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Showing posts with label Dance and Song Videos. Show all posts



"After two thousand years of waiting and hoping, God has come and appeared to mankind in the flesh, and speaks with us face-to-face. We can listen to God’s words with our own ears, so how could we not be grateful? How could we not weep? God has always cared for us—He has listened to our prayers! He knows we have been longing for His arrival! Now He truly has returned! What are we still waiting for? 
Please stay tuned for the musical drama of the Church of Almighty God—Every Nation Worships the Practical God!

Every Nation Worships the Practical God

1. This time, God comes to do work not in a spiritual body but in a very ordinary one. Not only is it the body of God’s second incarnation, but also the body in which God returns. It is a very ordinary flesh. In Him, you cannot see anything that is different from others, but you can receive from Him the truths you have never heard before, receive from Him the truths you have never heard before. This insignificant flesh is the embodiment of all the words of truth from God, that which undertakes God’s work in the last days, and an expression of the whole of God’s disposition for man to come to know. Did you not desire greatly to see the God in heaven? Did you not desire greatly to understand the God in heaven? Did you not desire greatly to see the destination of mankind? He will tell you all these secrets that no one can ever tell you, and He will even tell you of the truths that you do not understand. He is your gate into the kingdom, and your guide into the new age.
2. Such an ordinary flesh holds many unfathomable mysteries. His deeds may be inscrutable to you, but the goal of all the work He does is sufficient for you to see that He is not a simple flesh as man believes. For He represents the will of God as well as the care shown by God toward mankind in the last days. For He represents the will of God as well as the care shown by God toward mankind in the last days. Though you cannot hear the words He speaks that seem to shake the heavens and earth or see His eyes like blazing flames, and though you cannot feel the discipline of His iron rod, you can hear from His words the fury of God and know that God shows compassion for mankind; you can see the righteous disposition of God and His wisdom, and moreover, realize the concern and care that God has for all mankind.
3. The work of God in the last days is to allow man to see the God in heaven live among men on earth, and to enable man to come to know, obey, revere, and love God. This is why He has returned to flesh for a second time. Though what man sees this day is a God that is the same as man, a God with a nose and two eyes, and an unremarkable God, in the end God will show you that without the existence of this man, the heaven and earth will undergo a tremendous change; without the existence of this man, the heaven will grow dim, the earth will become chaos, and all mankind will live in famine and plagues. He will show you that without the salvation of God incarnate in the last days, then God would have long ago destroyed all mankind in hell; without the existence of this flesh, then you would forever be chief of sinners and corpses evermore.
4. You should know that without the existence of this flesh, all mankind would face an inevitable calamity and find it difficult to escape God’s more severe punishment of mankind in the last days. Without the birth of this ordinary flesh, you would all be in a state where neither life nor death will come no matter how you seek it; without the existence of this flesh, then this day you would not be able to receive the truth and come before the throne of God. Rather, you would be punished by God because of your grievous sins. Rather, you would be punished by God because of your grievous sins. Do you know? If not for the return of God to the flesh, none would have a chance at salvation; and if not for the coming of this flesh, God would have long ago ended the age of old. As such, can you still reject the second incarnation of God? Since you can so greatly profit from this ordinary man, then why would you not accept Him readily?
5. In the end every nation shall worship this ordinary man, as well as give thanks to and obey this insignificant man. Because it is He who has brought the truth, the life, and the way to save all mankind, ease the conflict between God and man, bring God and man closer together, and communicate thoughts between God and man. It is also He who has brought even greater glory to God. Is not an ordinary man such as this worthy of your trust and adoration? Is such an ordinary flesh not fit to be called Christ? Can such an ordinary man not be the expression of God among men? Is not such a man who helps mankind be spared disaster worthy of your love and for you to hold? Is not such a man worthy of your love and for you to hold?
from “Do You Know? God Has Done a Great Thing Among Men” in The Word Appears in the Flesh
Recommendation: Eastern Lightning, The Church of Almighty God was founded by Almighty God personally



Under a starry, quiet and peaceful night sky, a group of Christians earnestly awaiting the return of the Savior sing and dance to cheerful music. When they hear the joyful news “God has returned” and “God has uttered new words”, they are surprised and excited. They think: “God has returned? He has already appeared?!” With curiosity and uncertainty, one after another, they step into the journey of seeking God’s new words. In their arduous seeking, some people are questioning while others simply accept it. Some people look on without comment, while others make suggestions and search for answers in the Bible—they look but in the end it is fruitless…. Just when they become discouraged, a witness brings them a copy of the Age of Kingdom Bible, and they are deeply attracted to the words in the book. What kind of book is this really? Have they actually found the new words that God has uttered in that book? Have they welcomed the appearance of God?
“Did you not desire greatly to see the God in heaven? Did you not desire greatly to understand the God in heaven? Did you not desire greatly to see the destination of mankind? He will tell you all these secrets that no man has been able to tell you, and He will even tell you of the truths that you do not understand” (The Word Appears in the Flesh). Please stay tuned for the musical drama of the Church of Almighty God—Every Nation Worships the Practical God!
Recommendation: Eastern Lightning


Songs of Choir:
1.The Sorrow of Corrupt Mankind
2.Man’s True Condition of Being Corrupted by Satan
3.The Practical God Saves Men in Obscurity
1.The Sorrow of Corrupt Mankind
Man walked through the ages with God, yet man knows not that God rules the fate of all things and living beings or how God orchestrates and directs all things. This is something that has eluded man since time immemorial to the present day. As for the reason why, it is not because the ways of God are too elusive, or because the plan of God has yet to be realized, but because the heart and spirit of man are too distant from God. Therefore, even as man follows God, he unknowingly remains in the service of Satan.
None actively seek out the footsteps or appearance of God, and none wish to exist in the care and keeping of God. Rather, they are willing to rely on the corrosion of Satan and the evil one in order to adapt to this world and to the rules of life the wicked mankind follows. At this point, the heart and spirit of man are sacrificed to Satan and become its sustenance, and moreover, become a place in which Satan can reside and a playground for it. In this way, man unknowingly loses his understanding of the principles of being human, and of the worth and purpose of human existence. The laws from God and the covenant between God and man gradually fade away in man’s heart until man no longer seeks or pays heed to God, no longer seeks or pays heed to God. As time passes, man no longer understands why God created man, nor does he understand the words that come from the mouth of God or realize all that is from God. Man begins to resist the laws and decrees from God; the heart and spirit of man become deadened. …God loses the man of His original creation, and man loses the root of his beginning. This is the sorrow of this mankind, this is the sorrow of this mankind. Woo … woo … woo … woo….
from “God is the Source of Man’s Life” in The Word Appears in the Flesh
2. Man’s True Condition of Being Corrupted by Satan
For so many years, the thought man lives by has corrupted man’s heart, man’s heart. So man becomes crafty, cowardly, and base. Man has no perseverance or resolution, and is greedy and frail and willful. He does not have the will to transcend himself at all, much less have any courage to break away from the bondage of the influence of darkness. Man has a depraved mind and leads a depraved life. Man’s viewpoint of believing in God is still awful, and it is even intolerable to the ear, intolerable to the ear once it is spoken of. All men are cowardly, powerless, base, and fragile. They do not feel loathing for the force of darkness, and do not love the light and the truth, but they do their possible to drive them out. All men are cowardly, powerless, base, and fragile. They do not feel loathing for the force of darkness, and do not love the light and the truth, but they do their possible to drive them out.
from “Why Are You Not Willing to Be a Setoff?” in The Word Appears in the Flesh
3. The Practical God Saves Men in Obscurity
God has become flesh this time to do the work that He has yet to complete, to judge this age and bring it to a close, to save man from the sea of affliction, to utterly conquer man and transform their life disposition, and to free man from the suffering and oppression of dark forces that are black as night. Many are the sleepless nights that God has endured for the sake of the work of mankind. He comes from up high to the lowest depths and lives in the living hell. Ah! He passes His days with man, and has never complained of the shabbiness among man. He never asks too much of man, but endures the greatest humiliation as He personally carries out His work. For the whole of mankind to find rest sooner, He has endured humiliation and suffered injustice to come to earth, and personally entered into the tiger’s den to save man. How many times has He faced the stars, how many times has He departed at dawn and returned at dusk, enduring great agony, enduring the attacks and “breaking” of man. God has come to this filthy land, and quietly accepts the ravages of man, accepts oppression of man.
from “Work and Entry (9)” in The Word Appears in the Flesh 
Eastern Lightning, The Church of Almighty God was created because of the appearance and work of Almighty God, the second coming of the Lord Jesus, Christ of the last days. It is made up of all those who accept Almighty God's work in the last days and are conquered and saved by His words. It was entirely founded by Almighty God personally and is led by Him as the Shepherd. It was definitely not created by a person. Christ is the truth, the way, and the life. God's sheep hear God's voice. As long as you read the words of Almighty God, you will see God has appeared.


God gave His glory to Israel then moved it away from there,
bringing the Israelites and bringing all men to the East.
God has led them all to the “light”
so that they may be reunited and associate with light,
no longer have to search, search for the light.
God will let all who are in search see the light again
and the glory He had in Israel,
see God has come down upon a white cloud among men,
see the clouds of white, see the clusters of fruit,
see Jehovah God of Israel, God of Israel,
see the “Master” of the Jews,
see the longed-for Messiah,
and the full appearance of Him persecuted by kings throughout the ages.
God will do the work of the universe and perform great works,
showing all His glory and all His deeds
to man in the last days.
God will show His full countenance of glory to those who have awaited Him for many years,
to those who have longed for Him to come upon a white cloud,
to Israel that has longed for Him to appear once more,
to all mankind who persecute God.
So all will know God has long ago taken away His glory
and brought it to the East. It’s not in Judea,
for the last days have come!
from “The Seven Thunders Peal—Prophesying That the Kingdom Gospel Shall Spread Throughout the Universe” in The Word Appears in the Flesh
Read more: Is Eastern Lightning the Return of the Lord Jesus?
                   The Church of Almighty God was founded by Almighty God personally


Loving each other, we are family. Ah … ah….
Right here, right now, we get together; a gathering of people loving God.
Without bias, closely attached, happiness and sweetness filling our hearts.
Yesterday we left regret and guilt; today we understand each other, live in God’s love.
Together, so happy we are, free from flesh. Brothers, sisters, love each other; we are family.
Without bias, closely attached. Ah … ah….


Dear practical God, You do love me,
lifting me from the dunghill, judging me with Your word.
I’ve been purified, now I live a life of happiness.
From the bottom of my heart, I felt You raised me up.
Ah … ah … ah … ah…. Dear practical God,
I’ll love You all my life, have my duty faithfully fulfilled.
God You never shun from me for my foolishness.
You always think of me, keeping me in Your heart.
Ignoring how I disobeyed, trying hard to save me.
Expecting I can soon be changed into a new one.
Ah … ah … ah … ah…. Dear practical God,
I’ll love You all my life, have my duty faithfully fulfilled.
Dear practical God, I’m so grateful to You.
I really don’t know, how to repay Your grace.
I’ll pursue a true love for You, I will satisfy Your heart.
I won’t let Your price paid in vain. I won’t let You down.
Ah … ah … ah … ah…. Dear practical God,
I’ll love You all my life, have my duty faithfully fulfilled.
Ah … ah … ah … ah…. Dear practical God,
I’ll love You all my life, have my duty faithfully fulfilled.
                                                       Source: "I'm Willing to Perform My Duty Faithfully"
                                                       Recommendation: The Church of Almighty God


       The Millennial Kingdom has come, and all mysteries have been revealed. All peoples come to seek the true light and submit before the throne of the true God. The whole earth is full of joyous exaltation. The people of God are drumming and singing to praise God, which presents an inspiring and joyful picture….





 The New Jerusalem has descended from heaven; God’s word has appeared in the flesh. God’s chosen people witness with their own eyes that everything God says is accomplished and fulfilled one after the other, and that God’s word is reigning on the whole earth. The long-awaited Millennial Kingdom has descended to earth. All God’s people are heartily enjoying God’s abundance and proclaiming God’s word. They are singing and dancing to praise the arrival of the day that God is glorified.

Singing of the Millennial Kingdom Descending Among Men

   1. The Millennial Kingdom has descended among men, God’s word has conquered the whole earth, reigning on the whole earth, reigning on the whole earth, and everything has come into being and stood fast because of God’s word, because of God’s word, for us to see with our own eyes, for us to see with our own eyes. We shout for joy, and we sing, singing of the Millennial Kingdom having descended to earth. We shout for joy, and we sing, singing of the New Jerusalem descending from heaven. God’s word is among us and lives with, lives with us, accompanying our every act and move,every mind and thought.

     2. The only true almighty God who is self-existing and ever-existing, Your word has appeared in the flesh, living and real for all people to see. Your words from before the ages until today have been accomplished one by one, accomplished one by one and fulfilled one by one. We shout for joy, and we sing, singing of God’s word displaying authority and power. We shout for joy, and we sing, singing of God’s word ruling on earth, on earth. God has gained, has gained greater glory on earth. God’s word has occupied our whole being for us to become God’s manifestation, become God’s manifestation.

     3. All people on the whole earth, adult or child, male or female, old or young, are proclaiming God’s word. All people become subject under God’s word and come to worship God. The whole kingdom is a scene of jubilation. We shout for joy, and we sing, singing of the coming of the day God gains glory. We shout for joy, and we sing, singing of God’s deeds having been revealed. Only the practical God is the spring of living water, the spring of living water, ever-flowing, for us to enjoy, for us to enjoy and to nourish our hearts.

4. The beautiful prospect of the kingdom is bright and even more infinite. All God’s people are beaming with smiles in heart, for what has long been expected has now become a reality. How could we not dance for joy and give glory to God? We shout for joy, and we sing, singing of and praising God’s almightiness and wisdom. We shout for joy, and we sing, singing of God’s work having been crowned with success. We shout for joy, and we sing. The practical God is personally leading us into the good land of Canaan to enjoy God’s riches, to enjoy God’s riches.