to enjoy rest earlier, he endures humiliation and swallows injustice to come to earth, personally coming into the tiger’s den to save mankind.” (from “The Practical God Is Saving Men in Obscurity” in Follow the Lamb and Sing New Songs) As I sang it, my tears kept rolling down. I thought: God is so supreme and great, but he humbled himself and was incarnated twice. In order to save mankind, he has endured infinite sufferings and humiliations. He not only suffers the resistance and condemnation of the corrupt mankind, but also suffers the hunting and persecution of the CCP devil. God is innocent, and he suffers for mankind’s future pleasant life. God has endured too many sufferings and too great humiliations, but he has never complained or poured out to anybody. The suffering I undergo today is God’s blessing coming upon me, and it is all for me to see through the evil substance of the devil and thus betray satan and break away from satan’s influence of darkness and be saved by God. However, I don’t understand God’s thoughtful kind intention, and when suffering a little, I become passive and weak. Compared with God’s love, I’m really too selfish. So, I made a firm resolution: No matter how hard and difficult it is, I’ll satisfy God and no longer grieve God, and I’ll pledge my life to stand testimony for God! When I was obedient, I saw God’s deed. After I was imprisoned by the police, God raised up my unbelieving younger sister to pay a fine of 16,000 yuan and more than 1,000 yuan for my food expense, and then I was released.
Through over three months of affliction in prison, although my flesh underwent all kinds of tortures, I saw clearly the true face of the CCP government, the gang of devils resisting God. Arrested by the CCP government many times, I had some practical knowledge of God’s work, God’s almightiness and wisdom, and God’s love. I saw that God was keeping and caring for me all the time and never left me for a single moment. When I felt extremely miserable from the devils’ various tortures, it was God’s words that led me to overcome satan’s torment and temptation time and again, making me have the faith and courage to transcend the influence of darkness. When I was weak and helpless, it was God’s words that inspired and guided me in time, became my real support, and accompanied me to pass through those difficult days and nights. Experiencing such persecution and tribulation, I gained the wealth of life I could never acquire in an easy environment. Therefore, my resolution to believe in God became firmer. No matter how adverse the environment will be in the future, I’ll pursue the truth and life and turn my heart to God, because God is the Creator and is my only redemption.
from The Overcomers’ Testimonies
Recommendation: The origin of the Church of Almighty God, Eastern Lightning
Wasn’t clear for whom man should live. Now I’ve got the answer for it.
I used to live just for myself, seeking only status and fame.
Prayer to God full of fine words, yet holding to my own way in real life.
Faith based upon future and fate, I have no truth or reality.
Rituals and rules, confining my faith; I was left with nothing but emptiness.
Failing to live as a human, I don’t deserve God’s love for me.
My heart has been awakened now, telling me I should repay God’s love.
I hate myself for I had no conscience, disobeying God and breaking His heart.
Never have I cared for God’s heart; never was I concerned about His words.
Without conscience, having no sense, how can I be listed as man?
God’s judgment makes me see, I was deeply corrupted by Satan.
Evil, this world, full of traps; truth is what a believer should choose.
O dear God, You love me so, doing all You can to make me saved.
What You’ve done for me, I’ll keep in mind! I will never ever forget.
Care for God’s heart, that’s all my will. I am determined to pursue the truth.
Consuming myself to spend for God, offering myself to repay His love,
offering myself to repay His love.

Special statement: This video production was produced as a not-for-profit piece by the Church of Almighty God. The actors that appear in this production are performing on a not-for-profit basis, and have not been paid in any way. This video may not be distributed for profit to any third party, and we hope that everyone will share it and distribute it openly. When you distribute it, please note the source. Without the consent of the Church of Almighty God, no organization, social group, or individual may tamper with or misrepresent the contents of this video.
Recommendation: Eastern Lightning


The Church of Almighty God, testimony, Christian,
Pictures of the Church of Almighty God

30 Awakening in the Tribulation of Persecution

Chaotuo    Henan Province
Since I was very young, my parents had often been publicly criticized on the stage, paraded through the streets, and so on because of believing in Jesus. I passed my childhood in the cold eyes and mockeries of the people in the village. In my childhood memories, the brothers and sisters who came to my home were all very kindhearted and genial. I never understood why such good people should be publicly criticized and paraded. In 2001, when I was twenty years old, my whole family accepted the end-time work of Almighty God. Later, I also personally experienced a nightmarish arrest and cruel tortures because of believing in God. Then I finally found the answer and solved the puzzle I had in my mind for years….
It was on the evening of June 15, 2003. The CCP government carried out a frenzied hunting for the brothers and sisters who believed in Almighty God in our area. I could never forget that night. Around 8 p.m., after a hard day’s work, our whole family had just lain down to sleep, when seven people, including the cops, the village cadres, etc., climbed over the wall, entered the yard, and broke into my house directly, with guns in their hands. They roared fiercely, “Don’t move!” Before we could get dressed, the evil cops pulled and dragged all of us into a room and kept us under control. Then several cops rummaged through drawers and cabinets like bandits, turning the house and the yard into a complete mess, where there was simply no room for feet. They even didn’t miss the grain bin. They scrabbled about in the wheat so that it was scattered all over the ground. They searched out some books of God’s word and many things of the church. They also took the opportunity to snatch a pair of silver bracelets and four silver coins from a chest, which were left by my forefathers. In the end, they pried open the drawer and took away 4,000 yuan in cash in it. My father went forward and grabbed the evil cop who took the money, telling him that the 3,000 yuan was a loan we took out to purchase a three-wheeler, and asked him to leave it. The evil cop forcefully pushed my father away, and since he was caught off guard, he backpedaled several steps and slumped down on his rear. After that, my father got up and earnestly begged him once again. The evil cop grinned hideously, saying, “This is illegal money!” In the end, on the grounds that “it is illegal money used for carrying on counter-revolutionary activities,” they forcibly took it away and never returned it. Half an hour later, I was taken to the Municipal Public Security Bureau with the arrested brothers and sisters in my village.
When I faced the sudden arrest and the evil cops’ imperious and despotic acts, my heart throbbed violently. I kept calling to God, “O Almighty God! You know I’m small in stature. Now I’m very scared. Please keep my heart and give me faith and courage. I don’t want to betray you and be a Judas. May you give me wisdom, so that I can see through satan’s scheme and stand testimony for you.” After the prayer, God’s words inspired me, “Faith is a single-plank bridge. Whoever fears death can hardly cross it. Whoever gives up his life can cross it securely. When man has the thought of timidity and fear, it is just the fooling of satan. It fears that we might pass the bridge of faith into God.” (from “The Sixth Piece of Word” in The Word Appears in the Flesh) God’s words made me understand that when I had the thought of timidity and fear, it was that satan was fooling me and it was the manifestation of my lacking in faith. When David was twelve years old, he could rely on God and fight against the Philistine giant, without any timidity or fear. Today it’s also in God’s hand that I encounter such an environment. I can surely overcome satan as well by relying on God. I believe that God will care for and keep and help me. Thinking of that, I had strength in my heart immediately and had faith to face the interrogation that followed.
At the Public Security Bureau, I saw that about thirty brothers and sisters were arrested there and that half the room was stacked with the church things taken away by the evil cops. At that scene, a grief rose in my heart: What a great loss the church suffers! An evil cop swaggered in. He pointed at the things occupying half the room and bragged, “I’m sent by my superiors. I’ve hunted cultists for ten years. Do people like you want to oppose us? No way!” After the words, he bellowed out a laugh with arms akimbo. Looking at his aggressive manner, I was very indignant: It’s a right and proper thing for us to believe in God and worship God. Why arrest us? What bad things have we done? Clearly, you impose charges, bully and oppress the people, plunder things of the church at will, seize others’ money and things, and arrest God’s chosen people frenziedly. But you blame us instead and convict and sentence us. You’re really confounding black and white and are arbitrary and unreasonable! I spontaneously thought of God’s words, “This gang of accomplices! They come down to the human world to make merry and stir up troubles, disturbing so much that the world becomes cold and compassionless and people live in anxiety. They fool people so much that they become ox-headed and horse-faced, extremely ugly, and do not have any trace of the original holy men. They even want to rule and dominate in the world, and they hinder God’s work so much that it can hardly move a single step and seal people up so much that they are like walls of brass and iron. Having done so many iniquities and caused so many disasters, can’t they just wait to be chastised? The evil spirits and demons run amuck for a time in the world, and seal up God’s will and God’s painstaking effort to a watertight extent. They are really guilty of the most heinous sins. …” (from “Work and Entering In (7)” in The Word Appears in the Flesh) God’s words have already exposed the devilish substance of the CCP government and its lackeys and disclosed their base acts. Today, while personally experiencing the persecution from the devils, I have a practical knowledge of these words of God. Otherwise, I can never hate the devil. Only then did I understand that there was God’s good purpose in all that I encountered today, so from my heart I was willing to experience this tribulation of persecution by relying on God.
Then, they dragged me into an interrogation room. An evil cop yelled at me with an angry glare, “Where did the things searched out from your home come from? Who is your leader?” I didn’t answer them. I prayed to God silently, asking God to give me wisdom and strength, so that I wouldn’t yield to satan or betray God. Seeing me keep silent, the evil cop rushed forward and gave me a fierce kick. I moved back several steps and nearly fell to the ground. Before I could keep my feet, another evil cop gave me a kick too. As he kicked me, he roared, “Say or not? If you don’t say, I’ll kick you to death!” While saying that, he kicked me several more times. He kicked me down to the ground and kicked my body hard like mad. As I wore less in summer, I couldn’t help screaming from his kicking. When the devil got tired, he tried another means. He dragged me up and abruptly kicked my calf hard. I fell to the ground heavily on my knees. After that, he shouted ferociously, “Still dishonest! Kneel down! Straighten your back!” He ordered me to kneel on the ground and not make any move. After a long time, my legs became numb and sore, and my knees hurt as if being prickled by needles. When I made a little move to relieve pain, the evil cop immediately kicked my ankles violently so that I fell to the floor, and then he ordered me to kneel motionless with my body straight. Just like that, I was tortured by them for three hours on end. During that time, I didn’t know how many times I was kicked and how many times I fell to the ground. In the end, my legs were so numb from kneeling as if they were not mine, and my ankles were badly swollen. I kept trembling all over with pain, cold sweat flowing down my cheeks unceasingly. Seeing me like this, the evil cops still didn’t give up. One held my arms, and another seized the hair on the top of my head tightly and plucked out my sideburns strand by strand. Each time he plucked, he said, “How dare you be tight-lipped! How dare you not tell!” Each time he plucked, I felt as if my scalp were peeled off little by little, feeling a heart-piercing pain. I couldn’t help yelling and my tears kept streaming down. The devil also forced me to say words of blaspheming God. I refused. Then he plucked my hair hard until all my sideburns were plucked out, and my temples were stained with blood immediately. I felt so painful as if my heart were pulled out. (My sideburns didn’t grow until several months later. Moreover, the exceeding pain stimulated my brain so that my memory declined and I haven’t fully recovered until now.) The evil cops still forced me to say words of blaspheming God. I kept my eyes closed and ignored them. They ridiculed me, “You pray to your God. What does he say to you?” I fought the pain and said sternly and forcefully, “No word of blaspheming God can be said. If anyone says it, his spirit, soul, and body will be punished forever. He won’t be forgiven either in this age or in the age to come!” Flying into a rage, they turned around and took a thumb-thick iron rod, about sixty centimeters long, and beat my knees and ankles fiercely. Immediately, my bones ached unbearably as if they were broken. I couldn’t help trying to curl up and dodge, yet my legs were already out of my control. I collapsed on the ground. They beat my knees and ankles fiercely with the iron rod. I didn’t know how long they beat me, and finally I screamed and fainted…. When I woke up, I found I was wet through. They poured one more basin of cold water on me and then dragged me, who was at the last gasp, into the cell. At that time, I was weak and limp all over and even didn’t have the strength to stand up. I was very weak in my heart, feeling as if I were dying. I could only keep calling to God in my heart. At that time, God’s words guided and inspired me, “As long as you have one breath left, God will not let you die. …” (from “The Sixth Piece of Word” in The Word Appears in the Flesh) God’s words encouraged me and gave me great strength. I realized that my life was in God’s hand but not in those devils’ hand, and that without God’s permission, I wouldn’t die no matter how the devils afflicted me. Thinking of that, I was full of faith in God again and felt that it was nothing for me to suffer this. And I was no longer afraid in my heart.
After I was dragged into the cell, I collapsed to the floor. My body ached from head to feet so much that I dared not feel or touch it. I heard an evil cop instigate the prisoners, saying, “This little bastard is a cultist. He’s not honest. Fix him hard!” Right after he finished the words, I was covered by a dirty and smelly sheet. A group of prisoners rushed on me and began to strike and kick me. I was already black and blue all over; beaten by them violently, I felt so painful that I let out heartrending screams. But they shouted excitedly, “Beat him! Beat him! Beat him hard!” I huddled up with my hands holding my head, and cried with groans, “Stop it! Stop it!” But no matter how I cried, it was in vain. In despair, I could only call to God, “God! Please save me. I’ll be beaten to death!” I thought to myself: I don’t know these people before and bear them no grudge. Why do they lay such murderous hands on me? On hearing that I’m a believer in God, they treat me as their enemy. God! Why is it so difficult to believe in you in this country? When I was a child, I was discriminated and cold-shouldered because my parents believed in God. Today I’m beaten black and blue because I believe in God. Now I see the CCP government’s base means of murdering with a borrowed knife and see clearly its devilish substance of being hostile to God. O God, thank you for making me have discernment. Although I’m in the devil’s den, I’ll never yield to the forces of darkness. As my whole being is from you, I’m willing to live for you once. Even if I have to lay down my life for you, I’m willing to do so! When I made a firm resolution to submit to God’s manipulation, God made a way out for me. I heard one prisoner say, “Stop beating him. If we beat him to death, we’ll all be involved!” I lay on the ground motionless, feeling as if I were going to die. A prisoner kicked my head and roared at me, “Fuck off to the commode!” Enduring the pain, I moved over bit by bit with my hands clinging to the floor with difficulty….
At night, the other prisoners all slept soundly. Although I had suffered the tortures for a whole day, I wasn’t a bit sleepy. I huddled beside the commode, with a thousand thoughts in my mind. I ached all over so badly that I didn’t want to move at all. Recalling the beating and insult I suffered in the day, I felt as if it were a nightmare. Thinking that I might still have to suffer some kind of cruel tortures the next day, I couldn’t but shudder in my heart. I felt that it was really worse than death to live in such an environment! Fear and distress were around me. I knew that my heart had stayed away from God. So, I hurriedly prayed to God, asking him to give me strength so that I could stand firm. After praying, I thought of a passage of God’s words, “The God in heaven comes to the filthiest licentious land, and he never expresses his grievances or complains against men but silently endures men’s tortures and oppression. Yet he never opposes men’s unreasonable demands, never makes excessive requirements of men, and never has unreasonable requirements for men, but only wholeheartedly and uncomplainingly does for men all the works they need: teaching, inspiring, rebuking, refining with words, warning, exhorting, comforting, judging, and disclosing. Which step is not for men’s life? Although God takes away men’s future and destiny, which step of his work is not for men’s destiny?” (from “Work and Entering In (9)” in The Word Appears in the Flesh) As I pondered God’s words and thought of the sufferings Christ underwent on earth, my eyes moistened. To save people, God comes to the filthiest place and silently endures people’s slander, blaspheming, condemnation, and persecution. However, I, an extremely corrupt person, want to draw back after being beaten up by satan. I’m really too conscienceless. At that time, I seemed to hear the words the Lord Jesus said to Peter: The bitter cup I drank you must drink and the sufferings I underwent you must undergo. God’s love encouraged my heart. Actually, God has been accompanying me all the time, leading and guiding me with his word and being my reliance. Thinking of that, I felt greatly indebted to God and even more hated myself. So, I prayed to God silently in my heart, “God, to save us corrupt mankind, you have endured so great humiliations and sufferings. However, I’m too disobedient and don’t understand your will, and I always want to escape these sufferings. God, you have undergone all the sufferings for us. It’s your uplifting that I can have a part in your sufferings. It’s meaningful and valuable for me to suffer these. God, I’m willing to obey you and undergo the last suffering to satisfy you. Whether I die or live, I’ll commit myself into your hand and submit to your manipulation!” After the prayer, I was full of strength in my heart and had the courage and determination to fight against satan. And the wounds on my body didn’t ache so much!
In the interrogation the next day, an aggressive evil cop who looked like an official rushed in. He pounded the table, roaring angrily, “Where did you get these things? Who is your leader?” I asked in return, “What have I done wrong? What law have I broken?” He flared up at once. He turned around to get an electric baton, came toward me with fierce eyes, and struck my head and face wildly. And he said, “I’m the law! What can you do to me? Today I’ll fix you to death!” Several other evil cops also gathered round me with electric batons. The electric batons, giving off blue light with a sputtering sound, fell on me. The electric current instantly spread through my body, making all my muscles cramp unceasingly. I curled up and gasped for breath, sweat running down incessantly. But those devils didn’t have any intention to stop. As they beat me, they abused, “You said you didn’t break the law! Today I say you’ve broken the law and so you have! The Communist Party says you’re wrong and so you are! This is called, ‘those who submit to the Communist Party will be fine; those who don’t will suffer disasters!’” After hearing their devilish words, I was filled with indignation and reasoned with them immediately, “It’s right and proper for us to believe in God. We don’t steal, rob, deceive, or cheat others. You turn a blind eye to those who prostitute and whore, who embezzle and take bribes, and who swindle and bluff, yet you don’t let off us believers in God!” After hearing that, they were hopping mad and struck me hard so that I fell down under the table. Then, seizing my hair, they dragged me out and pressed me to the floor. The leading cop stomped on my face hard with his feet in leather shoes. At that time my face was already swollen like bread. As he ground it hard back and forth, I felt my head swim and blood flowed down the corners of my mouth at once. I felt a sharp pain in my cheek bone, and my teeth almost fell off. Seeing that the blood flowed down on the floor and stained it, the evil cops forced me to wipe it off with my clothes. After that, they forced me to kneel on the floor for two whole hours. It was not until I couldn’t hold on and collapsed that they dragged me back to the cell.
I lay on the cement floor in the cell and ached terribly all over, as if I were a dead person. The scenes of my being beaten reappeared before my eyes like a movie. I was very grieved and indignant within: The CCP government is simply a big deceiver. Outwardly it advocates “the freedom of belief” and “the freedom of human rights,” but in secret it lays malicious hands on believers in God and uses all kinds of base means. So I couldn’t help thinking of God’s words, “The freedom of religious belief, the legal rights and interests of citizens, and whatever are all the tricks to cover up its crimes! … Why hinder God’s work to a watertight extent? Why use various kinds of tricks to cheat God’s people? Where are the true freedom and the legal rights and interests? Where is justice? Where is comfort? Where is warmth? Why use schemes to cheat God’s people? Why forcibly suppress God’s coming? Why not allow God to travel at will on the earth he himself created? Why hunt God so much that he has no place to lay his head? Where is the warmth of the world? Where is the welcome of the world? Why cause God to expect anxiously? Why cause God to call out again and again? Why drive God to be anxious about the beloved Son?” (from “Work and Entering In (8)” in The Word Appears in the Flesh) Through the revelation of God’s words, I understood what darkness and evil are, what lies and deception are, what confounding black and white, deceiving the public to win reputation, and putting a good facade are, and what the real hell on earth is. The beating made me see again that the CCP devil only allows people to walk the evil way and forbids them to walk the right way. I also understood God’s will. In future, I should see things from the side of God’s word, because God’s word is the truth and God knows man thoroughly. Only God is love and salvation. Only if people believe in God can they have the bright way of human life. Only those who worship God can live out the most valuable and meaningful life. Thus my faith was even more strengthened: I’d rather be imprisoned for life and give up my life than not stand testimony for God! In the interrogations that followed, the evil cops couldn’t get any results, so they sent me to the detention house.
Each day during about three months in the detention house, I was so hungry that my stomach rumbled and my head was dizzy. For each meal, we had thin flour soup, which could even mirror the figure, and a black steamed corn bun as small as a fist, without any vegetables. Every three days we had a meal of noodles which were few and half cooked. There were rotten leaves with worms floating on the surface and there was dirt on the bottom of the bowl. At the beginning, whenever I saw the noodles, I felt like throwing up. Later, I was really hungry and had to swallow them down with my eyes closed. After eating them, I had diarrhea. Even so, one couldn’t eat his fill. If one wanted to have a full meal, he had to buy their food three times higher than the outside price. They really exploited and squeezed people in everything. The “bed” for sleeping at night was the damp cement floor, without any straw. The head of the cell could sleep on the shabby board. The bedclothes were sent by his family. Twenty-five people crowded the floor over ten square meters. When sleeping, we lay there with our heads next to others’ feet and our feet next to others’ heads, and we pressed together tightly. The commode was right next to our heads. We ate, drank, defecated, or urinated all within that space, and the smell was rather awful. Everyone was covered with heat rash and fleas jumped around. Our task for each day was to recite the prison regulations. Anyone who couldn’t remember them would be punished. He had to run with shackles weighing fifteen kilograms. After a short time, his ankles would become swollen and be badly mutilated from rubbing, and the blood would flow down the ankles. If he couldn’t run, he would be beaten.
In the end, they forcibly sentenced me to two and a half years of hard labor. It was not until my family handed over 14,000 yuan to have me serve my sentence outside of prison that I was released. After I got out of the prison, the evil cops had people from the village committee watch me. Every now and then, they came to threaten me, “Don’t believe anymore. If you continue to believe, you’ll be sentenced to ten years!” To escape the CCP government’s surveillance, I led an unsettled life all the time, unable to go back home. I bitterly hated this old devil: It runs counter to right principles; it not only arrests and persecutes believers in God, but deceives and hoodwinks people with lies, with the attempt to make people deny and betray God. It is exactly the root of sin and the source of all evil! The cruel tortures caused great harm to my body and mind: My eyesight and hearing have decreased, half of my teeth have fallen out, and the rest of them are incomplete. At such a young age, I have to wear false teeth and can’t eat hard food even now. However, God’s love has always been accompanying me. Wherever I go, there are many brothers and sisters caring for me and hosting me, which warms me a lot.
Later, I read God’s words, “I remember that God said, ‘When God comes into the flesh this time, it is as if he falls into the tiger’s den.’ That is to say, when God works this time, he comes into the flesh and is born in the place inhabited by the great red dragon, so God comes to earth this time at a greater risk, confronted with swords and spears and bludgeons, with temptations, and with murderous-looking people, in danger of being killed at any time.” (from “Work and Entering In (4)” in The Word Appears in the Flesh) “…all that God does is for your sake and is for the purpose that you will be qualified to receive his inheritance. It is more for saving you and for perfecting this group of people who have been most deeply afflicted in the filthy place than for God’s own glory. You should understand God’s will.” (from “Is God’s Work So Simple as People Imagine?” in The Word Appears in the Flesh) Pondering God’s words and thinking about what I experienced, I saw more clearly the CCP government’s evil substance of resisting and persecuting God. Because it resists God and is God’s enemy, people who believe in God and follow God in China are bound to be persecuted and afflicted by the CCP government. In retrospect, my parents were publicly criticized and paraded through streets because of believing in God, and I suffered from the evil cops’ inhuman afflictions and tortures because of believing in God. In the face of the facts, I saw more clearly that the CCP, this evil Party, is the embodiment of satan. They arrest, publicly criticize, and persecute the believers in God, just attempting to make people all deny God and betray God and thus abolish God’s work on earth completely and achieve its purpose of controlling mankind. Moreover, I understood God’s will. It was completely God’s perfecting of me that I encountered all those sufferings and tribulations. Through that, God let me gain the truth of discernment and see clearly who is afflicting and devouring mankind and who is saving mankind. God’s wisdom is forever based on satan’s schemes. In the tribulation of persecution, I truly knew that only Almighty God is love and salvation for man. I’m willing to offer up my whole life to Almighty God who loves and saves me!
from The Overcomers’ Testimonies
Recommendation: Know more of the Church of Almighty GodEastern Lightning