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Showing posts with label Word of God. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Word of God. Show all posts



Pictures of the Church of Almighty God

The Church of Almighty God | The Sixth Utterance

In matters within the spirit, you should be delicately sensitive; to My words, you should be carefully attentive. You should aim for the state in which you see My Spirit and My fleshly self, My words and My fleshly self, as one indivisible whole, so that all of humanity will be able to satisfy Me in My presence.


Christian Crosstalk "The Great Red Dragon Shows Its Ugly Face" (English Dubbed)

This crosstalk principally reveals that the great red dragon not only wants to rule the people of China, but also has deluded ambitions of unifying Taiwan and dominating the whole of Asia and even Europe and North America. It also reveals the great red dragon's scheme behind the carefully concocted May 28 Shandong Zhaoyuan case, as well as its despicable aim in inciting South Korea's August 28 demonstration. In fact, the word of God has already revealed the substance of the great red dragon. Its ugly face exposed to the light, the dragon's days are numbered. It's like a grasshopper at the end of autumn; it doesn't have long to live. This comic crosstalk faithfully and objectively reveals the true face of the great red dragon. It's a real delight!

Read more: Is Eastern Lightning the Return of the Lord Jesus?
                   The Church of Almighty God was founded by Almighty God personally


Pictures of the Church of Almighty God
Pictures of the Church of Almighty God

8. How Does God Incarnate Doing Work of Judgment End the Age of Darkness of Mankind Believing in a Vague God, and of Satan’s Rule?

Bible Verses for Reference:
And it shall come to pass in the last days, that the mountain of the LORD's house shall be established in the top of the mountains, and shall be exalted above the hills; and all nations shall flow to it. And many people shall go and say, Come you, and let us go up to the mountain of the LORD, to the house of the God of Jacob; and he will teach us of his ways, and we will walk in his paths: for out of Zion shall go forth the law, and the word of the LORD from Jerusalem. And he shall judge among the nations, and shall rebuke many people: and they shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruning hooks: nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war any more. O house of Jacob, come you, and let us walk in the light of the LORD (Isa 2:2-5).


All Is Achieved by the Word of God

God speaks His words and does His work according to different ages, and in different ages, He speaks different words. God does not abide by rules, or repeat the same work, or feel nostalgia for the things of the past; He is a God who is always new and never old, and every day He speaks new words.


19. What is hypocrisy?

Relevant Words of God:
What is the definition of the term “Pharisee”? What’s its attributive? (Hypocrisy.) Yes, the definition of a Pharisee is someone who’s hypocritical, who is fake and puts on an act in everything they do. And what do they pretend to be? To be good, and kind, and positive. Is that what they’re actually like? (No.)


The Word of God | "What Do You Know of Faith?" | What Is True Faith in God?


Almighty God says, "My deeds are greater in number than the grains of sand on the beaches, and My wisdom greater than that of all those sons of Solomon, yet men merely think of Me as a physician of little account and an unknown teacher of man! How many believe in Me only so I would heal them? How many believe in Me only so I would use My powers to drive unclean spirits out of their bodies? And how many believe in Me simply to receive peace and joy from Me? How many believe in Me only to demand from Me more material wealth, and how many believe in Me just to spend this life in safety and to be safe and sound in the world to come? How many believe in Me only to avoid the suffering of hell and to receive the blessings of heaven? How many believe in Me only for temporary comfort but do not seek to gain anything in the world to come?"

Read more: Is Eastern Lightning the Return of the Lord Jesus?
                    The Church of Almighty God was founded by Almighty God personally