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Showing posts with label God’s disposition. Show all posts
Showing posts with label God’s disposition. Show all posts


Pictures of the Church of Almighty God,

What Is God’s Will Behind the Parable of the Master and Servant?

By Wang Yan, China

Ever since we were baptized and returned to the Lord, we have often heard our pastors and elders say, “The apostle Paul said, ‘I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith: From now on there is laid up for me a crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous judge, shall give me at that day: and not to me only, but to all them also that love his appearing’ (2 Timothy 4:7–8). As long as we forsake everything, work, suffer and expend for the Lord, and endure to the end, when the Lord returns, we will gain the crown of glory and be lifted up into the kingdom of heaven.”


Pictures of the Church of Almighty God ,Christians gathering

God’s Blessings and Wrath Toward King Solomon

Jan 7, 2019

In the biblical record of King Solomon, he had received great blessings from God, becoming the wisest king in all of history. Israel achieved unprecedented prosperity and flourishing during his reign. However, King Solomon incurred the wrath of Jehovah God by becoming depraved and suffered rejection and condemnation by God. After his death, Israel was split asunder. So how should we know God’s disposition from His two different attitudes toward Solomon? What of His will is God conveying to us? Let’s explore the story of Solomon together.


The Word of Christ in the Last Days | "God's Work, God's Disposition, and God Himself II" (Part Six)

God's words in this video are from the book "Continuation of The Word Appears in the Flesh".

The content of this video:
Job's Testimony Brings Comfort to God
Although God Has Not Revealed Himself to Job, Job Believes in the Sovereignty of God


How to Know God’s Disposition and the Result of His Work - Those People Who Are Not Acknowledged by God

God’s disposition, Knowing God, The Church of Almighty God,
Pictures of the Church of Almighty God

Those People Who Are Not Acknowledged by God
There are some people whose belief has never been acknowledged in God’s heart. In other words, God does not recognize that these people are His followers, because God does not praise their belief.


How to Know God’s Disposition and the Result of His Work - The Starting Point for Fearing God Is to Treat Him Like God

Know God, The Church of Almighty God, God’s disposition
Pictures of the Church of Almighty God

The Starting Point for Fearing God Is to Treat Him Like God
Someone just raised a question: How is it that we know more of God than Job did, yet we still can’t fear God? We touched on this matter a little bit previously, right?


How to Know God’s Disposition and the Result of His Work - Man’s Fate Is Decided by His Attitude Toward God

The Church of Almighty God, Almighty God, Eastern Lightning
Pictures of the Church of Almighty God
Man’s Fate Is Decided by His Attitude Toward God
God is a living God, and just as people perform differently in different situations, God’s attitude toward these performances differs because He is not a puppet, nor is He empty air. Getting to know God’s attitude is a worthy pursuit for mankind. People should learn how, by knowing God’s attitude, they can know God’s disposition and understand His heart bit by bit.


How to Know God’s Disposition and the Result of His Work - People Who Run Away During God’s Work Are Those Who Abandon the True Way

People Who Run Away During God’s Work Are Those Who Abandon the True Way
So why can God give this kind of person such a serious punishment? Why is God so enraged toward them? First of all we know that God’s disposition is majesty, is wrath.


God's Utterance "God's Work, God's Disposition, and God Himself I" (Part Three)

God's words in this video are from the book "Continuation of The Word Appears in the Flesh".
The content of this video:
B. Noah
1. God Intends to Destroy the World With a Flood, Instructs Noah to Build an Ark
2. God’s Blessing to Noah After the Flood


How to Know God’s Disposition and the Result of His Work - God’s Attitude Toward Those Who Run Away During His Work

God’s Attitude Toward Those Who Run Away During His Work
You’ll find this kind of person everywhere: After they have been certain about God’s way, for various reasons, they depart silently and without a parting word to go off and do whatever their heart desires. For the time being, we won’t get into why this person leaves. First we’ll take a look at what God’s attitude is toward this kind of person.


How to Know God’s Disposition and the Result of His Work - People Tend to Define God Based on Experience

People Tend to Define God Based on Experience
When communicating the topic of knowing God, have you noticed something? Have you noticed that God’s current attitude has undergone a change? Is God’s attitude toward mankind unchangeable? Will God always endure like this, extending all of His love and mercy to man indefinitely? This matter also involves the essence of God.


How to Know God’s Disposition and the Result of His Work - Who Sets the Outcome of Man

Who Sets the Outcome of Man
There’s another most important matter, and that’s your attitude toward God. This attitude is crucial! It determines whether ultimately you will walk toward destruction, or into a beautiful destination that God has prepared for you. In the Age of Kingdom, God has already worked for more than 20 years, and over the course of these 20 years perhaps your hearts have been a bit unsure about your performance. However, in God’s heart, He has made an actual and truthful record for each and every one of you.


How to Know God’s Disposition and the Result of His Work - Understand God’s Attitude and Drop All Misconceptions of God

Understand God’s Attitude and Drop All Misconceptions of God
This God that you currently believe in, have you ever thought about what kind of God He is? When He sees an evil person doing evil things, does He despise it? (He despises it.) When He sees the mistakes of ignorant people, what is His attitude? (Sadness.) When He sees people stealing His offerings, what is His attitude? (He despises them.) This is all very clear, right?


How to Know God’s Disposition and the Result of His Work - A Practical Question Brings About All Kinds of Embarrassments in People

The Church of Almighty God, God’s disposition, Eastern Lightning

A Practical Question Brings About All Kinds of Embarrassments in People
There is another type of person who has the most tragic outcome of all. These are the ones that I like mentioning the least. It’s not tragic because this person receives God’s punishment, or that God’s demands on them are harsh and they have a tragic outcome.


How to Know God’s Disposition and the Result of His Work - How God Establishes Man’s Outcome and the Standard by Which He Establishes Man’s Outcome

The Church of Almighty God, Almighty God, Eastern Lightning
Pictures of the Church of Almighty God
How God Establishes Man’s Outcome and the Standard by Which He Establishes Man’s Outcome
Before you have any of your own views or conclusions, you should first understand God’s attitude toward you, what God is thinking, and then decide whether or not your own thinking is correct.


How to Know God’s Disposition and the Result of His Work - To Not Fear God and Shun Evil Is to Oppose God

The Church of Almighty God, God’s disposition, God’s work,  Eastern Lightning
Pictures of the Church of Almighty God

To Not Fear God and Shun Evil Is to Oppose God
Let’s begin by addressing where this saying “fear God and shun evil” came from. (The Book of Job.) Now that you’ve mentioned Job, let’s discuss him.


How to Know God’s Disposition and the Result of His Work - God Makes Use of Different Trials to Test Whether People Fear God and Shun Evil

God Makes Use of Different Trials to Test Whether People Fear God and Shun Evil
In every age, God bestows some words upon man when He works in the world, telling man of some truths.


How to Know God’s Disposition and the Result of His Work - Walk in God’s Way: Fear God and Shun Evil

The Church of Almighty God,  God’s disposition, God's work, Eastern Lightning
Pictures of the Church of Almighty God

Walk in God’s Way: Fear God and Shun Evil
There’s a saying you should take notes of. I believe this saying is very important, because for Me it comes to mind countless times every single day. Why is that?


How to Know God’s Disposition and the Result of His Work - There Are Many Opinions Concerning the Standard With Which God Establishes Man’s Outcome

There Are Many Opinions Concerning the Standard With Which God Establishes Man’s Outcome
Let’s come back to this topic and continue discussing the matter of outcome.
Since every person is concerned with their outcome, do you know how God determines that outcome? In what manner does God establish a person’s outcome? And what kind of standard does He use to establish a person’s outcome? And when man’s outcome has yet to be established, what does God do to reveal this outcome? Does anyone know this?


How to Know God’s Disposition and the Result of His Work - People’s Beliefs Cannot Substitute for the Truth

The Church of Almighty God, Almighty God, Eastern Lightning
Pictures of the Church of Almighty God

People’s Beliefs Cannot Substitute for the Truth
There are some people who can bear hardships; they can pay the price; their outward behavior is very good; they are well respected; and they have the admiration of others. What do you think: Can this kind of outward behavior be regarded as putting truth into practice?


How to Know God’s Disposition and the Result of His Work - The Outcome’s Weight in People’s Hearts

The Church of Almighty God, Almighty God, Eastern Lightning
Pictures of the Church of Almighty God

The Outcome’s Weight in People’s Hearts
It seems like you have got something in your hearts about the way you should walk in and you have developed a good grasp and understanding of it. But whether everything you said turns out to be hollow words or actual reality depends on what you pay attention to in your day-to-day practice.