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Showing posts with label Christian-Movie-Reviews. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Christian-Movie-Reviews. Show all posts


Recommended: Where Is My Home (English Dubbed / Full Movie)
This film was adapted from a Christian’s real-life experiences; this moving story is full of twists and turns and profoundly meaningful.
The Church of Almighty God, Eastern Lightning, The Church,The director related this story by combining an overt storyline with a covert storyline, delving into a deeper understanding of “home.” In the overt storyline, tragedy befalls the protagonist Wenya—her parents divorce when she’s two years old and establish separate households. She lives with her father, but her stepmother refuses to tolerate her. Her mother is constantly busy with her own business and has no time to look after her. Little Wenya is constantly bounced around between her father, her mother, and the homes of friends and relatives. After growing up, she and her father come to rely heavily upon each other, but she is faced with one misfortune after another. Just when her college entrance exams are right around the corner, her mother has a stroke, and her father has late-stage liver cancer; she has no choice but to enlist the help of friends and relatives, but they all drift away, one after another. Wenya falls into very difficult circumstances …
Wenya’s paintings serve as important props in the film. They appear a number of times from beginning to end as an emotional expression, reflecting the process of change she undergoes deep in her heart and furthering the development of the plot. At first her paintings show the four-person family living together happily, but later she and her father appear on one piece of paper while her mother and sister appear on another. The happy family was split into two. When Wenya asks her sister in her childlike way, “Why do all the other kids only have one home, but we have two?” her sister places the two pieces of paper together and says, “Here, now we’re all together.” The two children’s innocent dialogue is starkly contrasted with the cruelty of reality, inspiring love and affection for Wenya in audience’s hearts. And providing more food for thought: As modern society continues to focus on money more and more, affections between relatives and friends become more indifferent, and social phenomena such as left-behind children and old empty-nesters become more serious. What do these things really mean for humanity?
Just as Wenya was suffering and without recourse, two sisters from the Church of Almighty God bore witness to Wenya, her mother and sister on the work of Almighty God in the last days. They came to understand the root of pain in people's lives from the words of Almighty God, and understood that only if people come in front of God can they gain God's protection and live in happiness. Only through the comfort of God's words were mother and daughters able to come out from their pain and helplessness. Wenya genuinely experienced the love and mercy of God; she finally felt the warmth of a home, and came into a true home. …
Read more: Is Eastern Lightning the Return of the Lord Jesus?


The Church of Almighty God, Eastern Lightning, Almighty God,

Why Does the Truth Have Been Persecuted Since Ancient Times?

By Qin Mo, USA
After I watched this movie, it made me think of something to write. At the beginning of the movie, a winding road led to high mountains and lofty hills, and then the words “Perilous Is the Road to the Heavenly Kingdom” appeared among the mountains. What messages did it want to pass on?