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Showing posts with label Second-Coming-of-Jesus. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Second-Coming-of-Jesus. Show all posts


Two thousand years ago, the Lord Jesus prophesied, "And at midnight there was a cry made, Behold, the bridegroom comes; go you out to meet him" (Matthew 25:6). "Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me" (Revelation 3:20). For the last two thousand years, believers in the Lord have been watchful and awaiting the Lord's knock on the door, so how will He knock on mankind's door when He returns? In the last days, some people have testified that the Lord Jesus has returned—Almighty God incarnate—and that He is doing the work of judgment in the last days. This news has rocked the entire religious world.
The Church of Almighty God, Eastern Lightning, Almighty God,Yang Aiguang, the protagonist of the film, has believed in the Lord for decades and has always been enthusiastically engaged in work and preaching, waiting to welcome the Lord's return. One day, two people come and knock on the door, tell Yang Aiguang and her husband that the Lord Jesus has returned, and share the words of Almighty God with them. They are deeply moved by Almighty God's words, but because Yang Aiguang has been subjected to the fallacies, deception, and strictures of the pastors and elders, she throws the witnesses of The Church of Almighty God out of the house. After that, the witnesses knock on their door on many occasions and read the words of Almighty God to Yang Aiguang, bearing witness to God's work in the last days. During this time, the pastor disrupts and hinders Yang Aiguang time after time, and she continues to waver. However, through hearing the words of Almighty God, Yang Aiguang comes to understand the truth and gains discernment regarding the rumors and fallacies propagated by the pastors and elders. She finally understands how the Lord knocks on people's doors during His return in the last days, and how we should welcome Him. When the fog clears, Yang Aiguang finally hears the voice of God and acknowledges that Almighty God really is the return of the Lord Jesus!
Read more: Is Eastern Lightning the Return of the Lord Jesus?


The Church of Almighty God, Eastern Lightning, Almighty God,

Almighty God Is the Returned Jesus

Wang Yang
Guichi City, Anhui Province
I was formerly a leader of the Justification by Faith Church in the city of Guichi. Before I accepted Almighty God’s work of the last days, I, like all brothers and sisters, had been eagerly expecting the Lord Jesus’ coming again. But because of the constant “warnings” from the senior leader above and the biblical verse that there will surely appear many false Christs in the last days, I became one who resisted and condemned God’s work of the last days. Thinking of these, I feel very guilty. Now, I will tell brothers and sisters my personal experience, hoping that brothers and sisters will learn a lesson from it and come back to God’s family soon.


God Is Seeking Those Who Thirst for His Appearance

God seeks those who long for Him, who long for Him to appear. God seeks those who don't resist, obedient as babies before Him. God seeks those who are able, able to hear His words, accept what He's entrusted and offer heart and body to Him. If nothing can shake, nothing can shake your devotion to God, He'll look down upon you, look down upon you with favor, oh … God will bestow His blessings upon you, upon you, oh … God will bestow His blessings upon you!
If you are one who though noble, reputed and knowledgeable, still accept, accept His calling and commission. If you are one who though wealthy, who though supported by all, still accept, accept His calling and commission, yeah. If nothing can shake, nothing can shake your devotion to God, all that you do will be significant and righteous, oh … God will bestow His blessings upon you, upon you, oh … God will bestow His blessings upon you! Oh … oh … oh … oh …
The Church of Almighty God, Eastern Lightning, Christian,However, reject the call of God for your status (for your status) and for your own goals, all you do (all you do) will be cursed by God, (oh …) yeah, all you do (all you do) will be despised by God. If nothing can shake, nothing can shake your devotion to God, all that you do will be significant and righteous, oh … God will bestow His blessings upon you, upon you, oh … God will bestow His blessings upon you, His blessings upon you! Yeah … oh … oh … oh …
from "God Presides Over the Fate of All Mankind" in The Word Appears in the Flesh
Eastern Lightning, The Church of Almighty God was created because of the appearance and work of Almighty God, the second coming of the Lord Jesus, Christ of the last days. It is made up of all those who accept Almighty God's work in the last days and are conquered and saved by His words. It was entirely founded by Almighty God personally and is led by Him as the Shepherd. It was definitely not created by a person. Christ is the truth, the way, and the life. God's sheep hear God's voice. As long as you read the words of Almighty God, you will see God has appeared.
Special statement: This video production was produced as a not-for-profit piece by the Church of Almighty God. The actors that appear in this production are performing on a not-for-profit basis, and have not been paid in any way. This video may not be distributed for profit to any third party, and we hope that everyone will share it and distribute it openly. When you distribute it, please note the source. Without the consent of the Church of Almighty God, no organization, social group, or individual may tamper with or misrepresent the contents of this video.


The Church of Almighty God, Eastern Lightning, Church,

Will the Lord Jesus Come as a Thief or Come Upon a Cloud?

by Xiao xi
Shufen was a major co-worker of a church. During the fifteen years of believing in the Lord, she had been actively serving in the church. She thought: Now is the end of the last days. All the prophecies of the Lord’s return have been fulfilled, and even the four blood moons were fulfilled. It seems that the day of the Lord’s return should come. To welcome the Lord’s return, recently she led the brothers and sisters to discuss the way for the Lord to return.



The Church of Almighty God, Eastern Lightning, Jesus,
Nowadays, all the believers in the Lord are expecting the Lord Jesus’ second coming to bring man into the kingdom of heaven. Especially when people reading the scripture Acts 1:11, “Which also said, You men of Galilee, why stand you gazing up into heaven? this same Jesus, which is taken up from you into heaven, shall so come in like manner as you have seen him go into heaven.”, they think that the Lord left on a white cloud, so he will surely return on a white cloud.