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Showing posts with label God's Authority. Show all posts
Showing posts with label God's Authority. Show all posts



God's Utterance "God Himself, the Unique (III) God's Authority (II)"  

Almighty God says, "God’s authority is everywhere, at every hour, at every instant. If heaven and earth were to pass away, His authority would never pass away, for He is God Himself, He possesses the unique authority, and His authority is not restricted or limited by people, events, or things, by space or by geography.


God's Utterance "God Himself, the Unique (III) God's Authority (II)" (Part Five)  

God's words in this video are from the book "Continuation of The Word Appears in the Flesh".
The content of this video:
1. Do Not Miss the Opportunity to Know the Creator’s Sovereignty
2. No One Can Change the Fact That God Holds Sovereignty Over Human Fate
3. The Proper Attitude and Practice for One Who Wishes to Submit to God’s Authority
4. Accepting God as Your Unique Master Is the First Step in Attaining Salvation

Read more: Is Eastern Lightning the Return of the Lord Jesus?
                The Church of Almighty God was founded by Almighty God personally


God's Utterance "God Himself, the Unique (III) God's Authority (II)" (Part Two)

God's words in this video are from the book "Continuation of The Word Appears in the Flesh".

The content of this video:

The Six Junctures in a Human Life

Birth: The First Juncture

1. A New Life Is Born Out of the Creator’s Plans

2. Why Different Human Beings Are Born Under Different Circumstances


The Church of Almighty God | Christian Music | Praise and Worship | "All Things Live in the Rules and Laws Set Down by God"

1. Thousands of years passed by, humans still enjoy the light and the air bestowed by God. Humans still breathe in and out the breath exhaled by God Himself. Humans still enjoy things created by God, the fish, birds, flowers and insects. Humans enjoy all the things, all the things provided by God.