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Showing posts with label Marriage. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Marriage. Show all posts




By Lin Min
The Expectation of Dreams
My parents had quarreled with each other every day since I could remember. I often thought: Maybe Cupid has made a mistake. Otherwise, why do they always quarrel with each other? I won’t do that as they do when I grow up.
Being young, in order to seek the dream in my heart, I wholeheartedly immersed myself in love novels. Every mushy love story deeply attracted my heart and lingered in my mind all the time. I weaved sweet and happy dreams of love and family for myself, longing to grow up quickly, get married earlier and live a happy and sweet life as the heroines.
Marriage, God is Love, salvation,The Pursuit of Dreams
However, dreams were beautiful, but the reality was cruel.
I had never imagined that my first marriage would suffer misfortune. When I learned that my husband betrayed me, I, who thought “Love is above all,” couldn’t bear his overstepping the bounds and then chose to leave without any hesitation.