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Showing posts with label The Bible. Show all posts
Showing posts with label The Bible. Show all posts


 Gospel Movie clip  "Faith in God" (2) - Is the Way Condemned by the CCP and Religious Circles Not the True Way?

     Many people seek and investigate the true way without basing these actions on the words and work of God. Instead, they follow the trends of the religious world and they believe that which the Chinese Communist government and the religious world condemn is not the true way—is this the right path to take? The Bible says, "the whole world lies in wickedness" (1 John 5:19). "This is an evil generation" (Luke 11:29). Thus it can be seen that atheistic political regimes and the religious world will certainly reject and condemn the true way. When the Lord Jesus did His work in the Age of Grace, the Jews and the Roman government frantically opposed and convicted Him, and in the end the Lord Jesus was nailed to the cross. Are these not the facts of the situation? When Almighty God comes to do His work in the last days, He suffers the wild defiance and condemnation of the Chinese government and the religious world. What does this show? I s it not worth us reflecting on this?

        Recommended: If the Eastern Lightning is the true way, why has the CCP government consistently engaged in frantic oppression, arrests, and persecution against the Eastern Lightning?

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The CCP Has Stretched Its Evil Hand to South Korea to Suppress Religious Belief —Analysis of the Truth of “August 28 ‘Protest’”

09/03/2016 Leave a comment
On August 28, 2016, a “protest,” a complete drama, was staged at the gate of the Church of Almighty God in Guro, Seoul, South Korea. Around 9 a.m., a woman, about 30, carrying a boy, came to the Church of Almighty God. At the command of another middle-aged woman, she cried and banged on the gate loudly, yelling a man’s name (surnamed Zhang). At the site there were also five old women around 60, each holding a sign with words of defaming the Church of Almighty God on it.
Analysis of the Truth of “August 28 ‘Protest’”
It is learned that this woman, surnamed Tian, is the wife of Zhang, a Christian of the Church of Almighty God. Tian is an atheist. She believes the rumors from the CCP that slander the Church of Almighty God, and often persecutes Zhang and restrains him from believing in Almighty God. In order to force him to abandon his faith, she even tried to commit suicide to threaten him. Meanwhile, Zhang was also in danger of being arrested by the CCP because of believing in Almighty God. Unbearable of restriction and persecution by his family and the CCP, Zhang had to leave Mainland China and turn to South Korea, a democratic and free country, for asylum. In January and May of 2016, Tian came to South Korea twice and tried to force Zhang back, but she was refused by him flatly. Especially in May, she even came with a CCP spy to meet Zhang. She stole Zhang’s cellphones and passport, and even took away all his money. The CCP undercover even used the tracking device to follow Zhang, attempting to forcefully take him back to China. Fortunately, Zhang made a narrow escape. Three months later, Tian carried her son to the Church of Almighty God and cried at the gate. The director of the drama is called Wu, who is a representative of a religious website in South Korea. Three years ago, she sneaked into the Church of Almighty God, not for seeking the truth but to spy on the personal information of the believers. Her suspicious words and actions, like a CCP spy, aroused the suspicion of the majority of the believers. So they drove her out of the Church. In this March, Wu tried to sneak into the Church again but was discovered by the Church members, and then she was expelled. From then on, she has openly shown her hostile attitude toward the Church of Almighty God for many times. Moreover, recently she posted news on a religious website to condemn the Church using the information that the CCP fabricates, and in this article, she also incited Korean people to join together to resist the Church. This drama was completely directed by her on the spot. Zhang said that he and his wife Tian didn’t know Wu at all. This threw some doubts to us: Wu and Tian come from different countries, far from each other, and have different faiths. How could they meet so coincidentally? And how did Wu know Tian? Furthermore, Tian is just an ordinary Chinese woman; how could she afford the cost of the trip and the hotel expense arising from her several visits to South Korea? Why do both of them have a close relationship with the CCP? People with a discerning eye will know that the CCP must be at the back of it. According to a journalist from a famous South Korean television station, Wu got in touch with him and invited him to interview Tian three days before she came to South Korea. It shows that this matter is no coincidence, but an organized, well-planned, and premeditated act. It is manipulated and directed by the CCP and contains the CCP’s dirty scheme. It attempted to make use of Tian and her son to expand this event, so as to achieve its evil purpose of suppressing religious belief and cracking down on the Church of Almighty God. It can be seen that the CCP has stretched its evil hand to South Korea to suppress religious belief.
Analysis of the Truth of “August 28 ‘Protest’”1
Surely Zhang’s wife knows that the CCP persecutes Christians brutally, and Zhang will be arrested, abused, or even imprisoned and tortured if he returns to China. Yet, she still threatened him with her death and forced him to return, and even claimed that she didn’t care if Zhang would be arrested, put into prison, or be badly maimed. Will a woman with normal mind do such a thing to her husband? Will a woman do such a thing if she sincerely loves her husband and her family? Tian knows very well why Zhang doesn’t want to see her, and she further knows that her protest will only make the situation get worse and deteriorate, and thus put her husband in a more dangerous situation. However, she still repeatedly comes to South Korea and makes troubles. It can be seen clearly that her real purpose is not for Zhang to go back to China and live with her, or for a family reunion; rather, she aims to deliver Zhang to the CCP. She has totally been brainwashed, bought off, and controlled by the CCP, and become its tool and pawn to persecute the Church of Almighty God and suppress freedom of religious belief. Actually, the CCP is the chief conspirator and manipulator behind this drama.
The CCP defames and attacks the Church of Almighty God, saying that the Church coerces the believers and is a destroyer of family. This is definitely a slander and frame-up of the CCP. The CCP wantonly suppresses religious belief in Mainland China. Therefore, Zhang escaped to South Korea to seek refuge in order to protect himself from the persecution and the danger of arrest. This is proper for a Christian, and it is also in accordance with the Bible, with the teaching of the Lord Jesus. The Lord Jesus once told His disciples: “But when they persecute you in this city, flee you into another” (Matthew 10:23). Moreover, the international refugee law mentions that one can go to another country to seek asylum from religious persecution. Therefore, it’s justified that Zhang came to South Korea to seek asylum, and it’s in line with the Bible, with the international law. Besides, in South Korea, Zhang has never done anything against the law, but only does what a Christian should do—spreading the kingdom gospel. This is the same with the situation where the disciples of the Lord Jesus continued to spread His gospel after fleeing to other countries because of persecution. In the Bible, the Lord Jesus said: “If any man come to me, and hate not his father, and mother, and wife, and children, and brothers, and sisters, yes, and his own life also, he cannot be my disciple” (Luke 14:26). “So likewise, whoever he be of you that forsakes not all that he has, he cannot be my disciple” (Luke 14:33). Throughout the ages, numerous saints accepted God’s call and commission. They gave up their families and jobs and ran hither and yon to spread the Lord Jesus’ gospel. They had been through sufferings and hardships, and even imprisoned or killed, losing their lives, like Peter, John, and James. In modern times, James Hudson Taylor and other missionaries set a precedent as well. According to the CCP, didn’t these saints, who forsook all for spreading the Lord’s gospel, also break their families and abandon them? In Christians’ eyes, it’s a bounden duty for them to spend for God and spread the gospel to testify to God; surely it is a positive thing. People who are able to do such things are recognized and admired by others, and are worthy of emulating. Whereas, the CCP defines this positive thing as discarding family; it is totally wrong! It can be seen that the CCP is exactly the evil and reactionary force that is hostile toward the positive things; and it is the source and creator of all the negative and evil things in the world. What the CCP supports and advocates are absolutely negative things, are opposition to God; and what the CCP resists or wantonly destroys are usually positive things. That which stands by the side of the CCP, speaks for the CCP, and supports what the CCP does, is definitely the evil force that hates God like the CCP.
Presently, Zhang has expressly stated that he came to South Korea out of sheer willingness, with the only purpose of seeking asylum and avoiding the CCP’s persecution. In order to repay God’s love, he is preaching the gospel and testifying to God. It is nothing more than the duty and obligation of a Christian, and no one has ever forced or controlled him to do so.
Analysis of the Truth of “August 28 ‘Protest’”3
The five old women, each of whom held a sign for protest during this drama, are allegedly Korean Chinese. From start to finish, they expressed no violent words or actions. It is highly possible that they were bought off by the CCP. Therefore, what they did cannot represent the religious community in South Korea. To buy off someone is the CCP’s traditional practice to achieve a certain purpose, so it is nothing special. For example, each time when the CCP leaders visit another country, they will hire some Chinese for a welcome ceremony, at the price of about 100 dollars per day for each person. Besides, there are also many times when the CCP bribes some of the foreign congressmen to serve its purpose. Obviously, bribery has become the CCP’s consistent means for its own ignoble ends. This fact is no longer a secret. It remains unknown how much money the CCP gave Wu, Tian, and other participants of this drama, but this performance staged at the gate of the Church of Almighty God was actually planned by the CCP—of this there is no doubt. Before this drama, Wu kept spreading those lies and fallacies from the CCP to slander and condemn the Church of Almighty God, and she repeatedly tried to incite the religious community in South Korea to resist the Church. Fortunately, the majority of the religious community in South Korea have their ideas, their conscience, and can think for themselves. Moreover, they show respect for the fact. For this cause, they have not been deceived by Wu, in other words, deceived by the CCP. This is something gratifying.
Up to now, everything has become clear. This protest was organized by the CCP—the mastermind behind the scene. Its real motive is to defame and smear the Church of Almighty God. Not only does it persecute the Church in China, but it reaches its evil hand to South Korea, somewhere other than China, trying to continue its crime of suppressing religious belief and even interfere religious belief in South Korea. It is believed that the Korean government and its people, who uphold freedom and democracy, are unwilling to see this scene, much less tolerate it.
The Church of Almighty God is legally registered in South Korea. Christians of the Church only testify to Almighty God and proclaim the words expressed by Almighty God, Christ of the last days. They didn’t violate any Korean laws; they are a group of Christians who abide by the laws and respect the local tradition and culture. Their actions follow the teachings of the Bible and fall within the scope of laws. The Church of Almighty God has no dealings or disputes with those protesters; it doesn’t know them, nor has it done anything that harms their interests. Why do they protest against the Church of Almighty God? What evidence do they get to accuse the Church of breaking the laws? Do they know about the Church of Almighty God? Could they give any examples to show that the Church of Almighty God did something that goes against the Bible? Is there any basis of their condemnation? Could they disclose the truth to the public? Isn’t it fairly ridiculous and stupid for them to put up signs and condemn the Church of Almighty God after believing rumors created by the CCP without any evidence?
At last, I hope that people from all walks of life can see through to the truth behind this protest and the conspiracy of the CCP government. The CCP has always been hostile to God, tried every possible means to disturb and demolish the work of God, and afflict God’s chosen people. It is truly the most evil and reactionary force in the world. Nowadays, the CCP is stretching its evil hand to the overseas countries to suppress the religious belief. Its evil deeds will definitely provoke God’s wrath. The CCP’s doom day is at the corner and it will soon fall under the wrath of God! Just as Almighty God says: “We trust that no country or power can stand in the way of what God wishes to achieve. Those that obstruct God’s work, resist the word of God, disturb and impair the plan of God shall ultimately be punished by God. He who defies the work of God shall be sent to hell; any country that defies the work of God shall be destroyed; any nation that rises up to oppose the work of God shall be wiped from this earth, and shall cease to exist.” (from The Word Appears in the Flesh)
Yan Ming
  From the network


The CCP Is the Mastermind Behind the 8.28 Protest—Religious Persecution

09/15/2016 One comment

    At 9 a.m. on August 28, 2016, Wu, a representative of some religious website in South Korea, Tian, from China, as well as some other people, staged a protest at the gate of the Church of Almighty God in Guro, Seoul. During the protest, Wu instructed Tian and her son to cry at the gate, and let the reporter take photos of the scenes. They also tried several times to force into the church. Tian is the wife of Zhang, who is a Christian of the Church of Almighty God, and fled from China to Korea in 2015 due to the frenzied oppression and persecution of the CCP government. The reason Tian and Wu claimed to make this protest was: The Church of Almighty God took control of Zhang and forced him to perform duty in South Korea, which thus wrecked Tian’s family. So they demanded that the Church of Almighty God let go of Zhang.

    The excesses of Wu, Tian and her son were stopped by the police who arrived later. The police told Tian and Wu that Tian’s husband, Zhang, had already gone to the police station, and proclaimed that he was free and in no way controlled by the Church of Almighty God. Rather, Zhang was afraid that his wife, together with the CCP police, would jointly carry him off to China, so he determined not to see his wife, Tian, and turned to the Korean police to ensure his security. During the explanation, the police also showed a photo of Zhang and them to Tian and Wu. Seeing their fabrication exposed that the Church of Almighty God took control of Zhang, Tian and Wu left in a hurry. Up to this point, many people may feel confused: Tian took great pains to search for her husband, why was she so slighted? A couple’s reunion which was meant to be happy, why did the husband take it as a great scourge? Wu, a representative of a religious website in South Korea, was a perfect stranger to Tian, an atheist from China, so how did they unite in such a short time? What is the dark secret behind Tian’s search for her husband? Along with my investigation and research, the truth of the incident gradually rose to the surface.

    Tian comes from Hebei Province, China. She is an ordinary staff member of some company in Mainland China. She got married to Zhang in 2007, and they had a son after marriage. Tian knew well Zhang’s belief in Almighty God before their marriage, and she did not interfere with his belief at that time. Since 2012, the CCP has intensified its crackdown on Christianity. It wildly suppressed and arrested the Christians of the Church of Almighty God, and took advantage of various media, like newspapers, television, the Internet, etc, to slander and condemn the Church of Almighty God in a rampant way. Tian then believed the rumors of the CCP and began to hinder her husband from believing in God. She even took excesses of shadowing, calling the police, committing suicide, and so on, to intimidate her husband into abandoning his belief, which made Zhang extremely oppressed and painful. At the end of 2014, Brother Xiaolin, who was in the same church with Zhang, was arrested by the CCP. Fearing to be tracked down by the CCP through him, Zhang had no alternative but to flee from China in April, 2015 and sought asylum in South Korea. Then he found the Church of Almighty God in his place and began to perform the duty. Zhang thought he had got away from the CCP’s arrest and persecution, and could enjoy the freedom of worshiping God. He never expected the CCP should come to hunt him in South Korea.

    On January 24, 2016, Tian got into contact with Zhang through Korea Ministry of Justice in Jeju Province, and tried to persuade him to go back to China. Zhang explained to Tian that the sole end of his return to China was to be arrested and afflicted by the CCP. Then Tian showed understanding for what he said and returned alone. Unexpectedly, on May 18, Tian should lead the CCP’s plainclothes police to South Korea, and ask to meet Zhang without telling the fact that she came with the police. During their meeting, Tian insisted that Zhang go back to China, and the plainclothes policeman also urged him to return while prying about his performing the duty in South Korea. Meanwhile, Tian dialed the number of Cheng, a Chinese policeman, and handed the phone over to Zhang. Cheng once again advised Zhang to return to China as soon as possible. Only then did Zhang realize that this meeting in Jeju Province had long been hatched by Tian and the CCP police. The next several days, following the instructions of the police, Tian stole the passport and two cellphones of Zhang, and snatched the only 700,000 won on him. She clamored that she would rather allow her husband to be disabled and imprisoned by the CCP than have him stay here. In helplessness, Zhang caught his wife’s off guard and escaped from the hotel. However, it was so surprising that the CCP police and Tian tracked Zhang to the airport with the help of the tracking device in an attempt to catch him. Zhang ran desperately and managed to shake them off in the end. After this perilous escape, Zhang was even more sure that his wife had been bribed by the CCP, and that her purpose of this journey was to abduct him to China in collusion with the CCP police! At this point, everyone may understand why Zhang went to the Korea police station and stated his reluctance to see his wife, Tian, and why he turned to the Korean police for the sake of his security. The CCP has stretched its evil hand of persecuting religious belief to South Korea. It wishes to abduct to China all the Christians fleeing here, sentence and imprison them, and vainly attempts to abolish the Church of Almighty God. Tian, however, is nothing but its tool to arrest the Christians of the Church of Almighty God, and she has been totally controlled and used by the CCP. This is apparent to anyone with good sense.

    Then look at another indispensable role in the 8.28 Protest drama—the instigator, Wu. In this drama, Wu alleged that the Church of Almighty God coerced the believers to perform the duty and broke up their families. She took people to carry banners and signs in protest against the Church of Almighty God, instructed Tian and her son to cry and stir up trouble at the gate of the church for the reporter to photograph, and she even tried to force into the church several times. Who is Wu exactly? What’s the relationship between Tian and her? Why did she help Tian search for her husband so actively and heartily? Since they have different nationalities and beliefs, how did they gather to organize the protest?

    It is learnt that Wu is a representative of some religious website in South Korea, which engages in the activities to condemn religious heresies, especially those religious groups condemned by the CCP government. She does “march to a different beat” in Korea’s religious community. For instance, the CCP has conducted bloody suppression and persecution on Falun Gong practitioners in China. However, when all other governments, human rights organizations, and righteous men around the world denounced and opposed its horrifying brutality after its savage act of live organ harvesting was exposed, Wu attacked Falun Gong, understood and supported the CCP’s savagery in Korea’s public places as well as the website she works for. Without any thought to human rights and justice, Wu aligned herself with the CCP, acclaimed and defended it. What does it prove? It proves that Wu is a pro-CCP extremist, or even a spy bought off by the CCP and hidden in South Korea. This is not groundless, for it has already been an open secret that the CCP pays a huge sum of money to buy off parliamentarians of foreign countries and people from all walks of life. It is said that some Christians of the Church of Almighty God in Guro recognized Wu as she appeared at the gate of the church. They said that 3 years ago, Wu infiltrated the Church of Almighty God on the excuse of investigating the true way. During their contact, however, she did not talk about faith, but kept inquiring about internal affairs about the Church of Almighty God. Most Christians of the church suspected that she was a spy of the CCP, and then expelled her from the church. In March this year, Wu disguised herself again as an investigator of the true way, poked around at the Church of Almighty God in Guro, and was expelled for a second time. On July 19, Wu published the remarks of the CCP’s slander and condemnation of the Church of Almighty God on her website. On July 31, Wu made a comment and raised a banner, calling on people to oppose the Eastern Lightning and deport Christians of the Church of Almighty God! Wu’s attitude and comments of attacking and condemning the Church of Almighty God are identified with those of the CCP. She bangs the drum and cheers for the CCP’s persecution of religious belief, literally acting as the mouthpiece of the CCP in South Korea. According to a TV reporter of South Korea, 3 days prior to Tian’s arrival in Korea, he had received Wu’s reservation to report this incident. Seen from this, the protest was obviously schemed long before, and not at all a simple act of searching for the husband. Wu, a pro-CCP extremist in South Korea, and Tian, a Christian’s relative used by the CCP police, actually got together so quickly. More coincidentally, some websites of Mainland China successively published several reports to slander the Church of Almighty God, claiming that it broke up the believers’ families and incited them to forsake their family, which echoed Tian’s search for her husband. Then what does all this prove? It is proof enough that both Wu and Tian had been nobbled and taken advantage of by the CCP. They were directed and controlled by the CCP, and played the role of its chess pieces to oppress and persecute the Church of Almighty God overseas! The mastermind behind the 8.28 Protest is right the CCP! Its purpose of directing this protest is to smear and frame the Church of Almighty God through Tian and Wu’s making trouble, to fabricate public opinion in South Korea, and extradite Zhang back to China, thus breaching the wall of extraditing and then persecuting all the Christians of the Church of Almighty God who fled to South Korea for asylum. How malicious the CCP’s intention!

    The CCP took painstaking efforts to arrange for Tian to search for her husband abroad, ask her to widely publicize before the press, “Zhang abandoned his family to believe in God and perform the duty overseas,” and thereby slandered the Church of Almighty God on the charge of illegally coercing the believers to perform the duty and breaking up their families. It is totally an act of confusing black with white, and crying “Stop thief” as the thief himself! The CCP has always been good at it. In fact, during his stay at the local police station and an interview of some well-known media, Zhang stated twice explicitly that he came to South Korea of his own will, rather than being threatened by anyone, and that he sought asylum here as a result of the CCP government’s arrest and persecution. God never forces man, nor does the Church of Almighty God. On the contrary, coercion is the habitual means and tactic of the autocratic CCP. Only the CCP government forces man to listen and submit to it while not giving the slightest freedom to man. It actually tracks believers in God overseas to persecute and arrest them, and does everything it could to get the Christians back to China. This is real coercion and compulsion!

    Zhang continued his belief in God and his gospel preaching after coming abroad, which are the duty and obligation a Christian should fulfill. However, the CCP framed and smeared the Church of Almighty God by this, saying that the Church of Almighty God made the believers abandon their family to perform their duties, and thus broke up their families. This is utterly an excuse the CCP found to attack and condemn the Church of Almighty God. So absurd! To everyone who truly believes in God, following God and expending for Him is right and proper. In the Bible, the Lord Jesus said, “If any man come to me, and hate not his father, and mother, and wife, and children, and brothers, and sisters, yes, and his own life also, he cannot be my disciple. And whoever does not bear his cross, and come after me, cannot be my disciple. … So likewise, whoever he be of you that forsakes not all that he has, he cannot be my disciple” (Luke 14:26-27, 33). “He that loves father or mother more than me is not worthy of me: and he that loves son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me. And he that takes not his cross, and follows after me, is not worthy of me” (Matthew 10:37-38). These words are personal utterances of the Lord Jesus—the Creator, which are also the highest will and truth of God toward man. And this is how countless Christian saints have followed God over thousands of years. After accepting God’s calling and commission, they left their family and forsook their career, remained single in their lifetime, devoted their whole being to preaching the gospel everywhere, and didn’t even hesitate to give up their life. Is it not proper? Who dares to condemn them as abandoning their family and ruining their families? Rather, all those who truly believe in God will admire them, for what they have done is God’s requirements of man, is positive, and is what man should imitate and pursue. But then, why are the Christians of the Church of Almighty God labeled as breaking up their families under coercion when they lay aside everything, including their families, to spend for God and perform their duties? Apparently, it is a despicable and vicious means of the atheistic CCP government to suppress and persecute them and disturb and impair God’s work of saving man, as well as its habitual tactic of frame-up and confusing black with white.

    What does breaking up one’s family mean? Who exactly is the breaker of the Christians’ families? The CCP government puts Christians into prison and tortures them to death. Is this not breaking up their families? As long as one believes in God, the CCP will cut off his family’s livelihood. It oppresses, rejects and persecutes the believers, for which they cannot return home, but have to separate from their family and flee from place to place. Is this not breaking up their families? To abolish religious belief and safeguard its dictatorial rule, the CCP government has launched countless movements, arrested and slaughtered countless people, and innumerable families have been destroyed. For example, during the various movements of the Cultural Revolution and the June Fourth Student Movement, the children of some families were killed, so were the husbands or wives of some others. And some people were sentenced to imprisonment for 10 years, 20 years or even for life. This has brought great disasters to those families. According to statistics, since the CCP took power, it has massacred 80 million people to maintain its dictatorial rule. We just cannot imagine how many wives have lost their husbands, and how many children have lost their parents. The CCP slaughters people at will. There is no denying that it is the real culprit that breaks up and destroys families. In China, as the divorce rate is increasingly high, more and more families have broken apart. Even for many couples who have not got divorced, their marriage remains in name only. Is it because people believe in God and perform duties that their families break up? Obviously not. Actually, the root cause of the problem lies in that deceived by the CCP’s atheism, the Chinese people all deny God, stray away from God and thus fall under Satan’s influence; in addition, they are corroded and influenced by various satanic evil thoughts, and thus adore evil, indulge lust, have extramarital affairs. As a result, many families have been broken into fragments. People with discerning eyes have seen clearly that it is the CCP government that breaks down and ruins families, rather than the Christians of the Church of Almighty God.

    As one who believes in and follows God, it is right and proper to spend and sacrifice for God, which corresponds to the truth, the Bible and God’s heart’s desire. Over the past 2,000 years, nobody has ever denied or condemned the Lord Jesus’ words in the Bible, nor has anyone dared to condemn people who forsake their family and career as splitting up families and violating the law, much less has the law of any country judged those who dedicate themselves to God guilty. Only the satanic, atheistic regime denies God’s word and considers these good and righteous deeds an offense. That’s because in the eyes of the CCP, it is solely legitimate for people to devote their lives to its regime. It doesn’t allow people to believe in God, much less spend for God, so it spreads wantonly the fallacy that “Belief in God breaks families.” It is completely an excuse of the atheistic government to persecute Christians, a theoretical basis of it to condemn Christians, and a heresy and fallacy that goes against the Bible and resists God. Among the religious people, only those so-called ones who adore the CCP and wallow in the mire with the CCP government will agree to the CCP’s evil views! For those who fear God and are willing to follow the Lord’s way, who would approve such ridiculous satanic views! No wonder few people responded to the “8.28 drama” despite Wu’s rushing about and deliberate planning. It is learnt that in Wu’s initial application, the protest was supposed to involve 16 people and run from 9 p.m. to 5 p.m. However, on the spot we saw that accompanied by Wu and Tian, five elderly women stood in a line and held the signs listlessly which wrote something defaming Almighty God in Chinese. It fell far short of the effect that Wu had expected. And the drama ended up in less than 4 hours, with nothing definite but embarrassment.

    As is known to all, the CCP is an atheistic party that hates God and resists God most. It has been persecuting religious belief since it took office. Christianity and Catholicism are branded as cults and the Bible is designated as a cult book. Countless Christians have suffered imprisonment and persecution due to their belief in God. According to incomplete statistics, there are more than 300 missionaries of South Korea alone who have been afflicted and deported by the CCP government. Especially since Almighty God—the returned Lord Jesus in the last days appeared to work in China, the CCP government has been frenziedly hunting Christ and those who serve God, and cruelly persecuting God’s chosen people, attempting vainly to abolish God’s work in the last days. However, God’s work cannot be hindered by any force. Despite the rampant suppression and persecution of the CCP government, Almighty God’s work in the last days still has spread rapidly across Mainland China and is spreading to countries around the world. A growing number of people who truly long for God have returned to Almighty God. Along with the wide spread of the kingdom gospel, the CCP’s crimes that repress freedom of religion and brutally persecute Christians have come to light through the release of the gospel movies, videos, testimony articles, etc. of the Church of Almighty God. Seeing its untold crimes exposed in broad daylight, the CCP was driven into desperate action, and impatient to stretch its evil hand overseas. It has used various base means to provoke trouble at the Church of Almighty God in South Korea, seeking to create public opinion, smear and frame the Church of Almighty God, and incite the South Korean government, people and religious community to oppose the Church, thus achieving its evil intention to continue with the oppression, persecution and eradication of the Church of Almighty God. Wu and Tian were bought off by the CCP, so as to play such a drama of “seeking the husband” at the gate of the Church of Almighty God, and to deliberately smear and slander the Church on the charge of coercing the believers. It was precisely an organized and premeditated action under the sole direction of the CCP. To achieve its purpose, the CCP did plot and scheme a lot! We are unable to know how many efforts they had spent on Tian and Wu, how many secret meetings they had held, how many confidential documents they had issued, how much money they had given to them both. However, the CCP always goes to any lengths to achieve its purpose, with bribing and buying off as its regular tricks, and “money makes the mare go” as its pursuit. When the CCP senior officers visit abroad, they will pay high to have a bunch of overseas Chinese as a welcome team. This is public knowledge. Now, in order to oppress and abolish the Church of Almighty God, the CCP even sent plainclothes policemen and spies abroad, consuming a lot of human, material and financial resources. What an effort! It thoroughly reveals that the CCP government is a satanic regime that resists the true God and hates the truth, and that the CCP is Satan the devil, an enemy of God!

    From the facts above, we see clearly that Tian’s seeking her husband over thousands of miles was entirely a drama directed and staged by the CCP government itself, also a trick and conspiracy carefully planned and organized by it. It is a concrete proof of how the CCP persecutes and represses religious belief and makes an enemy of God. Where the CCP reaches out its evil hand, there is chaos and an awful mess, as well as people who are deceived and act as a tool of the CCP. The Church of Almighty God in South Korea is legally registered. Christians of the Church only testify to Almighty God, Christ of the last days, and spread the word expressed by Him. They don’t violate any law of South Korea, much less harm any interests of South Koreans. I believe that the South Korean government and religious community can see the fact clearly. This time, though the CCP bought off Wu and Tian, planned and created the 8.28 Protest, we are glad to see that the religious people in South Korea are possessed of rationality, good judgment and conscience, and that the South Korean government acts according to the policies, laws and regulations. From this, it can be seen that South Korea is indeed a country with the democratic system and freedom of religious belief, which we’ve never enjoyed in Mainland China. The CCP’s scheme failed this time. It was really hoisted by its own petard. This is exactly “God’s wisdom is exercised based on Satan’s schemes,” which is apparent to us all!

From the network


Testimony of Faith: Miraculously Surviving Attack by a Swarm of Wasps

Mar 15, 201919
By Yang Li
     The Bible says, “He that believes on Him shall not be confounded” (1 Peter 2:6). Through my own personal experience I’ve realized how very true these words are.
     It was November 2017, early winter—the best time to scavenge for medicinal herbs and make a bit of money. One day after breakfast I went into the hills with my tools to look for cangzhu, a kind of herb used in Chinese medicine. I walked along keeping an eye out for the plant, and got to the hilltop around midday. There I saw several cangzhu seedlings just a few feet away and hurried over to harvest them. But just then as I was getting ready to dig them out, all I remember was hearing a buzzing sound coming toward me and then I had a really strange sensation. Turning my head, I saw a swarm of wasps surrounding me. I tensed up and thought, “These wasps are really poisonous. I’ve heard some people have even died from their stings. With so many of them after me, I don’t stand a chance!” Terrified, I panicked and ran back down the hill, all the while praying to God, “Oh God! I’m really afraid of being stung by those wasps. Please guide and help me.” I was breaking off branches, swatting at the wasps as I ran along, but there were a lot of fallen leaves at that time of year, leaving the branches totally bare. I just couldn’t swat the wasps off—they kept on coming after me, stinging me. Aside from my head, covered with a hat, and the other parts of my body covered with clothing, my neck and shoulders had wasps all over them. I was incredibly anxious and never stopped hitting them, but they were also climbing on my hands and stinging me a lot there, too. I was so afraid, thinking, “Why won’t these wasps stop chasing me? Am I going to get out of this alive?” As these thoughts ran through my mind I sprinted down the hill, still closely pursued by the wasps. About halfway down I had finally lost most of them, but I had been stung countless times on my neck and the back of my head. It hurt, it stung, and it felt incredibly hot—I was in agony. Those wasps are really poisonous and their toxins got into my system rapidly. My head felt heavy, my feet felt light, and bit by bit, my entire body lost strength. I lost control of my bodily fluids from both ends, I could hardly breathe, and felt like I was about to suffocate. My vision was also becoming blurry and I was losing control of my limbs; I was slowly losing feeling all over my body. After a few minutes I couldn’t see a thing. At that moment I felt an indescribable sort of fear, helplessness, and pain. I thought, “There’s absolutely no one in these hills. No one will know if I die up here. What can I do?” At the very moment I was about to lose consciousness, I urgently called out to God, “Oh God, save me! Save me!” I then collapsed on the ground and lost all awareness.

     After some time, I don’t know how long, I slowly came to and to my surprise, saw a dim light. I also had a bit of feeling in my arms and legs. I realized without a doubt that this was God’s great power, and that it was God watching over me and protecting me. I prayed to Him, “Oh God! I beg You to give me faith and strength so that I can make it out of these hills.” I felt a surge of strength rise up in me after my prayer, so I tried pushing forward for about a meter. When I tried to go beyond that, I suddenly felt dizzy again and was entirely lacking strength. That feeling of the wasp venom working in me was incredibly painful, and I struggled to take each and every breath. There was no question of uttering a single word. I tried to say something in the hope that someone might hear me and come to my aid, but I couldn’t get any sound out. Feelings of terror and helplessness welled up in me again, and all I was able to do was call out to God, “God! I’m really suffering now and I feel like I’m about to stop breathing. I’m so scared of dying on this hill. God, may You enlighten and guide me….” These words from God occurred to me just then: “God created this world, He created this mankind, and moreover He was the architect of ancient Greek culture and human civilization. Only God consoles this mankind, and only God cares for this mankind night and day” (“God Presides Over the Fate of All Mankind”). The enlightenment and guidance from God’s words came at the perfect time, giving me something for my heart to rely on. It’s so true—all things in heaven and on earth were created by God and are ruled by Him. He is the source of all life, so how could our life and death not be in His hands? God allowed those wasps to sting me that day, and when faced with that life-and-death situation, all I could do was rely on God, look to Him, seek His guidance, and submit to His rule and arrangements. After that occurred to me I slowly calmed down and no longer felt quite so afraid.

    After a little time passed I felt that I was able to move my hands and feet, so I slowly started crawling forward while silently praying to God over and over. After I’d gone about 30 meters, the venom got to me again; I was vomiting nonstop and my heart felt like it was about to burst. I lay down on the ground, unable to move. My head was lolling—I was at death’s door. At that point I couldn’t help but feel some internal weakness. I thought, “So it seems I really am going to die on this desolate hill today.” Then I suddenly realized that my weakness and negativity was entire Satan’s disruption. Just as God’s words say: “If man has timid and fearful thoughts, they are being fooled by Satan. It fears that we will cross the bridge of faith to enter into God. Satan devises every way possible to send us its thoughts, we should always pray that the light of God will shine on us, and we must always rely on God to purify us from Satan’s poison. We shall always be practicing in our spirits to come close to God. We shall let God have dominion over our whole being” (“Chapter 6” of Utterances of Christ in the Beginning). Satan was giving me those thoughts so that I’d be mired in negativity and lose faith in God, then just passively wait for death. I couldn’t fall for Satan’s tricks. I had to pray to God and lean on Him; I couldn’t distance myself from Him, but allow Him to rule within my heart. I once again called out to God, “God! It feels like a thousand arrows are piercing my heart and I feel like I can’t hold on much longer. Oh God, I beg You to guide me, and no matter if I live or die, I am willing to submit to Your arrangements.” After praying these words from God occurred to me: “If you have but one breath, God will not let you die” (“Chapter 6” of Utterances of Christ in the Beginning). God’s words are so full of authority and power, they really bolstered me with faith and strength, giving me hope to continue on living. It is God who rules over man’s life and death, and He has already determined the time of our birth and of our death. Some people are really strong and robust, but for whatever reason something unexpected happens and they’re yanked from the land of the living. Some are weak and feeble but live really long lives. There’s no doubt about it! I thought again of how Job was tempted by Satan in the Bible. He got terrible sores from head to toe and he was in extreme physical pain, but without God’s permission, Satan didn’t dare endanger Job’s life. I then realized with even more clarity that people’s lives are in God’s hands, and no person, event, or thing can surpass God’s authority. I thought of how after I was stung, even though I had lost consciousness because of the venom, I had still miraculously come to again. As the venom went deep into my system I was vomiting nonstop and I was completely lacking strength, but I had been able to slowly drag myself forward. Wasn’t that all God’s great power? When I felt negative and weak and didn’t have faith in God, He enlightened me and guided me with His words, giving me faith and strength as well as the hope to go on living. Didn’t I personally experience all of those things? I must have faith in God; I should rely on and look to Him more, and submit to His arrangements. So, I made a prayer of submission to God: “Oh God! My body is weak and the pain is unbearable, but I know that life and death are up to You. I am leaving my life in Your hands. I believe that without Your permission, no matter how badly I may be stung by wasps I will not die, and if that if I do die, that is Your righteousness and Your wonderful will is within it. I only wish to submit to Your arrangements. May You lead me, guide me so that I may do Your will.” After this prayer, I slowly became able to raise my head and I was able to scoot myself forward. I tried to crawl ahead and surprisingly, was slowly able to stand up. How wondrous! I thanked God over and over, “God, this truly is Your wondrous doing!” I staggered forward ten-odd meters, and when I could go no farther I stopped and silently prayed to God. I then felt I had a bit of strength and once again got up to stumble along. I went on this way praying and praying to God, and with His guidance I finally got out of the hills and came to a home by the side of the road. When the woman there saw my haggard, pained look she rushed to get me a cup of water, but I couldn’t get a single drop in. Just then one of her neighbors was passing by, on his way home from a day of work in the fields and saw the state I was in. He hurriedly got me in a rickshaw and took me to the village hospital.
    When I got to the hospital, the doctor saw how serious my condition was and didn’t even want to admit me. Seeing this, one bystander called the county hospital, another helped find a car for me, and still another got in touch with my family. One after another, everyone lent a hand to get me to the county hospital for emergency treatment. All this time I never stopped praying to God and relying on Him; I knew that all of those complete strangers stepping in to help me out had been arranged by God, that it was God providing me with a way out. I gave thanks to God in my heart! Because one of the local people had called the hospital ahead of time, when I arrived a doctor was ready with an anti-venom IV for me, then carried out all sorts of exams and asked me about exactly what happened and when. While rubbing ointment all over the places I had been stung, the doctor told me that my condition was really serious and that if I had come just ten minutes later, it would have been a lost cause. I was then transferred to the ICU.
     The doctor told my daughter, “We once had a young man here who had been stung by wasps 38 times, but we couldn’t save him. He died. There was another elderly man who was stung more than 30 times, and he died too even though he got to the hospital and was treated really soon after. The exams performed on your mom show that the toxins didn’t get into her liver or kidneys, but her wounds are more serious than those other patients’ were. She was stung 46 times and is really in a precarious condition. I hope you’re able to prepare yourselves, just in case.”
The doctor gave me follow-up exams that evening to see if I still had signs of possible survival. I was alert and could feel that the places I’d been stung were all swollen up, but I was in so much pain all over my body that I couldn’t move. I felt very calm knowing that whether I lived or died was in God’s hands, that it was His rule and arrangement. I continued silently praying to God and handed my life over to Him.
     The next morning, the doctor transferred me from the ICU to the observation room. Seeing me lying there in the hospital bed, my daughter couldn’t help but cry out, weeping bitterly. The doctor comforted her, saying, “Your mom is recovering pretty well. She’ll get better after some time. This is the first miracle I’ve encountered in over 20 years of practicing medicine!” Hearing this, I was very moved and knew that it was entirely God’s miraculous doing. If it weren’t for God’s salvation I would have already died out in the wilderness—there’s no way I would have made it that far. Soon after, my sister and her husband came to see me too, and when she saw I wasn’t able to move and wasn’t eating, she asked me, “You were stung so badly. How on earth did you get out of those hills?” I said, “It was all God’s love and care.” Overhearing that, the others in the same ward all exclaimed that I was extremely lucky. But I knew in my heart that it wasn’t that; it was God’s care and protection, and it was God saving me as I was at the precipice of death. I thought of a man from my area that had been stung by wasps—his wounds weren’t as bad as mine, and he was treated in the hospital for a week. But he still died in the end. Although I was stung 46 times I had the good fortune to go on living—it truly was God’s miraculous doing. Pondering God’s love and salvation for me, my heart swelled with gratitude to Him.
     I was discharged after six days. Twenty days later the doctor checked up on my condition again and said that I had recovered very well, and that I really was a special case, the first miracle he had ever witnessed. Hearing him say this, I silently offered up my thanks and praise to God. I knew very clearly that the only thing special about me was that I had leaned on God, and God had saved me at the juncture between life and death. What God did created this miracle of life. Through this incredible experience, I learned a profound lesson about God’s love; I felt His authority and mightiness. Even though I was preoccupied with money, and money had taken over my heart to the point that I almost lost my very life to wasp stings while trying to dig up wild herbs, God cared for and protected me all along. When I genuinely prayed to God and relied on Him, He used His words to enlighten and guide me, giving me the courage and faith to go on living. He got all sorts of other people to help me, allowing me to come out from that danger, one step at a time. Throughout this course of events, I not only came to grasp God’s unique authority and power, but I also saw His benevolent essence. I gained some understanding of God. Looking death in the face, I truly experienced that money, name, and status cannot save people and they particularly cannot bring us life. In a crisis, God is man’s only pillar, our only salvation. As long as we truly lean on God we will be able to see Him work. Just as God’s words say: “Be quiet within Me, for I am your God, your only Redeemer. You must quiet your hearts at all times, live within Me; I am your rock, your backer. Have no other mind, but wholeheartedly lean on Me and I will certainly appear to you—I am your God!” (“Chapter 26” of Utterances of Christ in the Beginning). I give thanks for God’s salvation for me, and from now on I am willing to rely on God and look to God more in my experiences. I will seek the truth and repay God’s love!


The Church of Almighty God, Eastern Lightning, faith in God

By Yingying, Malaysia
    A pilgrim’s path is perilous. A Christian’s road of following God on the right path is full of difficulties and obstacles—all sorts of Satan’s tests emerge one after another. Aside from having faith in God, Christians must also learn discernment. This is the only way to see through Satan’s trickery and stand witness when Satan’s test befalls you. Now, I’d like to share my own personal story with everyone.

Wonderful News—The Lord Has Returned!

    In early September 2017, one of my Facebook friends bore witness to me of Almighty God’s work of the last days. She fellowshiped on God’s three stages of work, the significance of His names, His management plan for saving mankind, and the mysteries of the Bible. This helped me understand that in the work performed by God in the Age of Law, the Age of Grace, and the Age of Kingdom, although the names and the works of Jehovah, the Lord Jesus, and Almighty God have all been different, they are all from the same source. It is all one God working, speaking, and saving us. Almighty God appearing and working in the last days fulfills what the Lord Jesus prophesied: “For as the lightning comes out of the east, and shines even to the west; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be” (Matthew 24:27). “And if any man hear My words, and believe not, I judge him not: for I came not to judge the world, but to save the world. He that rejects Me, and receives not My words, has one that judges him: the word that I have spoken, the same shall judge him in the last day” (John 12:47–48). I realized that Almighty God is the return of the Lord Jesus. After that, I attended gatherings with brothers and sisters from The Church of Almighty God, and through gatherings and fellowship I came to understand more and more truths. Each day was happier than the last; I felt fulfilled within my soul.
    Some time later, a brother from my previous church learned that I had been in contact with members of The Church of Almighty God and angrily questioned me, “Why are you in contact with them?” He also told me I should turn my back on them. I replied: “They’re all believers; we’re all one family. Why would I turn my back on them? Besides, they’ve shared many truths with me in fellowship so that I have a better understanding of God!” At the time, I was thinking to myself: “Through gatherings and fellowship on God’s words with these brothers and sisters with The Church of Almighty God, I’ve understood a number of truths that I had never gotten before when reading the Bible. I’ve understood that the truth Almighty God expresses to judge and cleanse us is so that we may attain salvation and enter into God’s kingdom. You haven’t bothered to look into it, but are just arbitrarily condemning and rejecting it. That’s really arrogant.” So, I didn’t listen to him and continued to contact those brothers and sisters online.

The Pastor Spreads Lies and I See the Truth Behind Them

    One day when I went to the church to worship, Pastor Li was on the podium saying all sorts of things opposing, condemning, and blaspheming Almighty God. He even played a video by the Chinese Communist Party condemning The Church of Almighty God that said that those spreading the gospelof Almighty God don’t care about their families. Hearing them say that I was somewhat concerned, thinking: “They don’t care about their families? What can they do if they can’t go home because they’re spreading the gospel?” I turned this question over and over in my head, and I felt really downcast.
    After going home I sought out a sister to talk over my worries and concerns. This is what she said to me in fellowship: “Sister, if it weren’t for the persecution of the CCP, how is it possible that our brothers and sisters would have homes they couldn’t go back to? The CCP is an atheistic government that doesn’t allow its people to believe in or follow God. It particularly doesn’t allow people to spread the gospel or bear witness to God. They do everything to arrest and persecute people of faith. So many brothers and sisters have been arrested and persecuted by the CCP—some have been sentenced to prison time and have suffered brutal torture; some have even been harmed to the point of death. There have also been many who have been terrorized to the point that they cannot return to their homes. These are all facts that are plain to see. But the CCP fabricates rumors and slander, saying that these Christians don’t care about their families. Isn’t this distorting the facts, upending right and wrong?”
    “The Lord Jesus said, ‘Go you into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature’ (Mark 16:15). God’s commission for us is to spread the gospel and bear witness to God. It is also the bounden duty of all Christians. For generations, there have been so many saints and missionaries who have given up their own families to spread the gospel of the Lord Jesus, crossing oceans to bring the gospel to every corner of the world. It’s only because of this that we have received the grace of the Lord’s salvation. Could we really claim that spreading the gospel is wrong? God Himself has now become flesh and come to earth, doing the work of judging and cleansing mankind to thoroughly save us from Satan’s influence. Our brothers and sisters have understood God’s urgent will to save humanity and they are completely willing to give up everything to share the gospel of God’s salvation for mankind with more people who long for God to appear. This is an upright thing. But the CCP’s atheistic government is on the wrong side of history; it will not allow people to spread the gospel and bear witness to God. It does everything in its power to condemn and persecute Christians, fabricating rumors and slander, saying that Christians believe in God but don’t care about their families. This is nothing more than Satan’s tricks to disrupt God’s work. We must learn to have discernment! Give it some careful thought—in Malaysia and other democratic countries, we all have freedom of belief and there are a lot of believers, but no one has abandoned their family because of their faith. We cannot be deceived by the CCP’s rumors and lies.”
    Through this sister’s fellowship I understood that under the CCP regime, the true reason for brothers and sisters having homes they weren’t returning to was because of the CCP’s oppression, but it was flipping the truth on its head and fabricating rumors to deceive others. I had nearly been taken in by its tricks. On top of that, as Christians, spreading the gospel and bearing witness to God are our mission and responsibility, so brothers and sisters giving up everything to share testimony of God and bring more people who long for the Lord’s appearance before God so they may attain salvation is an act of righteousness. Only then did I awaken and see into the truth behind those lies—it put my heart at ease.
    She then went on to say: “When the Lord Jesus came to work He performed a number of miracles. Many people saw that His work and words possessed authority and power, and more and more people followed Him. Seeing this, hatred sprung up in the hearts of the chief priests, scribes, and Pharisees; they became afraid that the believers in Judaism would all follow the Lord Jesus. This is why they did everything they could to slander and condemn the Lord Jesus in order to protect their own status and their living. Ultimately, they colluded with the Roman government in the crucifixion of the Lord Jesus. In the last days, Almighty God is expressing truths to do the work of judgment and purification. God’s words are all the truth and they hold authority and power; those who love the truth can tell that they are the voice of God and are turning toward God one after another. However, some of the pastors and elders of the religious world have seen that more and more brothers and sisters are accepting Almighty God’s work of the last days and are no longer following them, so in an effort to protect their own status and living, they are not allowing these brothers and sisters to read Almighty God’s words. They are also going along with the atheistic CCP government in viciously slandering, judging, opposing, and condemning Almighty God. They are doing their utmost to disrupt and block Christians from investigating the true way. Just as the Lord Jesus said: ‘But woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for you shut up the kingdom of heaven against men: for you neither go in yourselves, neither suffer you them that are entering to go in’ (Matthew 23:13). If we are not capable of discernment, we will be easily misled and controlled by them, and then it will be very difficult for us to welcome the Lord’s return.”
    Hearing my sister’s fellowship was a great awakening for me. Almighty God’s work of the last days is already expanding across the entire world, but when Pastor Li heard about it, not only did he not look into it, but instead madly opposed and condemned it. He even used the CCP’s rumors and lies to deceive Christians and hinder us investigating the true way. That really is another manifestation of the Pharisees. I give thanks to God for helping me gain discernment through this sister’s fellowship so that I will never again be confused by Pastor Li.

Loved Ones Stand in the Way But I See Through Satan’s Tricks

    When that brother from my church later saw that I was still in contact online with brothers and sisters with The Church of Almighty God, he tried to push me into deleting my Facebook account. When I wouldn’t listen to him, he got some sisters with the church, my older sister, and my niece and nephew to all get together to try to persuade me. They were all chiming in, repeating over and over the lies spread by the pastor so that I wouldn’t believe in Almighty God anymore and would return to the church with them.
    One day my niece and nephew who I love so dearly came back from a youth group meeting at the church and said to me with a dark look: “Our youth group has been looking into you. They say that you believe in a false way that deceives people. Don’t believe in that stuff anymore.” After that, they totally snubbed me and were constantly giving me looks. They spoke to me aggressively and were constantly nitpicking, intentionally cold and rejecting. I was very hurt by this; I thought of how I had helped raise them through thick and thin, how I had poured out immeasurable effort and energy for them, how I had put my heart and soul into caring for them as if they were my own children. How could they treat me like that? I was very aggrieved, but at the same time, I was concerned that more people from the church would come to harass me. The more I thought about it, the more pained and tormented I was. My spirit was in darkness. I couldn’t read God’s words and I didn’t have anything to say in prayer.
    I slowly became weaker and weaker and found all sorts of excuses to avoid gatherings. I didn’t acknowledge the messages sent to me by brothers and sisters from The Church of Almighty God, and even uninstalled Facebook. But after doing that I felt incredibly distressed—I couldn’t help but experience suffering. I thought of the fact that I was completely aware that the Lord has already returned and realized that my family member hindering me was Satan’s disruption, yet I couldn’t overcome the restrictions of familial feelings. Something that sister had said to me occurred to me then, that any difficulties should be brought before God in prayer and seeking, that only God’s words can save us from Satan’s harm. I immediately reinstalled Facebook.
    ven though I had just reinstalled Facebook, I felt really guilty and reproached myself. I thought of how the brothers and sisters with The Church of Almighty God had always been so caring toward me but I still treated them that way—I thought they certainly wouldn’t like me anymore, and there was no way that God would want me. But contrary to my expectations, God had not abandoned me—He arranged for a sister to seek me out and give me a call. Answering that phone call was a very moving moment for me. I shared all of my worries and concerns with her. She fellowshiped with me that facing that kind of environment is a spiritual battle to see which side we stand on. If we don’t understand God’s will we will live within misunderstandings and complaints, be weak and negative, or even abandon God.
    After that, brothers and sisters showed me a wonderful clip from the film Perilous Is the Road to the Heavenly Kingdom, called How Does God Use Satan to Do Service? There was this passage from God’s words in that clip: “In My plan, Satan has ever snapped at the heels of every step, and, as the foil of My wisdom, has always tried to find ways and means to disrupt My original plan. But could I succumb to its deceitful schemes? All in heaven and on earth serves Me—could the deceitful schemes of Satan be any different? This is precisely the intersection of My wisdom, it is precisely that which is wondrous about My deeds, and it is the principle by which My entire management plan is carried out. During the time of the building of the kingdom, still I do not avoid the deceitful schemes of Satan, but continue to do the work I must do. Among all things in the universe, I have chosen the deeds of Satan as My foil. Is this not My wisdom? Is this not precisely that which is wondrous about My work?” I understood through Almighty God’s words and the fellowship of my brothers and sisters that Satan is hot on the heels of every new stage of God’s work, attempting to sabotage His work and harass those who follow Him, but God’s wisdom is exercised based on Satan’s trickery. The CCP government and the religious pastors and elders madly condemn, blaspheme, and resist God, fabricating rumors and lies about God’s work of the last days—all of this is just doing service for God’s chosen people. God uses their opposition to allow us to see through Satan’s evil essence of being an enemy of God so that we can gain discernment over them; it is also to increase our faith in following God. It’s just like when I accepted God’s new work and Satan couldn’t accept it, it did everything it could to disrupt and hinder me through the loved ones around me. My sister, my niece, and my nephew became tools in Satan’s hands; they urged me to give up the true way and snubbed me, intentionally giving me the cold shoulder. They blocked me time after time with the aim of getting me to give up the true way and lose God’s salvation. I also understood that when facing that kind of environment, on the outside it looks like a bad thing, but God’s benevolence is within it. God wants to allow me to gain discernment over Satan’s evil essence and to have me clearly see my own true stature, to know how paltry my faith in God is. The moment I was disrupted by Satan I became negative and weak and even cut off contact with brothers and sisters. This fired up my resolve to seek the truth even more and made me willing to, in the future, really pursue the truth and stand witness.
    That sister read a passage of God’s words for me: “What God wants to see is that man’s heart can be revived. These ways that He uses to work on man are to continually awaken the heart of man, awaken man’s spirit, letting man know where they came from, who is guiding them, supporting them, providing for them, and who has allowed man to live up till now; they are to let man know who is the Creator, whom they should worship, what kind of road they should walk, and in what way man should come before God; they are used to gradually revive the heart of man, so man knows God’s heart, understands God’s heart, and comprehends the great care and thought behind His work to save man.” Then she said in fellowship: “The truth is that God has always been by our sides, but it’s just through this kind of environment that He awakens our numb hearts. It’s through the disruption and hindering of pastors, other believers, and our families that we realize what is positive and what is negative, what is righteous and what is evil, as well as how to follow and bear witness to God. It’s this way that we understand God’s earnest intention to save mankind. This is the only way our hearts can be awakened as soon as possible and we will no longer be toyed with by Satan.”
    Thanks be to God! Through God’s words and fellowship from this sister, I understood that God uses these environments to awaken our hearts. Even though the brothers and sisters from the church as well as my niece and nephew were hindering me, it allowed me to see through Satan’s tricks and understand God’s hard work and kindness in saving mankind. It inspired my faith to follow God that much more.

Restoring Our Old Warmth and Harmony

    After that, I no longer felt restrained by my niece and nephew. I went back to God’s house and back to gatherings with brothers and sisters, enjoying the watering and nourishment of God’s words. At first, every time I attended a gathering I would pray to God and put everything in His hands, quieting my heart before Him so that I wouldn’t be subject to the disruption or constrains of any person, thing, or event. Incredibly, my niece and nephew started to feel that the pastor’s sermons were lacking in illumination; they gradually became less willing to go to church and no longer opposed my faith. In our daily lives I also frequently bore witness to them to God’s deeds, and they also realized that I still had the utmost consideration for the family and cared for them as I always had, that I wasn’t like what the rumors said. After that, they wouldn’t interrupt me when they saw I was in a gathering, and the warmth and harmony we had always had was restored in our home.
    Undergoing one disturbance after another allowed me to understand some truths, gain some discernment, and see God’s kind intentions of saving mankind. I also deeply experienced Satan’s harmfulness to mankind. In the future, no matter how Satan disrupts or hinders me, I will certainly stand witness. Thank Almighty God. All the glory be to God!

From the network