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Showing posts with label end-time salvation. Show all posts
Showing posts with label end-time salvation. Show all posts


Discuss the Way to the Kingdom of Heaven

Now we believe in the Lord Jesus, and suffer a lot and sacrifice all to preach His name. We are doing the heavenly Father’s will. That means we’re already holy. Our Lord will surely bring us into the kingdom of heaven!

Answer: Concerning who can enter the kingdom of heaven, the Lord Jesus said, “Not every one that said to me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that does the will of my Father which is in heaven.” (Matthew 7:21) The Lord Jesus’ words tell us clearly that only those who do the will of the heavenly Father can enter the kingdom of heaven. Brothers and sisters, although people can suffer and sacrifice for spreading the name of the Lord, it’s undeniable that they still often sin. That people sin shows that they still belong to Satan, that they are filthy and corrupt, and that they can still resist and betray God. This proves no man is truly pure. If they take power, they can still oppose God and build separate kingdoms. This is proof that no one has been truly purified to become holy. How could those who resist God be qualified to enter the kingdom of heaven? People can sacrifice for the Lord, spread the gospel, build churches, and support believers. These are all their good behaviors. If their good behaviors are done for loving God, for truly working for God, and for obeying and satisfying God, without any thought of personal gain, these are truly good deeds that will be remembered and be blessed by God. 

The Church of Almighty God, Eastern Lightning,But if their good behaviors are done for an exchange, for satisfying fleshly needs, or entering the kingdom of heaven and getting rewards, then these good behaviors are merely deceptive in nature, and are against God! Can these deceptive behaviors be claimed to be following the heavenly Father’s will? Can they be claimed to be holy? Absolutely not! Because these good behaviors are driven by their sinful nature, and are tokens of exchange for privilege. It shows that there is too much mingled in their hearts. How could such people have a heart that truly loves God and obeys God? People are driven and controlled by their sinful nature. So, when God’s work and words clash with their views, they casually judge God, deny God, and condemn God. When God puts them through trials, they misunderstand God, complain against God, and betray God. While people believe in God, they worship and follow man, and listen to man before God. When serving God, they do it arbitrarily, testify and exalt themselves, making an enemy of God…. 

The Church of Almighty God, Eastern Lightning, Jesus, They are bound and controlled by their sinful nature, and once given power, they’ll surely oppose God and build separate kingdoms. Just like the Jewish chief priests, scribes, and Pharisees, when the Lord Jesus came to do His work, they scrambled to condemn and resist Him to protect their own positions, and kept His salvation from ever being accepted into the Jewish world. Is that not building a separate kingdom in opposition to God? So for all those who labor and have good behaviors outwardly, if they haven’t dealt with their sinful nature, if their satanic disposition within is not cleansed, if they follow their own path instead of God’s word, no matter how much they suffer or how great the work they do, how can such people become followers of God’s will? Those who follow God’s will are surely those who obey God absolutely, whose hearts are in accordance with God’s heart, and who would never rebel or go against God. It is they who are qualified to enter the kingdom of heaven, and inherit God’s promises.

from the movie script of Stinging Memories
Recommendation: Eastern LightningKnow more of the Church of Almighty God


The Church of Almighty God, Almighty God, Eastern Lightning
Pictures of the Church of Almighty God

Chapter 5 You Must Know the Truths About the Incarnation of God

2. You Must Know the Importance of God Become Flesh.

Relevant Words of God:

This time, God comes to do work not in a spiritual body but in a very ordinary one. Not only is it the body of God’s second incarnation, but also the body in which God returns. It is a very ordinary flesh.


She was a strong-minded woman. She paid a painstaking effort but always failed to get her wish, so she felt lost and was disoriented…. In her distress and helplessness, Almighty God’s end-time salvation came upon her. She saw the light of life and found the true goal in God’s word, and her life was thus full of vitality and happiness. Unexpectedly, she was secretly watched and arrested by the CCP government because of that. To force her into selling out the church, the evil cops carried out “wheel combat” to destroy her willpower. During half a month, she was beaten up whenever dozed. In the face of the devils’ endless torture, she was mentally tensed and horrified all along…. In danger, God accompanied her by her side all the time, giving her faith, courage, and wisdom, and helping her miraculously flee the devil’s den under the evil cops’ eyes. Experiencing the CCP government’s persecution that time, she saw through the CCP devil’s evil and reactionary substance. Moreover, she personally experienced God’s wonderful deeds of ruling over everything and felt the tender care and love from God. She resolved to commit her whole life to God and perform the duty of a created being properly to repay God’s grace.
Recommendation: Eastern Lightning